An Odd Welcome Home🏡🏠

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Fore Warning

I am in the process of watching  Season 3 right now for the first time so I will be making these chapters as I do which means I am going to be COMPLETELY lost and unsure of what's going on until I finish each episode

"Why are you screaming like a crazy person!?!"  Michael hears a familiar teasing voice ask she looks up to see Kehau smiling down at her and she shoots up as quickly as her body will allow and hugs the astral projection of her friend "I don't think we've arrived yet but.... it's good to see you!.... the kids will be happy that they finally get to meet their "Aunt Michael" who they have heard stories about"  Kehau informs her once she lets her go and Michael lets out a short breathy chuckle "seeing that I am a little too far away from you I can't stay long but I wanted you to know that we miss you and that you are never as alone as you feel!"  she adds Michael once again chuckles "come on I'll walk with you.... at least until you see another lost living soul where.... WHENever it is you are!"  Kehau says Michael smiles with a grateful expression on her face and the two friends walk the barren land chatting as though no time has past though for them perhaps no time truly has Kehau felt Michael's confusion which in turn made her slightly confused as well but she pushed that feeling back and focused on keeping her friend company for as long as possible that is until Kehau sensed another presence a UNKNOWN presence and she coos playfully with a teasing tone before disappearing "he's cute!"  Michael turns and looks at her oddly then notices that her friend has left her and she prepared her body for whatever was to come knowing full well that she was no longer alone and what was to come was a short fight between her and a man she found to be named "Book" who has a large Tabby cat named Grudge she also finds out that Kehau is once again correct she is way too far in hers or perhaps someone elses future.... Saru walks into his quarters and finds a very disoriented Kehau trying to shake herself awake "what happened!?!"  he asks softly with a concerned tone "I just saw Michael!.... I have no idea how!.... she landed somewhere before us.... if the universe is like that when we get there.... what a lonely place it will be!"  she replies her voice getting softer and softer with each sentence spoken Saru walks over to her and hugs her lightly "do you have time to watch them?!..... I need to rest that was.... disorienting!"  she asks he nods then leads her to their bed helps her lie down covers her up with their blanket she gently grips his arm and pulls him down for a kiss whispering "I love you Saru!"  before closing her eyes and falling into a deep restful slumber "I love you too Kehau!"  he whispers softly he watches her for a few seconds then walks over to their children's cribs where they were just starting to wake up even though it still worries him he has gotten used to the disorientation she feels on occasion for she somehow still ends up connecting to those that miss them.... his sister, Michael's brother and even more oddly Christopher Pike himself.... even though she knows better than to give away too much information about their whereabouts she still talks with them and even brings their growing children who have unfortunately only seen the world through by way of the holodeck and now he knows that whatever timeframe they are about to enter is going to be an.... odd one or as she put it a lonely one.... "he's been waiting for you.... his last true hope!"  Michael hears Kehau whisper into her heart when she and Booker meet Aditya Sahil.... "hope is a powerful thing"  Aditya tells Michael after she raises the Federation flag "sometimes it's the only thing"  Michael replies "our numbers are few our spirit is undiminished"  he says "if there are others out there we'll find them we will"  she promises "all hope is not lost then huh!?!"  she hears Kehau playfully ask with a smile in her tone into her (Michael) heart and she chuckles softly....

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