Don't Worry About Me😟

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Saru left Kehaulani alone in his quarters then headed back to the Bridge he couldn't help but worry about her though he watched her head straight for the couch and lay down he almost argued that she should take the bed but he saw how comfortable she seemed and didn't want to bother her "I'm a prisoner Saru!.... I'm used to sleeping in odd places and positions.... besides I'm shorter than you so I'd fit more comfortably on the couch than you would"  she tells him with a chuckle as she lays down Saru walks away and comes back with a silky Holographic mesh blanket and a pillow "thank you Saru"  she whispers softly Saru's hand falls over his heart gently as he nods in a bow like formation he was trying to still his rapidly beating heart that moved faster than he has ever felt as soon as she said his name with a soft smile as she cuddled into the blanket that he had gently laid over her then he turns and walks away trying to catch the breath he had lost just by looking at her as he walked out of the room and towards the turbolift.... about 24 minutes later Kehaulani woke with a start with a sensation she hasn't felt in a very long time.... fear.... she uncovers herself and sits up then asks "computer could you please tell me where I can find First Officer Saru?!"  the computer replies "Commander Saru is in the Ten Forward"  Kehaulani says "thank you"  she takes a comb out of her pocket and combs her hair as she walked out of Saru's quarters and headed towards the Ten Forward placing her comb back into her pocket once she finished combing her hair.... Kehaulani watched as Saru elegantly poured salt into his tea then bobs the teabag up and down within the cup almost as though he was preforming some kind of ballet "shuttle for prisoner colony cleared for warp"  they all heard the computer say through the ships com Saru's threat ganglia slid out of the back of his head as Kehaulani walks up behind him though she wasn't the reason they came out they both watched as the prison shuttle warped away from the Discovery Saru felt a soft feminine hand slide over his threat ganglia gently as they wiggled a little bit then slid back in and a familiar soft teasing voice say with a chuckle "I didn't mean to frighten you Commander!"  he turns to see Kehaulani stand behind him with a smile on her face "you didn't...."  he tells her softly "may I join you?!"  she asks "please!"  he replies waving his hand over to the chair across from him she walks over to it and sits down "I am glad you're still here"  Saru tells her "yes well I was sleeping!.... and I tend to be forgotten by the ever unimpressionable Chief of Security!.... besides I think your Captain has grown quite fond of me and might miss me if I was gone!"  she teases Saru starts to feel a slight tremor of anger build up in his body when he hears her say that the Captain has grown fond of her but he notices that her eyes never leave his when she says it is it possible that she was actually talking about HIM!?! "I have a question if you don't mind"  she says "no please go ahead!"  he replies "do you always put salt in your tea?!.... most people put sugar in theirs"  he tilts his head then replies "oh.... well.... I.... my mind was somewhere else at the time.... but yes!.... I do believe I have a tendency to do so.... after all it's right there and they both look so much alike"  she smiles "yes.... I suppose they do!"  Saru saw Kehaulani jump in her seat as they hear the USS Glen blow up after getting hit by a photon torpedo and he looked at her worriedly as she softly gasps "they brought him aboard!"  she whispers softly in a voice Saru almost missed as he looks down at her "who!?!"  he asks curiously "the creature on the other ship!.... that's who's fear I felt!.... I knew it was out of place!.... the poor thing locked in one cage just to be placed in another no one deserves that!.... no one!.... why am I connected to him Saru!?!.... why!?!"  she asks softly "I.... do not know!"  he replies softly "I don't think anyone's supposed to know that he's on board.... did I just get you in trouble!?!"  she asks with a soft concerned tone he places his hands over hers gently and their eyes lock as he says softly "don't worry about me.... I have to head back to the Bridge.... would you care to join me?!.... so you can continue to be forgotten by the Commander"  he asks she chuckles softly then replies with a smile "I'd love too!"  they both stand up at the same time Saru picks up his undrunk tea and places it back in the simulator for it to be taken care of then they walk out of the Ten Forward towards the Turbolift then onto the bridge....

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