🌐🌎🌍🌏The Future Of Earth Left Uncertain🌎🌍🌏🌐

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metallurgy defined by Google as: the branch of science and technology concerned with the properties of metals and their production and purification

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metallurgy defined by Google as: the branch of science and technology concerned with the properties of metals and their production and purification.

Kehau walks onto the Bridge just as 2 ships from the Earths orbit approach the Discovery and a bored looking woman with big lips appears on the Viewscreen and says as she looks around at the crew on the Discovery seemingly missing Kehau's entry "a Viewscreen, how quaint I am Captain Ndoye of the United Earth Defense Force your vessel has violated regulations C-1922 and F-031 of the UE-Charter by reaching Earth's perimeter leave immediately you are not welcome here"  Saru looks to his side when he hears his wife whisper softly "is it just me or does she look bored?! or maybe that's how she always looks who am I to say!"  then he sees her place her finger over her lips and he knows that the black woman on the screen can not see her Michael looks over at her friend and hides a smile then she also sees her place her finger over her lips and she knows the same thing Saru knows and it becomes harder for her to hide her smile but she somehow manages it as Saru turns his attention back to Captain Ndoye and says "I am Captian Saru of the USS Discovery we are a Starfleet Vessel and unfamiliar with the United Earth Defense Force are you a branch of the Federation?"  Ndoye replies "your ship is not in our records"  Saru says as Kehau takes his hand in hers "Discovery was on a long term classified scientific expedition we are the descendants of it's original crew"  Ndoye asks "and you've continued to function as a Starfleet vessel?"  Saru replies "we have we wish to contact a Starfleet officer who's message we received Earth was it's point of origin"  Ndoye says "your vessel's configuration and metallurgy suggest 23rd to 25th century construction I find it quite odd that it remains in service"  Kehau jokingly whispers "she speaks about us as if we're old!"  Saru replies within her heart "that's because we are!"  she laughs and he hides a smile then says to Ndoye "there is no need to replace that which is not broken"  Ndoye asks "how did your ship survive The Burn?"  Saru replies "it was not at Warp at the time"  Ndoye says "for us to consider your request, your ship and crew will undergo a mandatory inspection any evidence of Piracy will be dealt with severely"  Saru squeezes his wife's hand gently as Book and Michael leave the Bridge "Piracy? very well, Captian Ndoye we will prepare for your arrival"  Saru says "we will be beaming aboard now"  Ndoye replies Saru feels his wife let go of his hand and he asks within her heart "where are you going!?!"  she replies "I left the children with Hugh I'm going to go check on them"  he discreetly nods and feels her leave the Bridge.... just as Kehau picks her children up out of their crib a being with a phaser pointed at her pops up in front of her "don't you point that at me!"  she orders and the being lowers his phaser whether it was because of her beauty or because he didn't perceive her as a threat since she's a woman alone and has 2 one and a half year olds in her arms who's to say though she did look quite threatening but in a protective way than a dangerous to him way "and get out of my quarters!"  she orders making him jump he looks around him and finds that he did indeed end up in someone's "home" instead of a station and he stumbles with his words as he says nervously "I-I'm sorry ma'am, excuse me!"  then he walks out of the room missing the fact that the beauty chuckled at his departing figure "at least we have clothes on huh?!"  she whispers to her children then she bursts out laughing.... when Book and Michael enter Book's ship they find Kehau and her children playing with his cat "how did you get onboard!?! and how did you get her to do.... THAT!?!"  Book asks with a surprised tone Michael chuckles as they watch the two children gently comb/pull on Grudge's fur and Grudge taking it "like a man/the regal queen she is" acting like she doesn't have a care in the world as she lays there and lets them do what they were doing "you know what never mind!"  Book says shaking his head in disbelief Michael laughs "you know I don't think you comb her enough she's so matted!"  Kehau teases Michael's laughter grows "alright that's it get off my ship!"  Book says then he sees Kehau smile and he scoffs raising his hands in defeat and he and Michael head off to do what they had planned to do from the start.... a few minutes later Book notices that Grudge has taken his place on top of the controls and he turns to find all three of his uninvited guests gone "where did they....!?!"   he whispers with a soft shocked tone then he turns his attention to the Viewscreen....

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