🏡Home Sweet Home🌐

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"Five minutes if this goes south, I'm pulling Discovery out"  Leland says "that's not your call"  Pike replies "you have one of my agents"  Leland says "Captain Leland, please don't risk the Discovery crew for...."  Tyler says "on my Bridge, you will speak only when addressed, Tyler"  Pike orders as he turns his head and looks at him then he turns back to the Viewscreen and says "and, Leland, my ship, my call you will hold until I give the order are we clear?"  Leland replies "my engines are about to overload we won't be able to hold for long, Chris"  Kehau tiredly mutters under her breath "for a Black Ops division you have a pretty weak ship oh mighty "capitain"!"   Pike hides a chuckle especially at the sarcastic way she spoke "Saru I can't!.... not when there are two ships!.... it's too much!!"  Saru hears Kehau whisper he reaches down and pats her shoulder knowing full well that he could not speak without giving her away.... "Hugh.... it's time!"  Hugh hears Kehau say as she slept up against Saru's legs and he somewhat reluctantly climbed into the pod, laid down and waited.... Pike stares in shock as the network stops moving as soon as it comes closer to Saru's station and started to look like it was being pushed back to the front of the ship he looks down at the woman who is leaning up against Saru's legs and started to understand what was going on and he whispers in a soft curious tone "how is she doing that!?!"  then he shouts into the com "Burnham, we are out of time!"  and they all hear Michael reply "understood"  a half a minute later they hear Michael say into the com "Burnham to the Bridge Black Alert"  everyone returns to their stations as they start to reappear thanks to Kehau and Pike shouts "Leland, now!"  the tractor beam is removed then the Spore Drive is activated and the ship is free from the network feeling her wake up Saru helps Kehau stand up by gently gripping her hand and pulling her up and leaning her up against his side and he calls out with a worried tone "Commander Burnham?"  his body sighs in relief when he hears Michael reply "we made it"  Pike then orders "stand down Red Alert Mr. Saru, have Dr. Pollard meet the team in Engineering Mr. Tyler you'll stay on the Bridge Liaison Protocol"  and he walks into the Turbolift.... Kehau gasps as she feels the pod within the Engineering room open "he made it!"  she whispers breathlessly and Saru hugs her to him as she catches the breath she didn't know she had lost and even though she was exhausted she didn't feel it as a matter of fact it was as though she was rejuvenated and she knew that she felt that way because Hugh was once again whole "you should....!"  Saru starts "no!.... I'm alright.... I'm right where I belong!"  Kehau whispers softly as she takes his hand in hers and gives it a light squeeze he smiles.... Saru made Kehau stay in their quarters until she was fully rested the only thing he allowed her to do was help him prepare for his day pinning his communicator on his chest, giving him a kiss and calling him handsome which always made him blush because he would never believe that he could be even considered "handsome" but she always told him that he is she once called him "sexy" but he became so red when he heard it that she chuckled softly with a smile and never dared to call him that again.... at least before he had to return to duty she always left that word for before they went to bed which made him stay up just a little longer at night so that he could calm his heart from beating so rapidly with excitement.... she became a everyday housewife of sorts until he was satisfied and actually started to believe that she was fully healed from the ordeal(s) they had faced together so far.... she made their breakfast, lunch and dinner, took care of whatever mess they made the day/night before everything a "good wife" would do for her overworked husband she did the only time she ever left their quarters was to take care of her garden or visit Hugh in Sickbay but today she went with him for his check-up she knew he felt.... strange without his ganglia it was possible that something new was growing in its place for he kept patting the back of his head right where his ganglia used to call home even she would massage that very same area in a very loving way.... though that is not the only area she treated with love.... Saru looks over at Kehau and sees her staring at Hugh with a worried expression on her face she jumps when she feels him slide his hand over hers as it laid next to him on the Biobed "he's different.... scared!.... I think he has both sets of memories now!"  she whispers softly in a voice only he could hear and he looks at her with a sad, worried expression on his face as she leaves him, walks over to her friend and says softly with her usual teasing playful tone "hey there stranger!"  Hugh jumps as though he just woke up from a nightmare then looks into his friends eyes and smiles then replies "hey!"  she tells him "it'll take awhile but you'll be ok.... there are too many people aboard this ship who wouldn't let it be otherwise!"  he chuckles and says in a soft whispered voice as Saru joins them.... after he puts his shirt back on.... "yeah!"  Saru stands behind Kehau and slides his hands down her arms gently Kehau says with a smile "I'm going to hug you now!"  Hugh grins as she leans forward and gives him a hug and Saru smiles at them "enduring something no one thought possible can be transformative perhaps, perhaps, in feeling less like you were, you are more like who you were meant to become"  Saru tells Hugh "Commander Saru? your results"  Dr Pollard says Saru looks over at the doctor then leaves the woman he loves and their friends side to hear what she has to say and see what she has found  "the most evident anatomical change from the Kelpien advent of your Vahar..."  Dr Pollard says "Vahar'ai"  Saru says with a nod "thank you with the loss of your threat ganglia, the cartilage that housed it is reorganizing to accommodate a new type of keratin-based tissue it looks like spikes growing in like teeth does that sound right?"  she asks "I would not know did you discover anything that might affect me psychologically?" he asks "these are your neurotransmitter expression patterns, last year versus today with you as my only Kelpien specimen.... forgive the term.... it's difficult to say with certainty what these changes mean but if I had to guess, I'd say your fear responses are being repressed"  she replies then walks away seeing the look on her husbands face Kehau excuses herself Hugh smiles at her knowingly as she walks over to the man she loves and links her fingers with his Saru looks down at her and smiles though she could see the worry in his eyes "come on!.... time to go to work!"  she tells him and the half somewhat fake smile he gave her becomes a real one as she leads him out of Sickbay with a wave to their friend.... who waves back with a smile of his own.... with her free hand she knew that what Saru and Hugh needed now was a distraction and with Pollard as the new head doctor Kehau spent less time in Sickbay so she couldn't help Hugh become distracted but that didn't mean she wasn't going to try and help Saru become distracted in the SECOND best way possible.... by "making" him go to work....

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