🪞Mirror Mirror🪞 Lost In Space🌌 What The HELL Happened To This Place?!🤷🏻🤷🏻‍♀️

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Kehaulani watches as Hugh and Tilly carry Paul into Sickbay and she slowly gets up out of her bed to help them lay him in the bed next to hers "it was too late!.... I felt your warning but it was too late and now this....!"  Hugh whispers sadly  "I can try too...."  she starts "no!.... you have done so much already and your body is still recuperating from the last time.... let me try and take care of this!"  he replies she nods at him and pats his back comfortingly then walks back to her bed and lays down.... the now blind Paul turns his head towards Kehaulani and says softly "it's a palace stay close"  she replies softly taking his hand in hers and giving it a gentle squeeze "I will Paul"  Tilly walks over to Paul's bed and whispers into his ear as he turns his head and stares at the ceiling "Lieutenant Stamets please don't hate me but what is the spore germination rate again? and uh I know you always have to remind me but uh the ideal moisture level in the cultivation bay is-is it 85% or 75% relative humidity?"  Hugh who was looking at the large screen on the wall that showed Paul's vitals turns and walks over to Paul's bed and smiles sadly at Tilly who looks at him and says as she walks over to him "um.... I was just I was hoping I could um maybe j-jog his memory with familiar things mainly how  annoying he finds me"  Hugh smiles then tells her "he's in a state of neurological dysregulation unlike any I've ever seen"  they both turn to see Paul get up from his bed and whisper as he walks around the room "it's a palace"  Hugh starts to walk over to him saying softly "Paul"  Paul mutters "to the palace"  Hugh tries to stop him from leaving sickbay "Paul no!"  Kehaulani quickly walks over to the two of them before Paul could attack Hugh and gently grips Paul's wrist as he goes to push Hugh away "you don't want to do that Paul!"  she says calmly and he stares at her "come on!.... back to bed with you!"  she playfully orders as she leads him back to his bed and lays him down then she looks at Hugh who moves her out of the way then places a shield around Paul's bed "he's not all here.... it's almost as though he's in two places at once.... I can't really explain it for I have never felt such a thing before!.... I hate to say it Hugh but I think he's suppose to be wherever he is"  she tells him Hugh places a hand on her shoulder "I'm so sorry I should have told you as soon as I found out about the side effects from the jumps I shouldn't have kept it a secret"  Tilly tells Hugh who looks over at her and says "Paul is your superior officer he gave you an order you didn't do this"  just then Lorca walks in "speak of the devil"  Hugh says as he arrives "Cadet excuse us"  Lorca says as he walks over to the three of them "yes sir"  Tilly says and then she walks out of Sickbay Lorca looks at Kehaulani as he asks Hugh "how is he?"  Hugh looks up from his Tricorder and replies "alternately catatonic then prone to bursts of nonsensical speech"  Kehaulani looks over at him "I don't think that's true!.... I think he's trying to tell us something but we just don't completely understand what he's trying to say"  Hugh looks over at her "you know I think a little "fresh air" and exercise might do me some good!.... I'm going to go for a walk!"  she says Hugh chuckles as she walks out of Sickbay with a wave....

Kehaulani sees Tyler walk into the Docking Bay and she senses something off about him so she jogs after him and slides her arm through his "gonna take me to go see the stars Ty!?!... isn't that's so sweet of you!"  she teases playfully he jumped when he first felt her soft touch but then he turns to look at her as she speaks and chuckles softly "I don't....!"  he starts "I told Hugh that I was going to get some fresh air.... or in this case lack thereof and something's.... off about you today!.... you may be able to hide what's wrong from the rest of them but you should know better than to try and do that with me!.... don't worry I won't ask.... just consider me your backup"  she tells him he smiles and places his hand over hers as they continue to walk towards the shuttle "alright"  he says as he opens the door to the shuttle and waves her inside with a teasing bow she rolls her eyes at him and walks inside he follows her shaking his head with a smile.... as they fly out of the Discovery and over to where they needed to go they hear Michael's voice say over the com "I'm detecting what looks to be a Klingon central data core in that wreckage it's inside a larger debris array about 200 meters ahead of you"  Tyler replies "glad the sensors are working again Vulcan high-level math specialist?"  Michael replies over the com "and some good old-fashion human know how lieutenant"  Tyler smiles "copy that"  Kehaulani watches as he works the controls so she could take over if she needed to and she had a feeling that she just might "readings are good Captain I think the Data Core is intact if we can bring it in we can get a crash course on what those Klingons knew about the universe"  they hear Michael say into the com "proceed with the extraction"  they hear Lorca reply into the com "closing in on the cockpit"  Tyler tells Lorca "the core is likely part of the main computer located at the rear of the ship it should be easy enough to extract"  Kehaulani and Tyler hear Michael say into the com Tyler sighs "alright lieutenant scoot over!"  Kehaulani says to Tyler as she starts to feel his body go a little haywire he looks over at her  "either you scoot over or I'm sitting on your lap either way I AM taking over!"  she orders he chuckles and scoots out of the cockpit chair letting her take over everyone on the ship listen in surprise as they hear her speak for they had no idea that she had "snuck" aboard the shuttle with him.... Kehaulani turns off the com as Tyler grunts and screams in his head as memories of his torture take over and his breathing quickens, he starts to sweat and he gasps "seeing bodies in there"  he says once the flash of the dark memory passes "it's alright Ty.... there's nothing we can do for them now!"  she says softly to him then another flash takes the place of the one that left he gasps again and watches as Kehaulani calmly continues towards their destination as though she's flown one of those shuttles her whole life and she clears part of the hull of the ship with the laser cannon uses the mechanism she took off his hands to extract the data core as carefully as she could "the bodies are Vulcan and Andorian"  Tyler tells her "interesting!"  she mutters under her breath "where did you....!?!"  he asks her breathlessly as she retracts the data core "I'm a fast learner.... ask anyone on the Bridge!"  she replies with a smile and he chuckles softly "lets head home shall we?!"  she asks once she safely has the Data Core and he nods and she flies the shuttle back towards the Discovery....

Once they fly back inside the Discovery and the Data Core is taken to Engineering Kehaulani asks the computer to have Saru meet her in her garden room and she relays everything that she and Tyler seen while on the shuttle how it had showed the bodies of Vulcan and Andorian in the Klingon ship wreckage "a Vulcan and an Andorian commanding a Klingon ship!?!"  he asks curiously "what is happening Saru!?!.... where are we!?!"  she asks softly "it seems that we have arrived in an parallel universe.... we're not sure how.... or why.... but don't worry.... I will do everything I can to keep you safe!"  he tells her "I'm not worried about me!.... I'm worried about Paul and about Tyler they both seem.... confused.... mixed.... it's like they are themselves and yet they aren't!.... Tyler more than Paul.... Paul's just.... lost!.... and I'm not sure I can find him.... not that Hugh will let me try!"  she replies he wraps his arm around her and pulls her into a hug she places her head on his chest and wraps her arms around his waist as they sit side by side on the small bed inside the garden room they stay like that for a few seconds then she sits up and looks into his eyes "you.... should go back to the Bridge.... you're still officially on duty I am sorry that I....!"  she says he looks at her sadly "no!"  he replies softly sliding his hand up her cheek "no don't!.... don't you ever be sorry for....!"  he sighs then leans in and kisses her lips "I'm the one who should be sorry!.... I never meant to hurt you and I did!.... in the worst way imaginable!.... I do hope that some day you will be able to forgive me!.... to come back to.... yes I know you left!.... I could feel the.... emptiness.... that now resides in my room.... I.... miss you! but I also understand.... or at least I think I do!"  he says she chuckles he smiles then stands up and walks out of the room taking one last look at her from the doorway before he heads back to the bridge.... Kehaulani heads back to Sickbay to help and support Hugh while she was there Tyler walks in to talk to Hugh about his own worries "what exactly are you worried about Lieutenant?"  Hugh asks Tyler Tyler looks over at Kehaulani as she checks on Paul and says "I just want you to make sure the Klingons didn't do something to me some kind of procedure I don't know about"  Hugh replies "well of course you know anything's possible but you were exposed to a full set of physical scans when you came on board and random memory sampling the Manchurian test is highly effective at detecting what used to be called brainwashing i.e. the installation of commands or personality engrams a functioning consciousness what exactly are you imagining they could have done to you?"  Kehaulani speaks up "things have changed.... ever since that Klingon came on board.... it's almost as though his whole life has been turned upside down!.... who knows maybe you'll get a different result.... I mean it's nice that you rely on your know how and the gadgets you use to "upgrade" your know how.... but how much do you actually know about how Klingons do things?!.... did you use human words or speak in the Klingon tongue when you did such tests?!.... do you honestly believe that they would use OUR language when they did whatever they did to him there!?!.... humor the poor Lt.... give him some peace of mind.... it's as you humans say "it's better to be safe than sorry".."  Hugh chuckles then says with a smile "alright!.... let me run a deeper set of scans what you probably need most right now is rest and some time off this ship"  he says to Tyler leading him over to one of the empty beds "not much chance of that Doc"  Tyler replies as he lays down on the bed "stay out of the palace!"  Paul shouts and Kehaulani turns her attention to her friend trying to calm him down "alright Paul.... we'll stay away.... I promise!"  she says in a soft calm voice rubbing his arms up and down as though massaging them "everything will be alright!"  she promises Paul's eyes become unclouded for a few seconds and he whispers "becareful the enemy is here"  then his eyes cloud back over and he returns to his "original state" "I know.... I just don't know which one we should fear more!"  she whispers back looking over at Tyler as her mind flashes to Lorca's smiling face Hugh looks over at her confused and she smiles reassuringly at him

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