🤕Painful Bliss😇

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Kehaulani walked down the halls of the Discovery not really paying much attention to her surroundings and she felt a familiar female arm loop through hers and spin her around making her walk with the woman and the small group that surrounds her making Kehaulani chuckle softly as she turns to look at her friend Michael who was the one who looped her arm through hers shaking her head with a smile Saru watched the two interact with one another without a word as he walks next to Lorca who raises an eyebrow at the two women Paul feels a soft female hand gently cup his shoulder and he turns his head to see Kehaulani next to Michael and his eyes widen momentarily then soften as he smiles at her as they walk into the very same place both Michael and Kehaulani arrived on the Discovery the day before "joining us are we!?!"  he teases "I don't think I have much of a choice I seem to have become a prisoner once again!"  Kehaulani teases back Paul laughs then says "well at least you're not allergic to this set of cuffs"  she smiles then replies "I wouldn't be so sure of that!"  Paul's laughter grows Saru's eyes widen with worry and fear at Paul's first tease he didn't want her to go it was dangerous and she could get injured and the Captain had put him in charge of her well being she was HIS responsibility as Kehaulani was being led to the smaller ship Saru's hand reached out and grabbed hers both she and Michael turn to look at him Michael raised an eyebrow at him but Kehaulani smiles making Saru's body sigh then he realized that he still held her hand and quickly let it go.... he hadn't even realized that he had grabbed it....

Kehaulani saw the frightened worry in Saru's eyes and she hoped that her smile would help him see that she was going to be alright she was there to support her friend and if Michael wanted her to go the only one who could stop her was the Captain ...

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Kehaulani saw the frightened worry in Saru's eyes and she hoped that her smile would help him see that she was going to be alright she was there to support her friend and if Michael wanted her to go the only one who could stop her was the Captain but Lorca hasn't said a word and the emotions in Saru's eyes as well as the fact he quickly reached out and grabbed her hand spoke volumes that neither of them understood.... it was too soon for them to know the full extent of whatever it was they felt for one another and they also might not have realized that they felt that way for each other yet.... Lorca hands her his phaser and she waves it away politely declining it "I won't be needing that but thank you Captain"  Kehaulani says "a no good prisoner declining the use of a weapon!?!... what is the world coming too!?!"  Landry ask sarcastically "even though just about anything can be turned into a weapon not all weapons are manmade even if they are dangerous!"  Kehaulani replies "and if you think the words that come out of your mouth hurt my feelings Commander then you have a lot to learn about me!.... you are unimportant in my eyes so your words mean NOTHING to me!"   she adds then she turns to Lorca "so Captian I'm guessing I have your permission to join this expedition?!.... I had no true desire to do so but if that is where you want me then that is where I will be, though I really don't see the purpose of it.... this is your ship and while I am on it I will do my best to abide by your rules"  she tells him he smiles at her "but even I have my limits Captian I must try to keep some of what is left of my dignity!"   she teasingly adds "understood Miss Kehaulani"  he replies with a smile "I rather you didn't!"  Saru says and everyone looks at him in surprise it seems that once again Saru did something that he didn't realize he had done for even his eyes widen in surprise for a few seconds and he turns to his Captain making an "excuse" as to why he spoke up "Captain she is a guest not a member of the crew and if she were to be harmed during the mission....!"  Lorca's eyebrow raises but he nods then says "as you wish Number One.... Miss Kehaulani if you would be so kind as to accompany First Officer Saru and I to the Bridge"  Kehaulani teasingly replies "man I must really be trouble if the two of you have to constantly keep an eye on me!"  Lorca chuckles "you're the Captain"  she says "First Officer Saru"  she adds with a nod like bow of her head and she unhooks her arm from Michael's then slides it through Saru's who looks down at her in shock "a true gentleman must always escort the "lady"!"  she teases with a smile Saru nods and faces forward as though trying not to look her directly in the eyes any longer as his mind continuously goes back to the strange thoughts he had when he accidentally partially saw her naked through the large mirror of his bathroom very sexually pleasing thoughts as he started to wonder how soft her skin felt if he were to slide his hands over her exquisite form, how delectable her lips must taste sweeter than any fruit he has ever tasted with a little bit of tartness dangerously frightening thoughts that he wished would go away "though I'm not so certain I would consider myself a "lady"!"  Kehaulani jokes thankfully breaking his train of thought....

Kehaulani once again stood at Saru's side as he worked at his station on the Bridge everything was fine for awhile but when he looked over at her he noticed that she kept holding the sides of her chest near her breasts as though she was in pain what really caught his attention when she sucked in a breath and started to hunch over as though the pain increased "Kehaulani!?!"  he says softly gripping the sides of her arms "don't hurt him!.... please!.... he's frightened!.... in pain!.... incoherent.... he doesn't know!!.... he doesn't understand!!"  he hears her whisper softly "who!?!"  he asks she looks up at him and their eyes lock the expression within them was unreadable "who Kehaulani!?!"  he asks again she turns her head and looks at the viewing screen "there's something on that ship!.... I don't know!.... all I know is that he wants to go home!.... he's lost, scared, he doesn't know where he is or why they hurt him!.... he's only defending himself!.... they.... they need to leave before they become like the others!"  she whispers "others!?!"  he asks "the crew.... Klingon's"  she replies Lorca's ears perked up at the mention of Klingon's Saru looks at her oddly how does she know what is on the other ship!?! "I don't know!.... all I know is that I can feel him!"  she answers his unspoken question as Saru held her arms he could feel her separate herself as though a part of her spirit/soul left her body and ended up somewhere else.... but where!?!.... "Kehaulani!?!"  he says softly the worry he felt was heard in his voice....

"Is he shushing you?!"  Kehaulani hears Landry say to the frizzy redhead then a creature snarling her body freezes and she looks around at the dismembered bodies around her "it's worse than I thought!.... you poor thing!.... what did they do to you!?!"  Kehaulani whispers to herself then she starts running to catch up with the crew she finds them in the Engineering room Michael had a phaser pointed at the creature and she rushes towards her before she could get her first shot out while shouting to her friend "Michael don't!!" .... Michael froze at the sound of Kehaulani's voice and she sees her friend slide into the room beside the creature "what are you doing!?!"  Michael asks her "don't hurt him! I can calm him down.... trust me!"  Kehaulani says Michael nods and runs to join the others as Kehaulani places a hand on the nose of the creature she didn't even have time to question how her friend arrived on the ship to begin with but was grateful that she arrived for as soon as she did there was a complete shift in the air and the creature did seem to calm down slightly as soon as it.... or as Kehaulani called it "he".... felt the shift and it seemed to calm completely as Kehaulani touched him and she made something that looked like the spores that came from the plants Michael saw in the Engineering Room of the Discovery appear around her and the creature "sleep my friend!.... everything's alright now!"  Kehaulani whispers softly and the creature lays down as the spores she created danced around him soaking into his thick skin nurturing and calming him as a mother would a child.... Saru felt Kehaulani's arms wrap around his waist as her body presses itself up against him his body stiffens unsure of how to react and his hands start to gently pat her back awkwardly until she calms "are you alright!?!"  he asks after he realizes why she did what she had done her knees were wobbly and she could barely stand he once again grips the side of her arms gently and pulls her a few inches away from his body so he could look her in the eyes "just.... tired!"  she answers with a nod "I'm.... sorry!.... I didn't mean too!!"  she adds "no!.... I'm just glad you're ok!.... allow me to take you back to our quarters and....!"  he starts and she smiles at him "odd isn't it?!.... saying those words to someone you barely know"  he replies with a sigh in his tone "more than you know!"  he hears her softly chuckle then say "I think I know more than you realize First Officer Saru!"  he smiles bowing his head slightly while waving his hands towards the Turbolift "shall we go?!"  she asks he nods and they walk off the Bridge Lorca watches them leave he knew that there was something oddly special about the woman who has grown especially attached to his First Officer he just didn't realize that she was this special there were many things about her that he found curious and he wondered about and seeing this only made him even more curious about her and how much she could actually do

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