Going Home To War⚔️

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Kehaulani woke up gasping for breath she started to hyperventilate "Saru!"  she whispers looking around for the man she knew wasn't there knowing that she might not be able to say anything else she slowly got out of bed trying to calm her breathing as she did so and went to search for that very man who's name she called out as soon as she woke up.... Kehaulani finds Saru and half of the crew in Engineering "it is well known that my species has the ability to sense the coming of death I do not sense it today"  she hears Saru say as she walks through the door Saru's eyes meet hers as he looks around at every member of the crew he now commands and he sees her smile at him then she walks over to him and takes his hand standing by his side as he continues "I may not have all the answers however I do know that I am surrounded by a team I trust the finest a Captain can ever hope to command Lorca abused our idealism and make no mistake Discovery is no longer Lorca's she is ours and today will be her maiden voyage we have a duty to perform and we will not except a no-win scenario you have your orders on your way"  the crew choruses "aye Captain"  and disperses to go back to their stations Kehaulani slides her hand up Saru's cheek and gently turns his head to face her then she kisses his lips his eyes widen then soften and he smiles at her then leads her to the Bridge so that she stays by his side.... Saru noticed that Kehaulani was still tired but he still wanted her close so he sent her to the Captain's Ready Room to get some much needed rest kissing the top of her forehead before she walks away and squeezing her hand as she does walk away all the while not letting it go until she was too far away to be able to continue to hold onto it.... Kehaulani once again woke up as Michael was beamed aboard the Discovery and she walks over to Saru and asks softly "who.... just came aboard?!"  he looks up at her and replies somewhat confused "Michael.... what are you doing up!?!.... you should be sleeping!"  she shakes her head then says "there's someone else.... someone.... darker!"  he stands up once he sees her weakened state and guides her to sit in the Captain's chair "everything will be alright!"  he promises she nods unsure of what else to do then closes her eyes and falls back to sleep the rest of the crew looks at her with concerned expressions on their faces as she curls up in his chair and sleeps as though he was still sitting in it and holding her close her hand lays flat on the back of the chair as though it was placed over his heart he looks down at her and his hand moves to lay upon his actual chest as though it was now covering hers then he shakes himself awake and returns to "captain mode" so that he could order his crew "properly" without any more distractions.... after all she is VERY distracting.... so that everyone makes it home safely the rest of the crew follows suit and turns back in their seats waiting for their next order....

Saru soon found out what Kehaulani was referring to when she mentioned a darker presence entering the ship and sees that Michael had brought the Emperor.... who very much looks like his old Captain.... aboard with her.... before walking into the Transporter Room Saru had carried the still sleeping Kehaulani into her garden where he thought that she would be more at peace he worried about her still for he had no idea when she would wake up she had done so much he knew that her body was exhausted but was glad that her heart stayed the same.... he had learned via Michael that there actually were Kelpien within the other universe and that they were still slaves there he also learned that he and Kehaulani were married for she was fully Kelpien in that universe and just like he wants her to be in this universe in the other universe she had never left his side.... once Saru reentered the Bridge he saw Kehaulani hard at work helping his crew try to fix well.... everything.... and he couldn't help but smile at the sight "vessel is approaching, sir Federation signature"  Lieutenant Rhys informs him  "hail them at once"  he orders "aye, Captain"  Bryce replies and goes to do as ordered "Captain its shields are up it-its phasers are charged and targeting"  Owosekun informs him "shields up"  Saru orders as he sits in the Captain's Chair and as his crew goes to do that he feels a familiar soft gentle hand grip his and gently squeeze it "I'm picking up an incoming transporter signature we're being boarded"  Rhys informs him soon they are all surrounded by people he did not recognize of all different species who pointed phasers at everyone within the Bridge Saru stands up out of the captain's chair and places Kehaulani behind him protectively though he knew by the emotions he sensed coming from her he didn't really NEED to do so for there was no fear coming from within her only strength "identify yourselves!"  he orders "hands where I can see them!"  one of the intruders orders "I demand an explanation for this intrusion!"  Saru orders him "we ask the questions"  the Andorian who spoke before replies "it wasn't a question"  Kehaulani corrects and the Andorian looks at her with a half scowl on his face "clear for transport"   the Andorian says into the device he holds in his hand "Admiral?!"  Saru says once Sarek and Vice Admiral Katrina Cornwell are beamed aboard "where's Captain Lorca?"  Admiral Cornwell asks walking up to him with her phaser pointed at him "fear will get you nowhere kitten!"  Kehaulani says softly and the Admiral looks at her oddly with a small tilt of her head as Michael begs her adoptive/foster father as she tries to walk over to him "Sarek! please!"  and Admiral Cornwell orders her to "stand down, Specialist now"  then she orders "computer initiate command-level override authorization Admiral Katrina Cornwell, pi beta six"  and the computer replies "override confirmed"  then the ship powers down "start with him"  Admiral Cornwell orders Sarek and Sarek walks over to Saru sensing Saru's fear Kehaulani squeezes his hand and says softly looking over at him "it's ok Saru.... trust him!"  still unsure Saru falls back into the Captain's Chair looking up at Sarek with fear in his eyes and asks "Ambassador, what are you doing?"  Sarek looks over at Kehaulani then down at Saru and says "what the times require"  and he preforms the Vulcan Mind Meld on Saru placing his hand over Saru's face Saru gasps softly squeezing Kehaulani's hand gently as Sarek begins to read him and they both close their eyes as he does so saying "my mind to your mind my thoughts to your thoughts"  once he gets what he needs he removes his hand and informs Admiral Cornwell that "Mr. Saru is who he appears to be The Discovery has been through an inconceivable ordeal"  Kehaulani smiles and rolls her eyes at him and the twinkle of laughter appears in his eyes as a threat of a small smile is forced to not reveal itself as he looks over at Michael "then where the hell is her commanding officer?"  Admiral Cornwell asks "Captain Lorca is dead"  Sarek replies turning to look at her....

While Saru, Michael and Paul were in a meeting with Cornwell and Sarek Kehaulani went to Sickbay to help Hugh with whatever he needed help with allowing him to check her over "if you tell me to get some rest after I have been sleeping for more than an hour and a half so help me....!"  she teases he chuckles "no this is.... for peace of mind"  he tells her she smiles then says "alright then.... continue!"  he laughs "how are you Tyler?!"  she asks as Hugh begins his testing "I-I'm not sure!.... if you.... if you hadn't....!"  Tyler replies "you were not yourself and if I may say so your human side is just as stubborn as your Klingon counterpart!"  she says Tyler chuckles "have you forgiven him Hugh?!"  she asks looking over at her friend "well as you have said he was not himself.... yes.... yes I have!"  Hugh replies "then that's all that matters.... now all YOU have to do is learn to forgive yourself Ash Tyler!"  she says Tyler chuckles then replies "yes ma'am!"  she teases "you leave that saluting for someone who deserves it!.... and I'm not falling for that southern charm act of yours!.... though I'm not so sure that you truly are southern or charming!"  Tyler laughs.... since the "departure" of Lorca Kehaulani became caretaker to the Tribble that lived in his Ready Room it seemed to only eat the fortune cookies that were also seen within his Ready Room which Kehaulani found somewhat amusing.... "have you ever wondered if Lorca released species GS54 onto the shuttle himself?!"  Kehaulani asks Michael a few minutes later as they spend some time together in the garden Michael looks at her then looks away then says "I.... have to get back to work!"  Kehaulani nods at her friend and Michael rushes out of the garden Kehaulani does her best to push back the emotions of the members of the crew "it looks like living as a Vulcan actually does come in handy!"  she says out loud to the person who enters just a few seconds after Michael left with a chuckle in her tone Sarek looks at her oddly as he watches her softly touch a tea leaf that was normally used in Vulcan tea "I made you a puzzle box that has a few of the plants inside already dried up and waiting to be used for when you ever get the urge to drink your form of tea again.... there are also a few spices for those really harsh and rough days and you need something a bit "stronger".."  she tells him handing him the same box she had his meal in the last time he came aboard he bows slightly after taking it from her "Chaya t'not  (Expression of gratitude; equivalent to English "thank you" [according to http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Vulcan_language])"  she smiles and says while doing the Vulcan salute  "Dif-tor heh smusma  (Live long and prosper [according to http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Vulcan_language])"  his eyes smile at her then he leaves the room as well.... with the Admiral now in charge Kehaulani could no longer be on the Bridge much less help anyone within the ship because she was "just a guest" and according to Saru his wife.... that is what he told the Admiral anyway Sarek said nothing only raised an eyebrow at the Kelpien once he said that without her being present to confirm such a statement.... and only the crew that has been on the Discovery since her arrival could feel the emptiness on the Bridge with her no longer standing inside it and by Saru's side.... Kehaulani walks up to the Engineering room with a few of the flowers from the planet Pahvo in pots in her arms "I know that I am "no longer welcome" by order of the Admiral but I thought that these might come in handy...." she says to a surprised Paul once the doors open to reveal her standing there with them in her arms "once I found out where the seeds were inside the flower.... it took less than a day for half of the ones that live within the garden now to grow.... I thought that you might be able to use them to help you figure out how to help your own plants to do the same once we reach the moon.... not that you haven't figured it out already!"  she says ending with a tease he walks over and takes the flowers from her kissing the top of her head as he does so "I also gave some to Hugh to place within your quarters.... he seems to like them!"  she adds he chuckles then says softly "thank you!"  she smiles at him then turns around and leaves he watches her sadly then turns and heads back inside going straight back to work with a smile on his face as he recalls what she had told him which also made him interested in finding out how these flowers actually did that

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