He Is No Longer Himself😢

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Kehaulani and Saru walk into the hut first Saru holds the cloth door flap open for her before entering himself Michael and Tyler enter not long after them "what's it saying?"  Tyler asks as the glowing being "standing" in the middle of what looks like a campfire pit full of white crystals Saru places his hand over one of his ears and closes his eyes trying to ignore the pain having Kehaulani with him holding his hand distracting him made the pain lighter and somewhat bearable but she wasn't happy with him at the moment after he had lied to her about being ok and with them being in an enclosed place the noises only got worse they were louder and seemed to echo "don't look at me I have no idea! it isn't a solid form I can't read it like I could the Gormagander or the Tardigrade"  Kehaulani replies Michael tries her Tricorder "Universal Translator's got nothing"  she tells them "I don't think they mean us any harm"  Saru says "you can't know that"  Tyler replies looking over at him "actually I think he can....!"  Kehaulani says Tyler looks at her "he doesn't understand their language but he's the first to make even the slightest form of contact.... he's the one they're drawn to.... not us!.... HE'S the reason they have shown themselves to us because he is the first to hear them as they "should" be heard and now they mean to be understood!"  she adds "if their intentions were nefarious I would be the first to sense a threat.... or perhaps second...."  Saru says looking down at Kehaulani hoping that she would smile at him like she normally always does but she didn't "we need to establish communication"  he adds handing the packs he was carrying over to Michael as Saru walked even closer to the bright star cluster like being Kehaulani walks out of the hut "I.... am Commander Saru as a first contact specialist I would like permission to analyze the sound you are emitting to determine if it is a form of language"  she hears Saru say then she hears the being warble once she hears Saru gasp she turns around and tries to reenter the hut but more of the beings surround her as though to stop her "are you alright?"  she hears Michael ask "it was not painful just disorienting"  she hears Saru replies and her body sighs with relief "I believe I felt their intentions their desire to converse this will take some time"  she hears him say "we can't touch that transmitter now"  she hears Michael say "General Order One?"  she hears Tyler ask "no order one restricts us from revealing ourselves to sentient beings that aren't warp capable we're well beyond that now our duty is to follow First Contact Protocol and we can't borrow or alter their property without them understanding our objective and agreeing to it"  she hears Michael reply....

 am Commander Saru as a first contact specialist I would like permission to analyze the sound you are emitting to determine if it is a form of language"  she hears Saru say then she hears the being warble once she hears Saru gasp she turns around ...

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Kehaulani left the hut because she started to feel like she couldn't breath while she was inside it she didn't reenter because the beings wouldn't allow her to it was as though they felt she would interfere with whatever they were trying to do with Saru since they seemed to mean him no harm she stayed in the front door of the hut as though waiting for him to ask her to return for she believed that it was the only way they would allow her back in.... if HE WANTED her there.... Saru looked everywhere for Kehaulani who seemed to be missing from the small hut though he didn't not realize she was gone until after Michael and Tyler left "they will not allow me in unless you WANT me to be there"  he hears her say "of course I want you with me!"  he replies softly "I.... don't think that is wise!.... I am only a distraction and you have a job to do!.... it's why they made me leave and won't allow me to return.... they don't like that they don't get your FULL attention when I'm in there!"  he hears her say "I don't care!"  he replies "well you should!.... I'm.... going to go for a walk!.... I might see you when you're done I might not the choice apparently.... is theirs!"  he hears her say then he hears her walk away from the lips/door of the hut "Kehau!?!"  he whispers with a soft sadness in his tone then he turns his focus to his job until he could no longer handle it anymore his body and mind became exhausted and he started to miss her terribly he did not see her again until everyone went to try and rest she walked into the opposite hut where Michael and Tyler had made a temporary home in as he went to lay down on the long blue mat that they were to sleep on.... he had laid hers next to his which made her smile when she saw it.... and she laid on top of hers as he laid on top of his he looked into her eyes and the pain started to diminish slightly then he wrapped his arm around her and fell asleep.... Kehaulani awoke to the feeling of Saru tossing and turning she spun her body so that she was now straddled on top of him with her hands gently holding his upper arms and her eyes staring straight into his "no Saru!.... don't listen!.... this is what they want!.... they want you to ask for their help to.... they "upped" the volume so that you would go to them for help!.... they want you to believe that you need them!"  she whispers softly with a hint of sadness in her voice "I'm sorry!.... I can't!.... I do need them!.... I need them to make this stop!"  he replies pushing her off him a little rougher than he meant to and then he rushes out of the hut she quickly gets up and rushes out after him "Saru!?!"  she shouts softly.... "can you please make it stop? even for a moment?"  Kehaulani hears Saru beg the being while sitting on his knees in front of it with his hands over his ears Saru turns as he hears Kehaulani softly whisper his name sadly "Saru!!"  then he sees her back away in fear as the Pahvans start to surround him and he turns back to the creature in time to see what had frightened her so as the Pahvans touch each side of his face and consume him....

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