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"The sphere's internal temperature is approaching ten-to-the-sixth-power Kelvin and rising"  Michael says "our weapons will just disintegrate in that heat"  Rhys replies "solar temperatures"  Keyla says softly "a sign of core collapse Captain, if we are correct, once the transmission is complete, the sphere can die knowing that it will live on after it is gone we can choose to fulfill our part in its destiny, or simply let it fade away unremembered"   Saru says looking from Pike to Kehau once his eyes meet his wife's they are filled with love and sadness "Spock's shuttle is almost out of sensor range, sir"  Owosekun tells Pike "prepare to lower shields if this goes south, overload the Warp Core and eject it at the sphere on my command even at half the distance, the blast will decimate it when it lets go, we divert all power to Shields and try to ride the shock wave to a safe distance"  Pike says as he walks over to where Owo and Keyla sit at their stations "assuming it doesn't vaporize us first"  Nhan says "oh ye of little faith!"  Kehau mutters under her breath Pike smiles at her and says "if there's even half a chance you're correct, I'm bound by my oath and conscience not to let it vanish forever Commanders, take your stations I'll follow your lead"  then he walks over and sits in the Captain's Chair Saru says "Lieutenant Detmer, lower Shields"  Keyla replies "aye, sir Shields down"  Saru says "Bryce, all channels open Owosekun, divert all computing resources to Communications"  Owo replies "yes, Commander here goes nothing"  a few seconds later Michael says "transmission is downloading all library computers are processing at 20% above maximum whatever the sphere is saying, we're getting all of it"  Pike asks "how long until it blows?"  Owo replies "seconds power and energy levels are off the chart"  Pike asks "Detmer, can you put enough distance between us in time?"  Kehau replies softly with a low whispered tone as she places her hand on the Viewscreen as though she was cradling the sphere lovingly like a mother would a sick child in hopes of making him/her feel better even though she knows that the child doesn't have long "I don't think she'll have too!"   then she starts humming a Kelpien lullaby and even though Saru was a ways away from her he was the only one who heard her speak and start humming softly and he tilts his head in wonder at her as Michael says "transmission complete"  Pike orders "Detmer, eject the Warp Core"  Keyla replies "computer controls not responding, sir"  Michael says in a soft rushed tone "detonation confirmed"  Pike orders as Kehau walks back over to Saru's side and he takes her hand in his "hard astern full impulse now"  Saru says as the sphere blows up with an awed tone "ah it is so beautiful the light is almost like.... music"  Pike replies in a soft awed tone "yes, it is I'm at a loss as to how we're still alive to see it"  Michael looks down at her controls and says "the sphere's stasis field reversed polarity a nanosecond before detonation and pushed us clear its final act was to save us so we could tell its story"  Saru places his head on Kehau's shoulder as he continues to stare at the Viewscreen awed by the beauty before him and Kehau wraps her arm around his waist hugging him gently to her.... after hearing the message from Paul that Tilly was ok Kehau says in a soft loving voice to Saru "come on!.... time to get you back in bed!"  he nods in reply and willingly lets her and Michael take him back to his quarters Pike and the rest of the Bridge crew stand and watch them leave with worried expressions on their faces.... when the three of them reach Saru and Kehau's quarters even though Saru wanted Kehau to stay at his side she walks away to give him and Michael some time alone before she left his side she slid her fingers through his threat ganglia which had popped out of the back of his head and it wraps itself around her fingers gently as it always had done Michael chuckles softly as she watches it happen then with one last kiss Kehau walks away Saru grips her hand but doesn't stop her he just hangs on to that one hand until it slides out of his weak yet gentle grip and he watches as Michael picks up a red flower from his homeworld.... even though she walked away from the man she loves and her best friend Kehau stays within viewing distance of Saru's sight which Saru was happy about but he still felt lonely without her right by his side in the moment he felt he needed her there the most though he understood why she walked away it still somewhat hurt his heart to see her leave....

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