Around You All Who Love You 😘 No Matter What News You Bring 📰

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"It's oddly beautiful.... but also dangerous.... let's get inside before it gets worse!"  Kehau whispers to herself and her children while they watch the sun set as they stand once again before the door of the Discovery and enter it just before it freezes over.... Saru felt relieved when he sensed his wife and children at his side as he took the Captain's Chair once more and he says through the coms "all crew this is Commander Saru stations please"  he wraps his arm around Sarek as Kehau places him in his lap he looks down at his son with a curious expression on his face "it seemed appropriate!"  Kehau teases softly with a shrug and a smile he looks up at her questioningly but says nothing as she slides her free hand over his shoulder and he grips it gently with his "Tactical is still offline"  Rhys informs "our Sensors are at 73%"  Tilly adds "External Comms are still reinitializing three minutes until ready"  Bryce says "Shields back in three minutes as well other operational systems online, none at full functionality just yet, but we'll be alright"  Owo adds then she looks over at Keyla who seems frozen in her spot "Key?!"  Kehau says softly hearing her friends voice Keyla shakes herself awake and says "Impulse Engines and Maneuvering Thrusters are ready, sir, but we've never...."  she turns and looks at Saru who says "I am well aware that starships were not designed for liftoff in this fashion but...."  he squeezes his wife's hand then says "we have no choice full power please"  Kehau slips her hand out of Saru's then walks over to Keyla and says "here Key you hold Lani and I'll take over for a bit.... let's see if I've truly learned anything after all these years!"  Keyla chuckles as Kehau places Lani on her lap then she stands up and lets Kehau take over "full power to thrusters"  Keyla says and she watches as Kehau masterfully tries to move ship off the now frozen land it once sat on but feeling that the ships movement only made the icy crystals that now cover it surround it even more like a fly in a spiders web "I can....!"  Keyla says as she reaches for her controls she stops when she sees Kehau turn and look at her husband then say "I fear if I continue it will only get worse and I would rather not....!"  she stops when she sees Saru nod then they hear Tilly say with a frantic tone "Commander something is coming towards us something big"  Saru could have sworn he saw a smile begin to grace the corners of his wife's beautiful lips "enemy vessel right on top of us"  Rhys says "it seems like Zareh's more powerful friends have found us"  Georgiou says "oh I doubt that!"  Kehau mutters softly Georgiou raises an eyebrow at her Kehau shrugs then says "what!?!.... you think Michael wouldn't have been looking for us too!?!.... then you really don't know that dark skinned Vulcan as well as you think!"  Kehau gives the ship one more push then it becomes surrounded by a bright white light and gets lifted out of the ice crystals by a very strong tractor beam "hello Michael!"  Kehau whispers softly in a low voice only Saru could hear as Rhys says to Saru "Tractor Beam they've grabbed ahold of our ship"  Bryce adds "Comms are back online, Commander and we're being hailed"  Owo says "Shields are also back online"  Rhys asks "weapons armed and ready what do you want us to do?"  Saru looks at his wife who now has a full smile on her lips he stands up out of the Captain's Chair and replies "open a Channel, Mr. Bryce we will face whatever or.... whomever has come for us.... together"  Bryce says as he looks up from his controls with wide eyes "Channel open"  Saru replies "on Viewscreen, please"  the Viewscreen flickers for awhile then a familiar face shows up upon it and Kehau holds back a laugh as she teases with a smile "what a way to keep us in suspense Commander!.... and nice hair!"  Michael smiles at her friend then they both start laughing once their laughter dies down Michael looks around at all the others who went from being terrified to surprised "I'm betting that this time you're glad that I'm right!"  Kehau teases as Saru walks over and stands at her side he places his hand on her shoulder and replies "yes I am!"  the crew around them laughs....

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