Pete And Repeat Went For A Discovery Ride🌌🚀☄️

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Kehaulani stood on the Bridge with Saru as he worked his station when she felt something odd almost like the feeling of being pregnant.... even though she's never been.... or maybe a somewhat large and heavy boulder sitting in the center of her stomach she walks over to the Viewscreen as though she could actually see what was making her feel that way.... which she couldn't.... she knew it was some sort of life form.... much like Ripper.... which was why she could feel it but she had no idea where or what it was Lorca and Saru both look at her oddly as did the rest of the crew but no one said anything and then their sensors started to pick something up something they could not yet see "Captian the unidentified signal I monitored is directly ahead"  Saru informs Lorca curious if that was the reason Kehaulani took such and interest in the Viewscreen "alright yellow alert Mr Saru"  Lorca says as he walks back to his chair.... he was standing next to Kehaulani as though trying to give her a reason to be where she is joining her in a little star gazing but what he was really doing was checking her facial expression.... which just happened to be blank.... "shields up phasers to standby"  Lorca says "I don't think that will be necessary!"  Kehaulani says softly as she walks back over to Saru's side they once again look at her oddly as one of the crew says "copy that sir topping up"  Michael reports "scanners identify the object as biological Xenologic classification Gormagander it's health appears to be compromised"  Kehaulani mutters softly "that explains the stone in my stomach!"  Saru looks over at her oddly but says nothing "cancel yellow alert Mr Saru"  Lorca says looking over at the two of them curiously then he faces the view screen once again "thought those had been hunted to extinction"  he says "hunting isn't the cause of it's reduced numbers it's primarily due to their mating practices or lack thereof they spend their lives feeding on alpha particles in solar winds they're often so consumed by this task that they ignore all other instincts including reproduction"  Michael tells him "that sounds oddly familiar!"  Kehaulani teases under her breath looking over at Michael with a smile probably grateful that only Saru could hear her though Saru might have thought she was talking about him.... unless he realized just who she was looking at.... "that's as depressing a trait as I've ever heard"  Lorca says and Kehaulani holds back a chuckle "Helmsman plot a course"  he adds "Captain the Gormagander is on the endangered species list protocol requires it to transfer to a xenoloic facility"  Michael informs Lorca Saru nods in agreement as Lorca looks over at him Saru unknowingly takes Kehaulani's hand into his and giving it a light squeeze which in turn makes her body become excited Lorca looks over at Michael and says "then have at it"  Michael walks away from her station and heads to one of the cargo bays....

Saru hears Kehaulani gasp softly and whisper "Michael!!"  he looks over at her and asks "what's wrong?!"  she looks up at him and replies "I don't know how but someone has entered the ship along with the Gormagander.... she.... may be in danger"  that was all Tyler needed to hear for he rushed towards the turbolift and headed to the Cargo Bay he had heard stories of how connected she is to the people and other beings on the Discovery and somehow he actually believed it so as though going on a hunch and trusting her instincts as well as his own and without thinking of anything else he rushed to Michael's rescue a few seconds after he left they heard Michael's voice come through the bridge's com "Burnham to the Bridge intruder alert shots fired need immediate assistance"  and a crew member on the bridge confirms "intruders on Deck 6 sir"  Lorca replies "I want him locked down"  as they all watch the security footage of other crew members being shot and quite possibly killed Kehaulani turns her body and hides her head in Saru's chest and once again without thinking Saru's hand covers the back of her head and starts to gently comb through her long silky hair as her arms wrap themselves around his body tight yet gently "status on Burnham"  Lorca orders "unharmed she reports 4 confirmed fatalities"  Saru tells him using his free hand to work the controls as he continues to try and comfort Kehaulani "tell her not to engage the hostile"  Lorca orders "we have him trapped sir"  one of the crew members informs Lorca "not for long!"  Kehaulani whispers into Saru's chest Lorca gets up out of the Captain's Chair and walks towards the Viewscreen "whoever you are drop your weapons this ends now"  he says into the con they hear laughter coming from the man in an alien-like suit as he takes off his helmet and says "did you miss me as much as I missed you?"  Lorca replies with a tone of soft surprise "Mudd"  both Saru and Kehaulani look over at the Viewscreen though she still keeps ahold of his body as she does so Mudd says "did you really think that you could leave me to rot in a Klingon prison and not suffer any repercussions? as soon as I find out what's so special about your ship I'm gonna sell it to the Klingon's.... and maybe take that precious little morsel clinging for dear life to the stick bug over there as a consultation prize! do you hear me Captain I'm going to sell your ship to your mortal enemy and in so doing destroy any chance your Federation has wining of this war when you left me behind with the Klingon's you robbed me of my dear sweet Stella the only woman I have ever loved"  Saru looks down at Kehaulani when he hears her whisper through her teeth "liar!"  as Mudd continues "and I will have my revenge also I'm going to kill you as many times as possible".....

Lorca replies "I don't see this ending with you taking my ship"  Mudd replies "not this time but I have the data I need for the next so.... I will see you later or rather.... earlier"  Lorca looks at him oddly with a tilt of his head as he speaks once Mudd was finished speaking he lifts up something like Dr Who's Sonic Screwdriver that he presses a button on the top of it, lights blink on the bottom of it and causes a massive explosion and Kehaulani once again hides her head in Saru's chest holding him tightly to her as Lorca shouts "Mr Saru?"  Kehaulani lets him go and steps back then away from him so that he could work more sufficiently than he would be able to if he had to hold her the whole time "sensors read anicium and yurium compound explosion"  the crew member that took over for Tyler says "Hull Breach on Deck 6,5,4 now 3 we can't contain it Captain"  deck by deck the whole ship explodes till there's nothing and nobody left and this time Saru held onto her for dear life hiding her head in his chest and his head in her hair as he hugs her as close as he could.... and a few seconds later she wakes up in Saru's bed hugging him close as he had had another sexual nightmare her hands explore Saru's face and her lips lightly press up against his Saru's eyes widen in shock and she lets him go with a soft apology "I'm sorry!.... I had to make sure you were real!.... I had a very strange dream.... and I....!"  Saru rushes towards her planting his lips on hers deepening her far too gentle kiss making her moan softly as his body moves up and halfway over hers she chuckles softly then teases with a alluring smirk "we keep this up you'll be late for your duties!"  he quickly sits up and they both slide out of bed "that was just as nice as I thought it would be!.... no!.... that is an insufficient term.... I.... I can't think of the proper word to describe that!"  Saru tells her as he slides out of his pajama's and into his uniform he was so lost in the feeling of her lips that still lingered on his that he didn't seem to realize that he was getting dressed in front of her and even though his back was facing her he still would have felt slightly awkward if his brain was fully functioning she chuckles softly "it's ok Saru somethings don't need words.... besides I don't think you'll remember it anyway!"  she whispers the last part to herself and luckily he doesn't hear her "I'll go into the bathroom and change"  she tells him "huh!?!.... oh!.... yes.... of course!"  he replies nervously with a blushing face as he realizes what he just did "it's alright!.... I got your back!"  she teases patting him on the back and he chuckles 

definition of consultation prize: a prize given to a competitor who narrowly fails to win or who finishes last.... oh the irony right?! 😏😜😉😁

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