Showoff Sexy Saru

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Kehaulani decided to try this living this time a little different she went to the party and spent some time hanging out with Tilly who didn't like her when she first came aboard.... mainly do to the fact that she walked into a room she didn't belong in.... then ended up befriended her a few weeks afterwards.... once the Gormagander was brought aboard she took Tilly with her and Hugh to take care of the Gormagander until Michael found a way to save the ship and the person she has fallen in love with.... who died last cycle.... "Mudd has taken control of the critical systems so we have to do this the hard way"  Kehaulani tells Tilly as they bring in large cases of alpha particles and a device Kehaulani, Paul and Tilly designed and made to simulate the solar winds.... "do I even want to ask how you got these?!"  Paul asked Kehaulani when he saw the cases of alpha particles that were much like the ones that carry the spores for the drive "yes!.... but you won't!"  she teasingly replies with a smile and he laughs "and this is why we love you!"  he says "yeah.... just don't tell Hugh!"  she teases and his laughter grows "it'll be our little secret!"  he replies with a smile.... "we don't know how long the ship has been within her so she might be hungry after we do get it out of her"  Kehaulani tells Hugh and Tilly "oh so this ones a girl huh!?!"  Hugh teases she laughs "and who's going in?!"  Hugh asks Kehaulani raises her hand "of course!.... silly question!"  he says "yes it was!.... but we won't hold it against you.... will we Tilly!?!"  she teasingly replies Tilly smiles Kehaulani slowly walks up to the Gormagander and pats her side "it's alright girl we're going to take care of you!"  she says in a soft soothing tone she continues to speak to her in the same tone as a way to calm her down and gain her trust so that she could enter her mouth and fly the shuttle out without causing anymore damage or discomfort.... as Lorca and the Bridge crew were messing with Mudd making him think that he has won Kehaulani was flying the shuttle out of the Gormagander then Tilly went to work on the shuttle and the crystal within as Hugh checked on the Gormagander as he would any other patient and Kehaulani started to feed her little by little so she didn't upset her stomach any more than it already was being someone who worked on humanoid aliens and humans themselves Hugh used what he learned when he took care of the Tardigrade and whatever insight Kehaulani could give him since she is slightly connected to the Gormagander just not as deeply as she was the Tardigrade....

 as Lorca and the Bridge crew were messing with Mudd making him think that he has won Kehaulani was flying the shuttle out of the Gormagander then Tilly went to work on the shuttle and the crystal within as Hugh checked on the Gormagander as he wo...

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quotes found on which has 4 pages  and I have decided to be nice and make a chapter to show you the quotes print screened from the pages they're on which will be after this one I know I should have done it forever ago but since I was looking up a new look for my OC I took the opportunity to look up the quotes once again at the same time.... less yet still more work for me lol (4/1/2024)

That night Saru walks into his quarters to find Kehaulani already there and his body sighs in relief and became extremely excited at the sight "it comes to my attention that I have missed quite a bit these past few days.... weeks.... though to me it doesn't feel like....!"  Saru says as he walks up behind her placing his hands just below her shoulders then sliding them down her arms and as she turns to face him his lips automatically meet hers "Saru!?!"  she says breathlessly once he lets her go he grips the bend of her knees and lifts her up wrapping her legs around his waist "you must be tired!"  he says she smiles then replies "I can stay awake for a little longer!"  he returns the smile and says "good!"  and his lips meet hers once more as he walks them towards his bed "not that you've been sleeping there much anyway but.... no more sleeping on the couch!.... I want you right where you belong.... at my side!"  he tells her as he lays her down on the bed laying gently on top of her he nervously starts to remove her clothing as his lips meet hers once more and his hands glide over her now bare body like the waves of a gently flowing river as he starts to make his dreams a reality yes he was still frightened but after all the things Lieutenant Stamets told him he felt like she deserved this all those times watching him die over and over again it broke his heart he became angry and disgusted at how Mudd treated her but he found out that she only paid attention to him and that warmed his heart immensely he wanted to reward her for her patience and he also wanted to experience what was about to happen for real no matter how much it frightened him after all the only way to get over your fear is to face it.... right!?!.... and he was going to face this one head on! he felt her slowly remove his uniform as though trying to make sure this is what he truly wanted and if he didn't she could easily put everything back in place but he didn't want that he wanted this he wanted to feel and taste all of her and he wanted her to feel and taste all of him his fear was replaced by determination this was going to happen! and he was going to make sure it happened! his hands travel over her chest as his lips travel down her neck making her gasp softly at first it frightened him then he realized that it wasn't made out of fear but of pleasure she was enjoying it as much as he was and that made him happy he enters her slowly then thrusts into her gently making her gasp once again as he quickens his pace "Kehau!"  he whispers breathlessly as he thrusts into her at a faster and harder pace as both of their bodies get used to the feel of the rhythm that they were creating together not realizing that he called out the name of the Kelpien he once had a crush on long before he came to Starfleet "I had not been called that in a long time!"  he heard her whisper softly and he looks at her in surprise she smiles up at him as she slides her hand up his cheek making him close his eyes at her gentle loving touch "Saru!"  she whispers and she somehow swings their bodies around so that she was now on top she takes his hand and slides it up her back and he feels the familiar feeling of what would be a Kelpien back "how is this possible!?!"  he asks with a surprised tone and wide eyes she smiles then says "a question for another day!"  he looks up at her as she moves in ways he never realized a body could move as she thrusts him in as deep as he could go while leaning down to kiss his lips then moving her lips all along each area of his body that she could reach he believed she wanted to keep his mind from asking even more questions and she sure did that for even he started to moan as she did when he was the one with the power their animalistic capabilities came out as they made love to one another bringing an excitement to his body that he has never felt before and he realized that he liked it and he wanted more he never wanted it to end but he knew that sooner or later it would have to because even though it was very enjoyable it was also very tiring and once again there were no words to describe the feeling of erotic ecstasy that their bodies felt for one another but they sure could express it in as many ways as they and you could possibly imagine....

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