Slaves In Another Universe🌌

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While working in Sickbay Kehaulani and Hugh take turns taking a break in other words Kehaulani "forced" Hugh to take care of himself as well as his patients by having him go get something to eat, rest his eyes etc. when Kehaulani came back from her break Tyler was rushing towards Hugh to attack him and she rushed over and got in his way "Hugh go!.... get out of here!!"  she says as she blocks Tyler's attack "don't argue with me just go!!"  she says as Hugh stands there frozen and he rushes out of sickbay "I don't know who you are but I will NOT allow you to hurt my FRIENDS!!"  she growls at Tyler in Klingon as he continues to attack her as though he was trying to stop her from stopping him from getting to his attended target "sorry Ty"  she whispers as she punches him in the face knocking him out cold.... a few minutes later Tyler wakes up and finds himself lying in one of the beds in Sickbay with both Kehaulani and Hugh looking over him "I was wondering when you'd wake up!"  Kehaulani says with a smile "how long was I out?!"  Tyler asks "two years!"  she replies teasingly and he looks at her in shock until he hears Hugh chuckle then he smiles shaking his head "against my better judgement Kehaulani has made sure I allow you to leave so you may preform your duties as Lorca sees fit so you better go before I change my mind"  hearing Hugh say that Tyler jumps out of the bed and rushes out of sickbay "I hope you know what you're doing"  Hugh mutters under his breath as he watches Tyler leave "nope!.... no clue!.... but I do know that if we had not allowed him to do what he was ordered to do it would be a whole lot worse!.... besides he'll be with Michael and if anyone can keep the beast inside in line it would be her.... I hope!"  she whispers the last two words and Hugh chuckles.... after Lorca, Michael and Tyler beam off the Discovery the ship became dark with worry as everyone went to work on trying to fix whatever was broken on the ship the one thing that seemed to be unfixable was Paul's deteriorating condition as Hugh and Kehaulani listen to his soft ramblings unsure of how to help him "forest forest forest forest the forest is dark but I can see him through the trees the trees the trees the trees"  Kehaulani looks over at Hugh and says softly "I know you want me to rest but there is only one other thing I can think of that we can try"  Hugh replies "what is it!?!.... I'll do ANYTHING!"  she tells him "he's going to need you!.... you are his comfort!.... his strength!.... his sanctuary!.... I can try to put you wherever he is.... mind you it may not be EXACTLY where he is so you may have to search!.... I won't be there.... I'm not the one he needs.... yes I'm his friend but you are the one he loves the one he holds a deeper connection to so I think that you are the only one that can get to him!.... I know that is what you've been trying to do but we've been looking at this the wrong way.... you see he's not really here!.... he's somewhere else lost in someone elses world!.... Saru told me that we're in a parallel universe that there are different "forms" of ourselves.... I think whoever he is in this world is trying to get through to our side and he may try to "get through" our Paul to do so!.... when you do go in there make sure that that Paul doesn't see you just your Paul!"  Hugh nods then she orders him gently "now lay on the bed and try to get as comfortable as you can I need you to have a clear mind for this to work.... try to push back your emotions for as you know I can sense them and once we connect in the way we need to connect to do this I will be able to feel them which will not help the process in anyway.... but first....!"  she looks up at the ceiling and says "computer could you please have Commander Saru meet me in Sickbay?!"  the computer replies "acknowledged"  Kehaulani says "thank you"  then she looks at Hugh "I'm going so I'll need someone to look after me.... you know how I can get!"  Hugh chuckles then says with a smile "yes I do!"  he climbs up onto the Biobed next to Paul then lays down trying his best to do as Kehaulani asked him to do....

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