Like Brother Like Sister👨‍👧

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"So this is Spock!?!"  Kehau says with playful curious tone when she sees Michael and Spock walk out of the shuttle.... Hugh was babysitting the children at the moment.... the bearded Vulcan tilts his head at her curiously and sees his sister smile at the woman out of the corner of his eyes "yes it is Kehaulani, Captian, Commander Saru"  Michael greets "but how?"  Saru asks slightly confused "the beard is magic!"  Kehau jokes playfully Pike chuckles with a smile then says "Talosian projection that's how"  then he turns to Kehau and asks curiously "were you one of....!?!"  she nods with a smile then he says with a sigh in his voice "of course you were!"  Spock looks at them even more confused than before "I don't know how much of his past your father has told you about but he once called me Lani"  Kehau tells Spock Spock's eyes widen in surprise then he looks at Pike and says with a emotionless expression on his face and matching tone "greetings Captian"  Pike smirks as he takes a step closer to his friend and says "Spock are you alright?"  Spock replies "much better for seeing you in person, sir even if we are only riding into danger"  Kehau says "well you must be used to that by now after all it is Pike!"  a small smile appears on Spock's face as he looks at her and Pike asks while looking at him "is that a smile I see on your face?"  Spock replies "I believe it is yes"  Pike looks at Michael then at Kehau and says to Spock "well she does have that way about her! welcome to "Discovery"  and if you say "there's so much to discover" so help me....!"  Kehau asks "you'll what!?! ground me to my quarters!?! well I hate to inform you Captian but there are two things wrong with that "punishment" one.... I am not a member of Starfleet so I don't HAVE to follow such an order! and two.... I happen to like my quarters for that is where my children are!"  Spock looks at her and asks "you have children!?!.... on board this ship!.... while it's in danger!?!"  she replies "yes.... I could have left them on Kaminar with their aunt but they are just barely a month old and I do not wish to miss any part of their lives growing up I would also hate myself if they ever felt Saru and I had abandoned them for any reason for who knows when we'd be able to return and watching them grow by holo communicator just feels.... emptier than a Vulcan's logic!"  another smile appears on Spock's face "odd I half expected you to be more like your father but the only smile I have ever seen from him comes from his eyes not his lips!"  she tells him he chuckles though he made it seem like he was only clearing his throat "nice save!"  Kehau teases Michael chuckles and Spock's eyes sparkled like they were laughing "that's more like it!"  Kehau jokes Michael laughs Saru, Pike, Kehau, Spock and Michael walk out of the Shuttle Bay and walk down the hallway together until Kehau takes a different turn down a different hallway and Spock watches her walk away with a curious expression in his eyes "she's probably going to see her children.... she hasn't entered the Bridge in awhile"  Michael tells him as they continue on their way towards the turbo lift "she's allowed on the Bridge!?!"  Spock asks with a surprised tone Michael nods and replies "she's spoiled like that!"  Pike smiles at the two of them as Michael continues "but now that she has become a mother I doubt she'll bring them with her if she ever decides to regain that privilege"  Spock replies "that is most logical"  Michael says "she would agree with you on that!"  Pike laughs as the Turbolift doors open and the four of them walk inside "she also has a garden if you ever need any herbs for tea"  Michael tells Spock who looks at her with a surprised expression on his face "she has a odd allergy to the food simulator"  Michael informs him Spock nods though there was an expression of curiosity on his face for he has never heard of such an allergy....

🖖🏽🖖🏾🖖🏿Vulcan word 👇🏽meaning🖖🏻🖖🏼🖖

du're na'shaya (you're welcome in Vulcan according to I apologize if it's wrong though)

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