Prayer Is Good For The Soul🙏🏻

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When Michael came to talk to Book after her meeting in Rillak's office about Rayner's actions on the planet Q'Mau she finds Lani and Sarek there helping Grudge settle into her and Book's new quarters on the Discovery and though the cat wasn't in the mood to play she sure was soaking up every bit of attention she was getting from the two children Lani and Sarek leave the room as soon as they sense Michael's presence.... after giving Book and Grudge a hug of course.... passing by the dark skinned woman and giving her a hug before heading off to find their mother.... when the Discovery reaches the planet Lyrek Kehau and her children beam down to it before Michael and Saru do.... "beautiful isn't it!? though it's a bit too quiet as well"  Saru hears his wife say softly as he and Michael stand at the edge of a forest area they beamed into he turns and looks at her as Michael says "it's oddly serene for a species that was constantly at war"  Kehau tells Saru "don't worry we'll stay here I'd like to believe I had taught them better than to disturb a sacred resting place of any species"  Michael smiles as she continues "besides they seem to be having fun"  Saru looks past his wife and sees his children playing hide and seek in the forest and he smiles at the sight he nods at his wife then kisses her lips before she walks away to go supervise their children's playtime.... "you two becareful"  Lani and Sarek hear their mother say as she walks over to them they look over to see who she was talking to and see their father and their Godmother and rush over to give them a hug before going back to their game for they knew they were there on a Mission not "sightseeing".... once Kehau and her children sense that Saru and Michael are in danger Kehau sends Lani and Sarek back to the Discovery then rushes off to go help her husband and sisterly friend who were being attacked by drones.... Saru watches with fearful eyes from under the fallen statues foot that he and Michael were hiding under as Kehau rushes over and creates a shield which the drones attempt to break through to get to them "don't worry about me just figure out how to stop these things!"  he hears her call out as the drones start to explode above her head and more appear as the drones explode Michael contacts Tilly and she along with Adira and a holo of Rayner figure out what was powering everything then they all figure out a way to disrupt the power source and after a short fight with Michael as to who will be the one to distract the drones and who will be the one to disrupt the Electromagnetic Field Saru rushes over to his wife, grips her wrist and starts running and the drones follow them through the forest "where are the kids!?"  Saru asks as they run "with Grudge"  Kehau replies he sighs in relief as she continues "they wanted to come help me save you but I reminded them that they already do that every day, I told them to think back to how you feel before you see us and after you see us it wasn't until told them they could help Book by watching over Grudge that they agreed to head back to the Discovery and yes I warned Book that he may have two extra guests in his quarters when he gets a chance to return to it"  he chuckles then says because he could sense that she was getting tired "drop your shield!"  she replies "no, not until we're safe!"  he sighs then turns and shoot the quills that come from his "new" Ganglia at the drones that were coming after them Saru hugs Kehau to his chest as more drones come and take the place of the ones he had just destroyed his back hits a nearby rock as the drones surround them Kehau drops her shield as the drones fall to the ground they hear Michael call out for them and she slowly turns to face her husband and whispers "I'm going back home"  he nods then kisses her forehead and watches as she disappears in a shimmer of lights that remind him of stars and when Michael reaches him he lets her know that Kehau is alright as well and that she went back to the Discovery which brought relief to his already worried friend....

 Saru watches with fearful eyes from under the fallen statues foot that he and Michael were hiding under as Kehau rushes over and creates a shield which the drones attempt to break through to get to them "don't worry about me just figure out how t...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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