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Sarek and Lani got to see real snow for the first time when Kehau took them down to Dannus Five and they had a lot of fun playing in it Kehau even taught them a few Earthly customs by showing them how to make snow angels and helping them build a snowman.... woman, child and cat for it needed a family so it wouldn't be alone and the cat in "honor" of Grudge.... Saru was shocked when his children appeared before him for he knew they were on the planet with their mother he had his crew search for any sign of her and found that she too had disappeared but not in the same place Georgiou did and he began to worry about her the moment he needed her the most and she's missing! he just hoped she was safe wherever she is.... Kehau finds herself in a strange place one she has never seen before and she has seen just about every place known and unknown the only place she has never been in is a Mirror Universe "interesting!"  she whispers to herself as she looks around her she spins when she hears something glass clatter and a woman growl angrily "clumsy bastard!"  she rushes over as the woman who spoke stands up and stares down at a groveling Kelpien as she sets her glass of liquid down on the table before her Kehau rushes over to the woman as she asks the Kelpien who stares up at her in fear "did you just spill kuur sauce on my boots?"  and the Kelpien begs for forgiveness in a soft frightened tone Kehau grips the woman's wrist as she reaches for the frightened Kelpien and growls darkly as she throws the woman making her hit the wall behind the table she was just sitting at "back off!"  the people who were sitting at the table with the woman stand up and get ready to fight "I wouldn't if I were you!"  Kehau growls lowly and they sit back down "I think that's the smartest thing you've ever done in your tiny insufficient lives!"  Kehau tells them and they narrow their eyes at her "like I'm going to be afraid of you!"  she says to those who once again sit at the table "and you stay where you are unless you want to learn how to fly again!"  she says to the woman she threw up against the wall who was starting to stand but stays where she is after she hears those words "Kehau!"  Kehau hears a familiar voice say with a surprised tone as she turns her attention to the Kelpien who stares at her with fear in his eyes she ignores the man she remembers is her husband even in THIS world and says to the frightened Kelpien with a soft kind tone as she reaches her hand out to him "I won't hurt you!"  the Kelpien cautiously takes her hand and she helps him up "I fear the madness has taken you perhaps you should get that checked!"  Kehau says to the Mirror Universe's Saru who had walked over as she was helping the Kelpien "the madness has not taken me! I know my own wife!"  Saru replies "do I LOOK like your WIFE!?!"  she asks his eyes widen when he realizes that she looks different than he remembered and he backs away in shock as she helps the Kelpien leave the room.... Kehau takes the Kelpien back to his quarters then allows her curiosity take over and wanders the ship and meets another familiar face once more "Gabriel!"  she whispers with a soft surprised tone the man turns around and asks with a curiously raised eyebrow "do I know you!?! certainly I would remember a beauty such as yourself!"  she smirks and replies "flattery will get you nowhere with me Lorca! though you may call me Lani and no I do not believe you have ever had the honor before but I have heard quite a bit about you!"  he smiles and says "really!?! do tell! what have you heard!?!"  she walks over to him and loops her arm through his then tells him a story one even she was surprised she knew for she has never been to Terra Firma before.... Lorca and Kehau watch the dramatic performance that reenacted Georgiou's rise to her throne side by side and Lorca behaved quite well for a man infatuated with the woman sitting by his side he didn't touch nor look at her instead he spoke to her in soft whispers about random things ignoring everything but her for he found her intriguing as well they of course clapped when it had ended... "that's not very smart!"  Gabriel hears Kehau whisper as they watch Paul walk towards the Emperor he looks at her curiously then watches as Georgiou stabs Stamets in the neck and his eyes widen at the sight "as we Christen the Charon.... forces have been plotting against our Empire one disloyal individual can destroy everything which we have built everything we will yet become and I will not allow that"  Georgiou tells her subjects yes she saw Kehau save the Kelpien and she even sees her in the audience with Lorca but at this very moment "her" Michael is her main "prize" so she focused mainly on her and not on the other betrayer.... Lorca not Kehau.... and just like Kehau she did not understand why a woman she hardly knew was sent to this world/memory as well but as I said she was not worried about her for she surprisingly TRUSTS her and she knew from the stories she has heard around the ship just how close Kehau was/IS to the Lorca she knew.... which is pretty much the same Lorca in some oddly unique way.... so she knew the cyan colored woman could "make him behave".... after she speaks Georgiou walks back to her thrown and Michael stands up out of her chair then shouts as she turns to face her "mother" "long live Georgiou!"  the people around her stand and repeat her words "Terra Firma!"  Michael shouts as she salutes in her Empire's way "that lipstick does not suit her"  Kehau whispers as the people shout "Terra Eterna!"  Lorca chuckles softly as Michael turns and walks out of the room Lorca stands to follow but stops when he feels Kehau's hand gently slam on top of his and he smirks softly as he sits back down.... Lorca took Kehau with him as he flew to wherever he wished to go enjoying the fact that she stayed with him and the expression of wonder and on occasion awe at the beauty of the worlds he took her to the only thing he disliked was that his charms didn't work on her that he couldn't get her to love him like he did with Michael who may have been a little too easy but he did love a challenge and the woman at his side was indeed challenging.... there were now two Kehau's in Terra Firma the Kehau that is Saru's wife.... who serves Michael AFTER she was "brought back into the fold".... and the Discovery's Kehau who travels with Lorca to many unknown worlds making him forget for a time what his true plans for the world he wishes to control are... though that is not Kehau's intent she just missed her friend and he is still quite the same man she once knew and yet still different in some ways she also seems to be connected to him as well which makes her wonder if THIS Lorca is the same Lorca who is on the Discovery of HER universe at this time which in turn makes her wonder what he was doing here now with her at this very moment was he there to "keep her company" while she was lost in a universe she knew she didn't belong?! and had no idea why or how she got there her main worry was who was looking after her children for she knew her friends and family maybe too busy to do it themselves.... the Kehau of Terra Firma helps her husband fight the ones who betrayed his Emperor who neither of them were able to save since they were busy with the betrayers....

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