Delta Dawn

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The next time Michael sees Kehau she was in Ten Forward sitting with Ash Tyler and singing Delta Dawn by Tanya Tucker in Klingon which made Ash chuckle softly with a slight smile slipping up the corner of his lips "don't do that or people will think you're happy to be here!"  Kehau teases making Tyler laugh "shall I continue?!"  she asks "oh.... please do!"  he replies playfully waving his hands at her and with a smile she starts the second verse still singing in Klingon.... Tyler was surprised yet happy that Kehau walked into Ten Forward a few seconds after he did for she was the first person to smile at him and give him a hug not to mention actually seem to be happy to see him she seemed almost nervous to give him the hug but he figured that it was because she was unsure if he'd want one and once she gave him the hug small snippets of what went on on the Discovery after he left played in his head the good, the bad and the most recent "I'm worried about him!.... ever since he came back after I sent him in to go find Paul he's seemed.... different!.... like he's not all here!.... I think a part of him might still be in there!"  Kehau tells Tyler who takes her hands in his in a comforting way she smiles at him then offers to sing him a song to "ease the tension" which made him smile he lets go of her hands then nods and that's when she started to sing Delta Dawn in Klingon.... Kehau walks out of Ten Forward as Michael walks in giving Tyler one last hug around his shoulder and playfully pulls the bottom of his beard gently before leaving.... "what are you smiling about!?!"  Saru hears a familiar soft loving teasing voice say he turns his head and finds Kehau standing next to him with a smile of her own on her face and his body sighs happily at the sight she slides her hand into his and he squeezes it gently then they both watch as Paul walks onto the Bridge and give the crew hopeful yet frightening news.... "there's a chance Ensign Tilly is still alive?"  Pike asks incredulously as though he was trying to make sure he was hearing Paul correctly "there is, sir she was taken into the Mycelial Network against her will"  Paul replies and he watches as Michael walks onto the Bridge with Tyler at her side with a confused look on his face "how do we get her back, Mr. Stamets?"  Pike asks "every time we jump, Discovery passes through the Mycelial Network for.... a few milliseconds, and during that very brief window of time, we are actually inside it I'm proposing we do a partial jump"  Airiam asks "a predetermined course with no set end point?"  Paul replies "exactly half in, half out of the network Discovery will hold position long enough for me to leave the cube and find Tilly"  Michael says "for us to leave the cube you're not gonna do this alone"  Paul somewhat nervously smiles at her "let's say I let you use this ship as a doorstop can we survive prolonged exposure to the network?"  Pike asks "the mycelia will attack the ship, decomposing it as soon as we enter, but tritanium is not their favorite food, so we'll have about an hour before they eat through the hull"  Paul replies "that's an hour to find Ensign Tilly so far, I hate this plan"  Pike says Kehau hides a chuckle "it'll be critical for everyone to avoid places on the ship where mycelial space and normal space intersect anyone who touches the barrier will find themselves twisted around the axes of both environments"  Paul says "like the bodies we found on the Glenn"  Michael explains "from what I know of that young woman she'd put her life on the line for any one of us"  Pike says "that she would, sir"  Paul replies "in a heartbeat"  Michael adds "Bryce open a ship-wide channel"  Pike orders once Bryce does as ordered Pike says into the com "all personnel, this is Captain Pike Starfleet.... is a promise I give my life for you; you give your life for me and nobody gets left behind Ensign Sylvia Tilly is out there, and she has every right to expect us we keep our promises please report to your stations in designated safe zones in the starboard section good luck, and Godspeed to us all"....

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