You Are My Cyan Angel👼🏻😇🪽

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As Siranna's pain starts to diminish Saru looks at his sister and says as he holds her threat ganglia in his hand "you have survived"  a deep bellowing is heard and a red light is seen through the window connecting to the Pylon Siranna says fearfully "we have angered the Ba'ul"  more and more red lasers show possibly connecting to other Pylon's all over Kaminar "The Ba'ul mean to kill us all!"  Siranna says her voice full of fear "not if Pike has anything to say about it!"  Kehau replies Saru smiles at her as they watch the destruction of their people.... or what they thought was going to be the destruction of their people.... Saru, Kehau and Siranna get a visitor Saru covers his eyes with his long willowy hand peeking through his fingers at whatever just came in then he moves his hand away as he sees what everyone is calling "The Red Angel" and as if by some miracle the laser beams power down the Red Angel lingers for a moment then disappears in a poof of fiery smoke then Saru, Kehau and Siranna stand up and walk over to the windows and they see something explode in the distance "that is what you came to find a savior"  Siranna says "we don't need a savior we could become our own if we work hard enough!"  Kehau replies.... a few minutes later Saru, Kehau and Siranna are free from the Stronghold and are walking along the beach of Kaminar as the other Kelpien's come out of their homes Siranna walks over to them "Siranna, what has happened? how have we survived Vahar'ai?"  one of the male Kelpien's ask "the truth has survived it is time for a true balance to be restored you do not have to be afraid anymore"  Siranna replies as she walks among the others greeting them then she turns to her brother and her sister in law Saru smiles as he nods at his sister "there is something I must do before we leave"  Kehau whispers Saru looks at her and his eyes widen then he asks "why didn't you tell me!?!"  she replies "you had enough worries and you thought you were dying I didn't want to add to everything.... I also think that it might be wise if he or she stays with Siranna it will be safer here for the time being.... at least until we finally find Spock"  her voice becomes sad and nervous when she speaks about leaving their children on a planet they were unsure they could or would ever come back to he places his hand on her arms and says softly "I agree!"  she smiles sadly at him then says "I worry though.... will they truly be safe here!?! I know the peace that we hope will be born here soon won't happen for a long time and.... I know we will miss them!.... and so many parts of their lives!"  he looks at her sadly "but before we create a new Kelpien perhaps we should show your sister our world and how we see it"  she says changing the subject he smiles sadly.... Kehau leaves Saru and Siranna alone once they are aboard the Discovery so that they could have a few minutes to themselves so that he could show her everything then they once again return to the planet so that Kehau could have her child(ren) she has a boy which she named Sarek and a girl which she named Lani Lani was born as a full Kelpien and Sarek was born with their mother's mixed species and they are named after her Vulcan friend and the persona that she lived when she was fully Vulcan and Siranna gladly excepted her roll as temporary mother of her niece and nephew after the children were born Saru and Kehau return to the Discovery partially sad because they left their family once again and partially happy because they knew that their children would be safe where they are now and well taken care of.... "thank you, Michael"  Saru says after her sister is transported back home with Lani and Sarek in her arms.... they had to get shown off to the rest of the crew you know though Hugh was the first to see them since he was Kehau's doctor throughout the whole thing for there was no doctor she trusted more than him he had left the planet which he found strangely beautiful after the children's birth and once he was sure the children and their mother were safe and healthy then he let them rest after the ordeal the three of them had just lived through....  "I'm reminded do you know Aeschylus?"  Michael asks "an ancient Greek tragedian, born circa 525 BC"  Saru replies ".."he who learns must suffer and even in our sleep"...."  Michael starts ".."pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart".."  Saru finishes Michael sighs with a smile on her face "knowing that my sister has a chance to evolve, to live a full life, it makes me feel I can endure anything I am sure, given the opportunity, you would do the same for your own brother"  Saru says placing his hand on her shoulder "if I could find him but seeing you with Siranna has made one thing very clear to me"  Michael says as they walk out of the transporter room "and that is?"  Saru asks "I need to go home as well to Vulcan"  Michael replies....

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