🚀Making The Trip To Their New Home🏡

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Both Kehaulani and Michael sat side by side in silence throughout the whole trip in the tiny transport shuttle that was headed for the Tellun system the only difference was Michael sat staring straight ahead and Kehaulani sat sideways in her seat looking out at the stars with a excited sparkle in her eyes for she has never seen the stars in such a way before she hugged her knees and pressed her body as close to the seat as possible for she didn't like the looks of the male prisoners that were making their intentions known but not so "obvious" that they were licking their lips though she could see their hands try to reach for her if it wasn't for Michael and her "dark evil" stares they probably would try to touch her in a sexual manner as they were probably already doing in their disgustingly twisted minds Kehaulani's fingers slowly reach up and touch the glass of the ship as little crystallized stars float over them like snow she didn't hear anything the other passengers were saying until she heard Michael say softly "that's species GS54 an organism that feeds on electricity it's feeding on the shuttles power systems unless the pilot can get rid of the infestation fast enough they'll drain us of all our power and we'll drift until our oxygen runs out.... or we freeze to death which ever comes first"  then Michael becomes silent again and stares into nothing and Kehaulani smiles a small soft smile and turns back to watch the bioluminescent spaceborne lifeform continues to move over the ship muttering softly at the nervous sounding prisoner she never took the time to get to know "coward!"  which makes him shut up and stare at her with narrow eyes Kehaulani could tell that Michael was fighting a smile as the other female orders "relax the pilots taking care of it"   and Kehaulani mutters softly in a sing song tone "oh no she's not!"  the shuttle bounces a little and they all watch as the pilot floats by the shuttle "warning safety tether disconnected warning autopilot malfunction"  the shuttles computer tells them Kehaulani gets up out of her seat and walks over to the pilots chair and sits down she turns off the autopilot and starts to fly the tiny cave made of metal until it gets caught in a long bright tractor beam then she shuts the ship off completely and allows them to be taken inside a large ship.... she knew that she would cause more damage trying to fight the tractor beam in their tiny weak transportation vehicle not only that but she had no idea where to go....

 she knew that she would cause more damage trying to fight the tractor beam in their tiny weak transportation vehicle not only that but she had no idea where to go

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It wasn't till she passed the prisoners that they noticed that she had gotten out of her handcuffs and they all looked at her oddly.... well all but Michael who knew that it was the first thing she did as soon as she knew the pilot was no longer paying attention to them.... she had a rash on her wrists from the cuffs as it seemed to burn into her flesh.... Michael had a small smile sliding up the corner of her lips as the other prisoners look at her friend in shock.... they had never met in person before the trip but had a lot of conversations from their cells which were across from one another.... Michael was the first to learn what her "crime" was a man had wanted to make her his own and when she refused he called in a false crime.... perhaps one HE actually committed and had blamed her for.... Michael and Kehaulani walk off the transport shuttle side by side they were also the last ones off and Kehaulani could feel the security officers that lead them off the ship stare at her ass she clenched her hands into fists fighting the urge to knock them out for such an offense but she decided that it was best for her to "behave" for Michael's sake.... "not a scratch on the floor this puppy just rolled off the assembly line"  one of the male prisoners named Stone says "what's a brand new star ship doing so far from the front lines?"  the woman prisoner who is known as Psycho asks "exploring!?!"   Kehaulani replies with a playfully sarcastic tone and a shrug and Psycho narrows her eyes at her while Michael holds back a laugh "she asked!"  Kehaulani points out the male prisoners smile at her just then the doors in front of them open and another officer from the ship walks in and right away Kehaulani knew that she wasn't going to like her Michael watched her body language and figured out the same thing and raised her eyebrow at her friend "this is the USS Discovery my name is Commander Landry I'm Chief of Security here I see we're unloading all kinds of garbage today even Starfleet's first mutineer"  the woman who walked in says as she walks over to them and stands in front of Michael who looked unfazed by whatever sort of rise the Commander was trying to get out of her the Commander turns and snaps her fingers as she walks back towards the doors she came in from and says as she walks "on me"  Kehaulani whispers under her breath "eww! disgusting!"  and the male prisoners chuckle as they all follow the Commander out of the room and down the hall....

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