Chapter Six

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We make it to Sophia's house, by the time we get there it is 11:45. I text my mom to tell her that I'm staying over at Finns. He insisted on me staying the night because he needs to talk to me.

"So the party was fun." Jack says breaking the awkward silence.

We are all in Sophia's room, sitting on her floor in a circle.

"I had fun hanging with Sadie." Sophia said, "I missed her, we don't really see each other at school anymore."

"Jaeden did you have fun at the party?" Finn asks me. I'm guessing he knows something went on between me and Wyatt, and is obviously trying to get it out of me.

"Yeah Jaeden, did you? We lost you there for a while" Jack responded.

"I-I had fun." I say bluntly.

"Who where you with? I mean you couldn't have been alone the whole time." Sophia mumbles.

"I was with-"

"He was with Wyatt." Finn cuts me off.

"Wyatt?" Jack and Sophia say in sync.

"Yeah, I was with Wyatt, nothing bad happened. You guys dont need to worry. He was nice to me."

"Where were you guys?" Jack questions

"W-we were outside most of the time" I lie. I dont want them to find out where and what we were doing, even though Finn knew we were inside.

"Jaeden we gotta go, my mom is asking where we are" Finn tells me, getting up off the floor, shoving his phone back in his pocket.

I get up off of the floor and grab my extra clothes I left here.

"We'll see you guys tomorrow." Finn tells them.

"You two have fun" Jack laughs.

Finn and Sophia live in the same neighborhood, so me and Finn walk quietly to his house.

"We're home mom!" Finn yells, running up to his room.

"So Jaeden" He starts, closing his bedroom door. "Can we talk about somethings"

"Like?" I get nervous.

"What's on your arms, and what happened at the party... you-you weren't acting like yourself."

"I'm fine Finn."

"If you're so fine give me your arms, sleeves up."

I stand there, pulling my left sleeve, anxiously, not moving. We dont say a word, I look at Finn, the room feels like its spinning. I start to not feel so good.

Finn walks towards me, and grabs my left arm, I pull back.

"Dont test me, Jaeden." He takes my arm again, slowly pulling the sleeve up. He thumb runs over the new marks and old scars. "When'd you do it." He asks me.

"I-I dont remem-"

"Dont lie to me Jaeden. When did you do it." His grip gets stronger, I let our a wince. A cut reopens, exposing fresh blood. Finn drops his hand.

"A few days ago"

"Why'd you start again. What had to have happened for you to think about doing this." I can tell he's angry but tears are welling up in his eyes.

"You dont get it Finn."

"You're right I don't get it, and I dont get why you do it. You do not deserve to do it, you do not deserve to feel any amount of pain that makes you want to physically hurt yourself. No one of this planet does. It breaks my heart Jaeden, that you think that you deserve to hurt yourself." Finn, is now crying, the sight breaks my own heart. I know that my pain is causing him pain, and it makes my heart break.

"I didn't know it would effect you Finn, and I'm really sorry-"

"Of course it effects me! You are my best friend. I would fall apart if I ever lost you." He sobs out. Tears fall from my own eyes as well.

"I'm so sorry" I choke out. We stay there, silent for at least 5 minutes.

Finn breaks the silence. "Now," he sniffs, "what the hell where you thinking at the party" he laughs a little, and smiles.

"I-i guess I wasn't" I reply, looking towards Finn's bed.

"Here, put these on" he throws me a pair of sweats, I toss my shirt off and jeans and put the sweats on. I climb into his bed.

"Now why where you upstairs?" He questions, getting in his bed too.

"I was upstairs- because uhm, i-i was with Wyatt, as you know. I whisper his name.

"Jaeden why where you with him, you hate him."

"I-I know but I was drinking. It was stupid of me."

"What did you guys do up there?"

My heart races "I-I dont- you- I cant tell you." I stutter over my words.

"Why not?" He brows furrow.

"Because you don't know something about me.." I whispered.

"You can tell me Jaeden.." he comforts me

"I made out with Wyatt." I blurt out. Finn's eyes go huge.

"You're straight."

"I'm gay."

"You're gay?" He asks shocked.

"I'm gay."

"You're gay."

"I'm gay"

"You're gay."


"My best friends his.. gay" he perks up. "Oh my God Jaeden! This is amazing- I-I mean thank you for telling me but-" his faces falls. "Oh no, no, no, no. Jaeden- all the jokes I made about you getting a girlfriend- oh my, I'm such an awful person. I am so sorry."

"Dont. Do not be sorry, I dont want you hating yourself." I assure him. "You didn't know Finn, it's in the past. You dont need to worry."

"I feel awful though.. but about Wyatt" he smirks, nudging me, "how'd he do?"

"Oh my God Finn, we didn't have sex" I laugh, "but he was nice. He didn't push me into anything I didnt want to do."

"So how far did you go though, did he give you a little head action" I groan

"No Finn.. I just took my shirt off" he looks at my arms, I cover them.

"Sorry" he whispers. "Did he see-"

"No he didnt." I cut him off.

"Well Jaeden, I am very proud you told me. Now as your best friend, I will tell you some rules, for when you find your boyfriend."

"Plese dont-"

"Rul one, always wear a condom, please. Rule two, tease the shit out of him, in anyway possible- guys love it. Rule three, make sure you are alone when having sex, no one needs to hear or see anything-"

"Okay Finn. I'm done listening. I am going to bed. Good night." I turn away from him.

"Rule four, role playing is fun-" I kick him, "okay, okay good night" he whispers.

Hello my humans, I know this chapter wasn't as long, I hope you guys enjoyed it though.

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