Have A Little Faith In Us

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"Bit annoying isn't he?!"  Kehau says in the Saurian language while looking over at Connolly Linus replies "you shouldn't speak of the Acting Captain that way!"  she teases back  "how dare you! I would never say that about my husband!!"  as they were chatting they were also listening to the back and forth between the Acting Captain of the Discovery and the Captain of the Enterprise "perhaps the signals are a temporal anomaly a tear in the fabric of space-time Black Holes can also cause similar distortions"  Saru says "not to this degree six hours ago the signal stabilized long enough for us to get a fix on its position"  Connolly says "we were on our way to its coordinates when suddenly, boom Enterprise suffered multiple catastrophic systems failures Starfleet is sending a team to tow it to Space Dock for a full diagnostic I'll kindly need your command codes, Mr. Saru"  Pike replies "I cannot do that"   Saru says "pardon me?"  Pike asks ".."Starship command shall not be transferred without DNA authentication witnessed by the entire Bridge crew it is standard operating procedure since the war"  Saru replies "o.... of course it is yes, of course"  Pike says Linus turns his head away from Kehau who was standing at one side of him and sneezes all over Connolly spraying green snot all over him "bless you"  Pike says as Michael and Kehau hide a smile and Kehau hands him a handkerchief so he can wipe his nose "you're right he is annoying!"  Linus tells Kehau who chuckles softly as the Turbolift doors open to reveal the Bridge "well here goes nothing!.... take care of yourself Linus"  Kehau says softly in english as she walks out of the Turbolift and the others follow her out "one little warning before we get to far Cap.... don't mind Till's she's get a little eccentric when she's nervous but she's somewhat harmless!"  Kehau playfully warns as she points to the frizzy red headed woman Pike smiles at her and pats her on the shoulder as he passes by her.... "ok Captian Pike stand by for verification"  Tilly says while she works the controls as Pike places his hand on one of the palm reader "um, I'm.... I'm Ensign Sylvia Tilly I'm.... I'm Discovery's newest addition - to Starfleet's Command Training Program"  Tilly says to Pike nervously "hi"  Pike replies politely while looking at her oddly "yeah, you have really beautiful nail beds"  Tilly says "thank you"  Pike replies "you're welcome oh, I know what's wrong oh, your pinkie is, um It's just really weird to say "pinkie" to a Captain it's not a very authoritative finger, but, um, you know, it's not on the right pad do.... can I?"  she goes to place his pinky where it's supposed to be and Pike makes some odd noises which startles her then he says "kidding"  Tilly smiles and says "oh, my God I thought I broke a Captain sorry I-I don't understand all the pertinent information should be, uh there oh, God I'm.... that's your file I'm sorry, sir I...."  Pike replies as he walks over to the front Viewscreen where his files are being displayed for everyone on the Bridge to see "that's all right, Ensign everybody, grab a seat go ahead I want you all to give that a read I'm Captain Christopher Pike up there are my commendations, my diagnosis of childhood asthma ah, he big red "F," that was my failing grade in Astrophysics at the Academy I know this is a hard left turn you were en route to Vulcan to pick up a new Captain I was briefed on the classified details surrounding your last one I know he betrayed this crew if I were you, I'd have my doubts about me as well but I'm not him I'm not Lorca"  he nods over to Connolly who changes the screen to show them something else as Pike continues as he walks around the Bridge "the Federation's hackles are up I don't have to remind you that the last time we investigated a previously unknown energy distortion, it resulted in the Klingon war these mysterious signals are unlike anything we've encountered the energy needed to create them is beyond anything we understand is it a greeting? a declaration of malice? that's why they put me on the Discovery when the Enterprise went down; nobody wanted to wait to find out but right now, this little dot is the only one willing to tell us where it is Helm, plug in the coordinates let's pay a visit Warp Factor Five"  Keyla replies as she does as she's ordered "aye, sir"  Pike turns and looks at Kehau and Saru who were standing side by side with their hands entwined as one "with your permission, Commander Saru"  Saru replies as he waves his free hand at the Captain's Chair "the ship is yours, Captain"  Pike says as he sits down in the captain's chair "all right, then hit it"  Keyla puts the ship into warp and they fly off to their first destination with there new possibly temporary Captain....

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