Failed Exam

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"It was a dark and stormy night!"  Saru hears Kehau teasingly tell their children as though she was telling them a story as he and Vance walk into the room Vance had given her, Lani and Sarek to play in which just just so happened to be a Holodeck...

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"It was a dark and stormy night!"  Saru hears Kehau teasingly tell their children as though she was telling them a story as he and Vance walk into the room Vance had given her, Lani and Sarek to play in which just just so happened to be a Holodeck or at least it acted like a Holodeck for as soon as she spoke what looked like a Ion Storm surrounded her and her children "very resourceful indeed!"  Admiral Charles Vance whispers with a smile as what looked like the USS Tikhov and the Discovery comes into view both Lani and Sarek reach up and try to grab the Discovery "they'll be fine Aunt Michael will make sure each and every one of them will return safely even the Big Bad Wolf and her little sheep!"  Kehau whispers into her children's ears as she gives their temples a kiss just then a gust of air that looked like a wave of light blew throughout the room pushing Vance who was not used to Kehau's abilities off his feet just a little as he wobbled backwards like he was the Discovery itself which had just gotten hit by that very same thing.... "calm yourself Keyla.... relax!"  Keyla hears a familiar soothing voice say from beside her as she frantically works the controls of her station she takes in a breath and relaxes her body she almost smiled as she started to wonder how Kehau could reach her from so far away.... though it did explain how she only heard her voice then again Kehau probably didn't want to be seen by the Security Officer that was watching their every move Owo looks over at Keyla and sees her relax and smiles for she knew why Keyla had relaxed so quickly "she really is a good mom huh?!"  Owo whispers to herself Keyla smiles then tells Rhys to "go"  and Rhys replies as he turns on the tractor beam  "locking on, got her"  Keyla says "pulling her in now"  and Tilly says as soon as the Tikhov was docked "and we're clear".... Saru hears Kehau whisper a minute or so later "somethings wrong!"  and he walks over to her she looks up at him and whispers as their eyes lock "watch them!"  he nods then kneels down to their children's level as Kehau disappears... "stop!.... we mean you no harm we are trying to save some friends of our own! I'm sorry about your family but....!"  Michael hears Kehau say from behind her and watches as a man in white disappears in a way that made his whole body look like it became ash then blew away "that.... was odd! I've never seen a Barzan do THAT before!"  Kehau whispers.... Vance watches the "holo" of what was happening on the Tikhov with interest of course he could only see it from Kehau's point of view since she seemed to be the main focus like she was trying to make sure Saru didn't worry about her safety.... "he's harmless M just trying to protect and save those who can no longer be protected and or saved"  Kehau tells her friend who nods understandingly "now that I know you all are safe I'm going back.... surprisingly enough I'm not tired.... then again I spent a year in a odd form of sleep stasis so....!"  Kehau says with a shrug Michael chuckles then watches as her friend disappears with a wave and she waves back knowing full well she could see it Michael hears Kehau whisper as she disappears "help him understand he's just as lost as the rest of us but in a much worse way than we are for it is not of the head but of the heart! maybe Nhan can teach you how to give his family a proper send off"  she smiles and replies "I will".... Saru feels his wife wrap her arms around him and he wraps his arms around her then lays his head in the crook of her neck and breathes in her soft wonderful scent as the "hologram" of the Tikhov disappears "Nhan decided to stay so that's one less crew member you have to worry about"  she whispers he chuckles then replies "I will still worry about her"  she smiles and says "yeah!.... you will!"  she leans back and looks into his eyes then says "I think Christopher would be proud of her though"  he smiles and replies "yes he would!"  she kisses his forehead then turns her attention to their children and he becomes sad as he watches her "time to turn off our connection to Nhanny"  she tells her children softly as she takes their hands the three of them glow slightly as a light surrounds them and fluctuates as though it was a beating heart then disappears both Vance and Saru.... who has never seen it happen before.... watch in awe at the beautiful sight before them.... an hour later Kehau, Lani and Sarek return to the Discovery and the first place they head to is the Bridge where everyone was happy to see them.... as they always are.... the two children spread their time between each of their "favorite" members Linus, Keyla, Owo, Rhys, Tilly and Bryce as Kehau stands by the Captain's Chair watching them with a smile on her face.... Saru finds his family in the Holodeck this time on Vulcan with a holo of Spock and his family "I wonder what this planet and your planet look like now hopefully someday we'll be able to see them even though I know our families will not be there I still wonder"  he hears Kehau say softly as he walks into the room he walks towards her but feels some kind of forcefield stop him from getting too close to her and his heart squeezes in pain at the knowledge that she once again doesn't want him anywhere near "don't....!"  she says "just be grateful I have not taken the privilege of you seeing your children away for I would NEVER do that to THEM!"  she tells him as her eyes lock on her children who were getting a very Vulcan lesson from their holographic Vulcan family and his heart begins to break at those words for he knew why she was still.... upset with him and he understood the main issue is he still does not have an answer for her.... no one liked the fact that the Admiral was keeping them "chained" to the Federation Base but they TRIED to cope the best they can what Kehau hated the most was that Saru still continued to follow the "man in power"s orders without ever questioning them she was once again sleeping in her garden room with her children at her side only seeing Saru in passing and he didn't seem to understand why "you chose a stranger over your family! and you wonder why....!?!"  she asks him softly with a incredulous tone "the Federation IS my family!"  Saru replies with wide eyes "HE is NOT the Federation! he is but one man reveling in the power he has, stuck in a time he doesn't want to free himself from because he is basically in charge of it.... they are only vulnerable because they ALLOW themselves to be! they don't FIGHT to be free from their vulnerability!.... that IDIOT may fake reasons of fear but all in all you allowing him to be in charge of something he should not be in charge of!.... I guess that answers my question doesn't it!?!"  she asks "no!"  Saru says softly as he reaches for her he lowers his arm as she backs away from him "yes.... I think it does!.... goodbye CAPTAIN!"  she says then she turns around and walks away feeling his heart break with every step she takes but this time she FORCES herself to break the connection she has with him not because she doesn't care about him but at this very moment she doesn't care that his heart is breaking for a pain he brought onto them in her mind this is HIS fault and he must suffer the consequences....

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