Here We Go Again And Again♾️

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Saru's mind kept going back to the feel and taste of Kehaulani's luscious lips on his thin ones and having her beside him on the Bridge became very distracting but he didn't want her to leave his side so he tried his best to focus on the task at hand which was working at his station.... while sneaking sideways glances at her.... 

*****Attempt number 24****

Michael and Tyler enter the Bridge just as the computer calls out "yellow alert yellow alert"  and Lorca says as he walks to his chair "nice of you two to show up Mr Saru what's hiding from us out there?!"  Kehaulani whispers under her breath "a Gormagander with a really bad stomachache!"  Saru didn't seem to hear her as he replies "the object is not an enemy ship it is an organic lifeform a Gormagander"  Michael looks over at him in surprise then at Tyler who looks back at her "oh for crying out loud all right cancel yellow alert helm find some way to get around it"  Lorca orders "but sir scans show the Gormagander's bio-readings to be highly unstable now according to regulations we are required to transfer it...."  Saru starts "belay that order"  Tyler says as he gets up from his station and Michael concurs by adding "I don't advise that Captain"  Kehaulani looks at the two of them oddly with a raised eyebrow she didn't understand how they would know that the arrival of the Gormagander started it all "the endangered species act is quite clear ignoring our duties would put us in direct violation of established laws and subject or Captain to Court Marshal "  Saru says "perhaps you should send a few security officers along with Michael who has worked with a similar creature.... just as a precaution!.... something seems to have them rattled enough to have them go against their own slightly compassionate hearts.... and take Tilly!"  Kehaulani says looking at Michael who was looking at her oddly Lorca also looks at her oddly but waves Michael and Tyler towards the Turbolift Michael and Tyler speed walk towards the Turbolift.... a minute or so later they all hear the computer call out "Black Alert Black Alert Spore Drive activated"  Saru looks at Kehaulani who looks worried as Lorca says as he climbs out of his chair "I didn't order a Spore Jump"  Airiam turns in her seat and says "I did not activate it sir"  Lorca orders "computer show me Engineering"  the computer replies "denied"  Lorca hits the com button on Owosekun's station and orders "Tyler get to Engineering go, go, go!"  Lorca hears Kehaulani whisper softly "Mudd!"  he looks at her with a confused expression "what did you say!?!"  she replies "there was a man.... named Mudd.... he's trying to figure out how to work the Spore Drive.... he claimed to want to sell it the knowledge to the Klingons.... no I didn't see him before arriving!.... I arrived with Saru remember?! and he would never leave information such as a strange man he has never seen before wandering the ship!.... I've just lived this.... one too many times!.... and each time he learns something new and uses it to gain full control of the ship.... this is something beyond my control!.... I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner I just hoped.... that it was all a nightmare!.... one that I keep living over and over!.... it feels so neverending!.... I don't know how much more I can take!"  she looks into Saru's eyes and when he sees tears start to form in hers he hugs her close once again trying to comfort her she feels Lorca gently pat her shoulder then hears him walk to his chair and sit down as the information she told him starts to sink in then he looks at her and asks "how many times!?!"  she replies turning her head to look at him without letting go of Saru's waist "I've lost count.... your "friend" also seems quite full of himself so if done right he could be easily fooled!"  at that moment they hear the computer say "warning Critical Drive Overload in 60 seconds"  they all sat and stood in silence for awhile for they knew that there was nothing that they could do the computer then calls out "warning Critical Drive Overload imminent...."  Kehaulani knew that Lorca hated not having the power to control everything that happens on his ship she could feel his anger boil which didn't help the weird pain in her stomach any but she didn't have to worry about it anymore this time around for the computer once again calls out "warning Critical Drive overload in 20 seconds.... warning Drive Overload Critical"  and the entire ship blows up and once again Kehaulani wakes up next to Saru though she has yet to kiss him once more she didn't really see the point.... why allow him to taste a flavor he would forget when they had to repeat the same day over again....

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