One Of These Things Doesn't Belong

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Before heading to Meeting with Michael Saru hears his wife playfully sing to their children "one of these things is not like the others one of these things doesn't belong!"  and he looks at her oddly tilting his head curiously at her "oh don't worry about it just head off and explore!"  Kehau teases as she looks up at him he smiles then walks over and kisses her lips then their children's foreheads then walks out of their quarters.... "Saru!"  Saru hears Kehau call out just before he walks onto the shuttle to fly to the planet they think once housed the Unknown Species 10-C he turns around and looks at her with a surprised expression on his face "I left them with Adira and Paul they'll be fine!"  she tells him once she reaches where he stands "you're not....!"  he starts but stops when he see the look on her face "order me around like that again Captain and I'll join you out of spite!"  she says he chuckles then realizes she's serious and watches as she turns around and walks away "Kehau!"  he whispers softly with a sad tone then he teleports onto the shuttle, walks over to his seat and sits down he slumps in his chair when he realizes she just wanted to see him off and he once again jumped to conclusions without all the facts he also starts to think about the fact that Kehau, Lani and Sarek haven't been on a actual planet in a very long time and that they needed the "freshness" of it he also starts to wonder what would truly be so bad for them NOT to enter the planet then again who knows what sort of untold dangers would be there and THAT is what worried him that they would be in danger.... "beautiful!"  Kehau says softly as she and her children stand on the planets surface she looks down at her children who stand at her side holding her hand and says softly "we won't stay long but lets enjoy what we can!"  they nod at her with smiles on their faces then let go of her hand and rush around playing with one another while staying in her sight.... yes she STOLE a shuttle to bring them there without anyone on the Discovery being any the wiser that she had done so even Zora but she knew that she and her children needed the little slice of freedom being on a planet gave them in some way somehow made them stronger and it didn't matter what sort of condition the planet was in she knew they'd be ok for they have a strange immunity built into their bodies that kept them safe from all sorts of dangerous things environment wise.... "daddy!!"  Saru hears two familiar voices call out as Hugh checks on him he turns his head in the direction he heard their voices and is shocked to see his children and wife walking.... well his children were running his wife was walking.... towards him with smiles on their faces then he feels his children hug his frame "his in sensory overload it's almost like Pahvo once again where it's trying to communicate with him but it once again doesn't know how to get it's message across what's worse is I think it's spreading!"  Kehau tells Hugh who nods then looks at Saru who seemed much calmer now that his family was with him "see it IS a good thing we're here!"  Kehau coos as she slides the tips of her fingers along Saru's jawline softly Hugh chuckles "and YES we stole a shuttle but we'll make sure we bring it back in one piece.... maybe!"  she tells Michael who had also looked over when she heard Sarek and Lani's voices Hugh laughs "don't you change on me again!"  Kehau says as she looks into her husbands eyes recalling the fact that she spoke of Pahvo he replies "I'll try!"  she smiles and says "I suppose that's all I can ask for and we'll take care of him Hugh"  Hugh nods with a smile as he watches Kehau reach her hand out to her husband and Saru takes it lightly with just the tips of his fingers "the Discovery has some stowaways though so far they haven't caused too much trouble"  Kehau tells her husband Saru looks down at her oddly "Book and his arrogance"  she tells him his eyes widen "let's worry about what's going on here Zora and the others can worry about them!"  she says he nods.... Kehau was right the "sensory overload communication" was starting to affect Hugh and Michael now but not Keyla and it wasn't long till they figured out WHY the hallucinations started and Kehau was wrong about the why it happened to be the dust particles that were causing the "sensory overload" and Keyla fixed the issue by recalibrating the programmable-matter filtering system in their suits "well if you're ok we're going to go back before the others find out about the missing shuttle!"  Kehau says looking into her husbands eyes Hugh and Michael chuckle as Saru nods at her then Kehau, Lani and Sarek give each of them a hug then leave....

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