My Love🥰 For You Is Like A Red ❤️Red❤️ Rose🌹

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"Well you'll be happy to know you get your wish"  Kehau hears Saru say from behind her a few days later she turns around and looks at him curiously with the tilt of her head and his body sighs at the sight for there is nothing more beautiful in any universe to him than her and his children "we are headed to Vulcan though it is known as Ni'Var now and houses not only Vulcans but Romulans as well"  he tells her "our favorite Vulcan peacekeepers keep pushing their own not so limitless boundaries"  she says with a smile and he truly does sigh at the sight then he smiles as well and says "yes.... I suppose they do!"  she chuckles softly and reaches her hand out to him he looks at her with a surprised expression on his face but reaches out and takes her fingers in his and feels her gently squeeze them "I still haven't forgiven you.... I may NEVER forgive you but....!"  she says softly "I know!"  he replies with sad eyes "trust is earned and you once again have to gain mine!"  she tells him "I know!"  he replies she walks over and kisses his cheek then leaves the room so she could free Book from his babysitting duties and he watches her leave with a sad expression on his face.... when Kehau walks into Michael's room she finds Michael and Book staring at a fuzzy semi-faded face that looked very familiar to her..... Michael jumps slightly when she hears a familiar voice say softly with a whispered tone "Spock!?!"  she turns to see Kehau standing in her doorway and smiles at her "let me guess.... he will not be happy with the results of all his hard work!?!"  Kehau teasingly asks Michael chuckles softly with a smile and replies "probably not"  Kehau walks over to her friends and stares at the holographic face of a familiar yet older face "let me try something"  she says softly she cups the cheek of the holographic face then lays her opposite hand under the one that cups the cheek then lowers it towards the floor and the holographic face becomes a full body of the very same man "you know.... he's shorter than I remember.... must be all the Vulcan tea he drank!"  Kehau joke Michael laughs as Book shakes his head at the two of them just then Sarek and Lani wake up from their nap and rush over to their mother as soon as they see her and hug her legs "now I do believe they are about to jump to Ni'Var if you wish to join them on the Bridge"  Kehau says as she lays her hands on her children's backs Michael smiles then nods "thank you for watching over them but I am curious as well as to what her home looks like now so I will be taking them with me"  Kehau says to Book who smiles then replies "it was my pleasure!"  Lani and Sarek walk over and hug him before they follow their mother and Godmother out of the room, towards the Turbolift then onto the Bridge where they walk over to the Captain's Chair where their father sits..... Saru looks at his children who now stand on either side of him in surprise then looks up and sees their mother smiling softly down at him and his body sighs at the sight once again then he looks around him at his crew and says as he places his hands on his children's backs "status report, please"  Owo replies "Coordinates locked in all hands ready to jump to Ni'Var"  Bryce adds "HQ confirms that Ni'Var is expecting us"  Saru says "very well"  there is a small pause then he continues as he feels Kehau gently place her hands on his shoulders "the people of Ni'Var have not been visited by a Federation starship in nearly a Century let us remind them who we are"  he cups his wife's hands which still lay upon his shoulders as he says "and how important they are to us"  he leans down and kisses the top of his children's heads before he says "Black Alert".... Kehau stares at the hologram of the Vulcan woman who told them she is the president of the planet named T'Rina as Michael walks over and stands at her side knowing full well her friend and her children could not be seen by the Vulcan that in a way stands before them "greetings Madam President I am Michael Burnham daughter of Sarek sister of Spock"  Michael says to the Vulcan woman who looks directly at her "it is a honor to greet you I only wish Ambassador Spock could see the fruits of his labor as you do now"  T'Rina replies "there isn't much to it is there!?!"  Kehau teases softly and Michael hides a smile then says "I do believe he would find it all.... fascinating"  Kehau teasingly mutters under her breath "I don't!"  Michael fights a chuckle "I would be pleased to speak further but we must dispense with the Federation's request for data related to SB-19"  T'Rina says Michael takes a step forward and says "we found significate new evidence related to the cause of the Burn SB-19 can help us with that"  T'Rina looks at her and says "SB-19 is an issue of great cultural and political sensitivity here"  Michael assures "our inquiry is entirely scientific in nature"  T'Rina replies "even science cannot be separated from cultural and political context there are always implications as Spock himself learned Ni'Var continues to struggle with the delicate balance of reunification, which only became more complicated after the Burn any theory Commander Burnham is developing could tear open old wounds and we cannot afford that at this time"  Kehau mutters under her breath "I doubt they ever would even if they did have the time!.... has everyone become so cowardly and stubbornly self absorbed in this future!?!"  Saru looks at her through the corner of his eyes which shined with sadness as Michael says "Madam President...."  T'Rina interrupts by saying "permission to access SB-19 is denied if you persist in requesting it, I will have to be content with observing your Spore Drive in action as you return to Federation Headquarters"  Michael looks at Saru who looks at her then she looks at T'Rina' holo and says "Madam President, do the people of Ni'Var still honor any of the old ways?"  T'Rina looks at her as she continues "specifically a matters of scientific inquiry?"  T'Rina replies "they do"  Michael says "then as a graduate of the Vulcan Science Academy, I respectfully invoke the T'kal-in-ket"  T'Rina stares at her as Kehau smirks after a short pause T'Rina says softly "I will convene a Quorum"  then her holo disappears "wow I'm shocked they can "afford" to waste time on that!"  Kehau jokes and Michael laughs then she explains herself "the Vulcans have engaged in T'kal-in-ket since the time of Surak the T'kal-in-ket is a philosophical process designed to unearth deep truths it is credited as being one of the engines that lead to early Vulcan scientific advancement and once invoked, the request cannot be denied"  and Saru says "so you gave her no choice"  Michael replies "it's the only way we'll have a chance at that data this could help us solve the Burn"  Saru asks looking from his friend to his wife then back to his friend for he remembered that Kehau doesn't remember everything from her past lives "what is the protocol?"  Michael replies "I have to rigorously defend my hypothesis before the Science Institute"  Kehau jokes "well.... that shouldn't be too hard especially for you!"  the crew around her chuckles Michael smiles at her.... while the Vulcans were on the Discovery Kehau, Sarek and Lani were down on the planet getting some much needed REAL fresh air "I do wonder if you would be proud of them my friends"  Kehau whispers into the air as she looks around at the land that surrounds her "most of all you Spock for you are the one who has done the most work for these lost souls who in some ways seem to still need your guidance.... or perhaps I am only seeing what I want to see in them and yet in a way I want them to be free of you while still remembering all you taught them and living by it to the best of their ability I have also not been here long enough to make true assumptions just ones based on the one Vulcan "President" I have seen.... though I do not recall Vulcans ever having a President just the council then again I don't remember much about Vulcan just the beauty of its land and your fathers friendship and love which was never fleeting and always consent even after I died it seems for even though he loves.... loved.... you mother a part of him seemed to still love me or perhaps the memory of the one I once was the one HE grew up with.... I miss you both and though I will never see either of you again in person you will always live in my heart I will never forget either of you.... ever!"  she adds.... Kehau and her children do not return to the Discovery until after the T'kal-in-ket they walk into Saru's Ready Room and Kehau is surprised to see that T'Rina is still there and she backs out of the room with her children at her side Saru looks at his wife in surprise as he watches her walk in then back out of the room and his heart squeezes in pain when he sees the expression on her face he felt that they were finally becoming one once again and now he fears that she will once again push herself away from him "Kehau!"  he whispers softly with a heartbroken worried tone as the doors close then turns his attention to the Vulcan President that stands before him with a curious expression on her face.... well as curious as a not so emotional Vulcan can have on her face.... "he would be proud of you you know"  Michael hears Kehau say from behind her she turns around at smiles at her friend and Godchildren who stands at her side then replies "I hope so!"  Kehau and her children walk into the room as Kehau says softly "I know so! and no I don't believe I could "make" the holo concur with that statement!"  and Michael chuckles with a smile and hugs her....

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