🌎🌍🌏 Earth The Final Frontier And The New Acting Captian

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"I don't trust her!"  Saru hears Kehaulani whisper to him from inside his heart as he looks over at the Emperor of the Terran Empire who now sits in the Captain's Chair with an unreadable smirk on her face "nor do I!"  he whispers back unsure if the words he spoke were said out loud or into Kehaulani's heart as they were meant to go but no one looked at him so he guessed that they were not said out loud and his body relaxed just a tiny bit as it sighs with relief.... he found it odd that he could still feel her even though she wasn't there then he remembered how she "left" then "came back" from their sister ship back when they found the Tardigrade and it somewhat started to make a little bit more sense though he also saw that he was the only one who could sense her.... Saru did not see Kehaulani again till just before they reached Earth yes the Admiral had left The Discovery but he still felt he needed to abide by the rule she laid out for him.... for the time being anyway.... he held her hand as they were transported to Earth and watched her as she looked around with eyes full of wonder once they reached the fresh air of the outdoors "just how long were you captive!?!"  he asks softly "too long!.... far far too long!"  she whispers back he looks at her sadly and she turns to him wrapping her arms around his neck "so what's this I hear about us being married!?!"  she teasingly asks he blushes she chuckles as he stammers incoherently he looks at her with a "why you goofball!" sort of expression on his face and she kisses his lips with a smile on hers.... she was not allowed within the walls of the Federation as the crew of the Discovery got their medal of honor.... "don't worry about me Saru I'll be fine!.... besides.... I am rather enjoying the feeling of fresh air.... the sense of calmness I have not felt since long before my arrival on the Discovery.... it's a nice change and I would like to feel as much of it as I can before we have to return home"  Kehaulani tells him holding his hands in her own while locking her eyes with his "Kehau!?!"  he replies with soft surprise as she first starts to speak "....you...!?!"  he says after she finishes she nods with a smile and says "anywhere you are.... that is home to me!"  he kisses her with a deep soft passion then follows the rest of his crew inside "we'll have to turn your lie into the truth one of these days Acting Captian!"  she softly shouts after him and he turns around with a smile on his face "that we will!.... but it never truly was a lie was it?!"  he replies then he turns around and continues walking into the building she chuckles and shakes her head.... Kehaulani had asked Sarek to preform the marriage between her and Saru for she could not think of anyone better to "give her away" and he.... much to her surprise.... agreed so before everyone returned to the Discovery Kehaulani's Vulcan friend.... who remembers her as a girl named Lani.... directed the marriage between Saru and Kehaulani in the best way he could.... trying not to be "too Vulcan" when he did so though it didn't matter to her if he was.... he of course "did his homework" and found out as much as he could on the many different ways each species married and did his best to mix each in just a little bit without going too far into the extreme ways that some preform such a feat.... for example the Betazoids.... and he still made it what many would call beautiful the entire crew of the Discovery was there as well as Sarek's human wife who Kehaulani had been introduced to before the wedding began....

With Saru being Acting Captain once more he "removed" the "insanely silly" rule of his WIFE not being allowed anywhere on the ship.... including Bridge and Engineering.... "Captian on the Bridge"  Tilly says as Kehau (Kehaulani), Saru and Sarek walk onto the bridge "Acting Captian"  Saru corrects "must you correct everybody!?!"  Kehau teases with a chuckle in her tone Saru turns his head and narrows his eyes at her and she smiles he shakes his head then says as he walks over then sits down in the captain's chair and Sarek and Kehau stand beside him "please take your stations Lieutenant Detmer, set course for Vulcan and engage - at maximum warp"  Keyla turns in her station chair and says "aye, sir"  then she turns back around and does as ordered as they were at warp Bryce says "incoming transmission"  Saru replies "identify the source, please"  Bryce says "I'm getting the Federation ID code i....it's choppy trying to clean it up, sir"  Kehau walks over to help him as Saru orders kindly.... as he tries to always do.... "Helm, slow us down"  Keyla replies "dropping us out of warp now, sir"  Bryce tells Saru "hail is from Captain Pike, sir"  Michael says "it's the USS Enterprise"  as the ship appears before them Kehau looks up at the Viewscreen and whispers in a voice so low no one could hear her "loss!"  Sarek who felt a change in his "new" friend looks over at her and she looks over at him "they lost someone!"  she whispers in the same low voice as before not sure he could hear her or read her lips seeing Sarek look over at Kehau Saru also looks over at her and senses a sadness that did not belong to her "Ops, please tell me what is wrong does she need our assistance?"  Saru says "unable to comply, Captain Enterprise is completely off-line"  Owosekun replies turning to face him "except for life support scans show 203 crew members aboard"  Michael says as Sarek stands behind her "the vessel's entire complement is alive they're still sending a priority one distress call, but the signal's too compromised for voice transmission"  Bryce says turning to face Saru Kehau works around him and sends a message through by Morse Code "Morse code might get through!"  Tilly says in a loud voice Kehau chuckles as everyone on the Bridge turns to look at her (Tilly) "sorry sorry it's just there was static you know, then comms kind of turned it down but.... I mean, obviously sorry hey go Comms hey um, can Enterprise switch - to Morse Code?"  Tilly apologizes in her normal nervous eccentric way Kehau shakes her head with a smile "excellent suggestion, Ensign Mr. Bryce, please try that"  Saru says Bryce turns and finds that a message has already been sent "um.... it looks like Kehaulani already did sir!"  Bryce informs him Saru raises an nonexistent eyebrow at her Kehau shrugs playfully with a smile Michael shakes her head at her "a former colleague is an ethnobotanist on that ship I've seen its specs only something catastrophic - could knock her out"  Paul says "- helm, do you detect - any escape pods or shuttles? -"  Saru asks "negative, sir damn, she's a beauty"  Keyla replies whispering the last part to herself "transmission coming through Captain Christopher Pike requests permission to come aboard he has an Engineer and Science Officer with him"  Bryce says "permission granted Commander Burnham, you will join me in welcoming them"  Saru replies as he stands up and looks at Michael "yes, sir"  Michael replies "I had not expected to see Spock again"  Sarek says to Michael "neither had I"  Michael replies "I don't think he's there!"  Kehau whispers softly Sarek looks at her with a sadness in his eyes only she can see Saru reaches his hand out for her and Kehau walks over to him and takes it then the two of them along with Michael head to the Transporter Room....

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