👼🏻😇Angels Have Gone👋🏻🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏻‍♀️

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"Burnham to Discovery I'm setting coordinates for the Beta Quadrant, Terralysium, 930 years from this launch point that should take us where we need to go"  everyone hears Michael say into the com "Commander, the Quantum Fluctuations within the Wormhole make it difficult to track your position using standard sensors how do you intend to guide us through?"  Saru asks through the com "I'll send a signal the sixth signal like the North Star, that's what this is you can follow it to me on the other side"  Michael replies "copy Commander"  Saru replies "Saru.... take them!.... please!"  Saru hears Kehau whisper he looks over and sees her grip the edge of her controls as though she was trying to keep herself standing upright he stands up rushes over and pulls his children out of their cocoon like carrier then walks back over to the Captain's Chair as Kehau body falters as her knees give in and she fumbles to the ground like she just had a ACME anvil fall on top of her she pulls herself back up as a part of the Enterprise explodes and a ripple of the blast hits the Discovery "Discovery to Enterprise, are you all right?"  Saru asks into the com "we're okay but we lost the Admiral"  they hear Pike reply after a short pause Saru says into the com "Burnham, we are running out of time"  Kehau's eyes widen and she whispers with a worried tone "Spock!"  but she doesn't leave until she feels she can fully be felt as she sits by his side and when she does she hears Michael say to him with a small smile on her face "listen to me, little brother this is the last advice I'll ever be able to give you there is a whole galaxy out there full of people who will reach for you you have to let them find that person who seems farthest from you, and reach for them reach for them let them guide you"  Spock feels Kehau's presence beside him as he replies not letting his eyes leave his sisters "I will I only wish I could be certain of your safety"  Michael says "you will I'll send the last signal I'll send it through the Wormhole when we get to the other side"  Spock says as he takes Kehau's hand in his own for comfort and the knowledge that he is not truly alone in the pain he now feels knowing he's about to lose the one member of his family he quite possibly loved the most "I will watch the stars for it"....

 please!"  Saru hears Kehau whisper he looks over and sees her grip the edge of her controls as though she was trying to keep herself standing upright he stands up rushes over and pulls his children out of their cocoon like carrier then walks back...

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"Nan'e lo'uk du on-zish Michael ("you are a great threat both-slider, Michael" according to: https://www.reddit.com/r/Vulcan/comments/bhiucf/what_did_spock_say_to_michael_in_vulcan_in_star/)

"Spock to Enterprise my Shuttle's Engines are disabled I will not be returning to Discovery"  Spock says into his com "hold your position we'll transport you out"  Pike replies through his com "Commander Saru, how are your Shields?"  Pike asks "Ensign Tilly, where are we?"  Saru asks through the com "almost there somebody owes me a beer we are good to go, sir"  Tilly replies "Shields back up to 40%"  Owo reports "more than enough, Captain"  Saru tells Pike through the com "stand by to transport, Spock"  Pike tells Spock through his com "Nan'e lo'uk du on-zish Michael "  Spock says to his sister "I love you, too, brother"  Michael replies then both Spock and Kehau disappear Spock in a bright white light as he is beamed aboard the Enterprise and Kehau in her usual way when she separates herself from her body "Commander Burnham, on your mark"  Pike says into the com "Burnham to Discovery let's go"  Michael says into her com "Lieutenant Detmer, full power follow our signal"  Saru orders Keyla steers the ship so that it follows Michael who was flying ahead of them in her Red Angel suit towards a bright white light "all vessels, aim at 3-mark-5-mark-2 clear a path"  they hear Pike say into the com "goodbye, Captain Pike"  Saru replies "goodbye, my friends my family"  Pike says softly and he smiles when he hears Sarek and Lani babble happily as children their age do.... "Georgiou to Bridge I'm in Engineering Leland is dead Control is neutralized"  Saru and the rest of the Bridge crew hear Georgiou say into the com "copy, Commander we are on our way"  Saru replies then he feels Kehau's hand cup his shoulder and he lays his head on top of it and closes his eyes he opens them when he hears her whisper with a smile in her tone "you're not going to want to miss this husband!"  and he opens his eyes and sees the ship enter the white Wormhole and she was right he would not want to miss it for it was perhaps the 7th or 8th most beautiful thing he has ever seen especially with Michael's red light guiding them inside.... when Spock returned to his quarters he was surprised to see a video log of him and Michael with Kehau, Sarek and Lani in it along with a Vulcan puzzle box with Vulcan herbs and spices for tea and many other things if he so chose to use them for whatever and it made him smile.... probably for the last time.... he kept it close and yet hidden always.... Saru watches curiously as Kehau caresses her chin like she had a beard and was enjoying its softness "he shaved!.... it's odd.... we're so far away from him and yet I can still sense him like a spirit.... or perhaps a more appropriate term would be.... what's that human phrase?!.... a "guardian angel".."  Kehau says softly when she feels his eyes on her and she sees him smile through the mirror as he stands behind her then they hear their children fuss "I do believe it's your turn!"  she tells him his smile grows as he replies "I do believe you are correct!"  he cups his hands upon her upper arms, kisses her lips then lets go and walks away feeling her smile at him as he departs making him smile once again

"  Kehau says softly when she feels his eyes on her and she sees him smile through the mirror as he stands behind her then they hear their children fuss "I do believe it's your turn!"  she tells him his smile grows as he replies "I do believe you ...

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