⌚⏲Time Apart Brings Me Sorrow😭

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"You really need to stop thinking about me!"  Spock hears a familiar teasing voice say with a chuckle in her tone as he works in the Control Room he turns to see what looked like a hologram version of Kehau smiling at him "you're pretty far away and I'm with Lani and Sarek so this is what you get!"  she says waving her hands down her body "unfortunately they get more of my attention than you do!"  she adds "good!"  he replies "somethings off!"  she tells him "is it just you and Michael here?!"  she asks "no there's....!"  he starts "keep working she'll figure it out!.... Control has the tendency to slip even when it doesn't realize it.... besides there are two of us now so if you work on one I can work on the other and perhaps we can keep it busy so it doesn't realize too soon that it has been figured out"  she tells him he nods.... as Spock worked on purging the system Kehau worked on trying to open the door a little while later after they both had their respected "duties" completed Kehau nods at Spock who says into his com "Michael, do you copy? Gant is Control you must reboot the system to lock him out of the ship"  Kehau looks at him as the doors she was working on partially open "what kind of name is Gant!?!... the poor kid!"  he chuckles "I'm sorry this was all I could do I am not used to this system and I shall ignore your lips slight breathy malfunction!"  she tells him his eyes sparkle with laughter as he replies "you did well and thank you!"  she smiles then they work together to pull the door open the rest of the way... when Spock and Kehau reach Michael and Gant Kehau kicks the needle Gant was trying to press into Michael's eye and Spock tries to pull him off his sister and all he ends up doing is getting his attention away from his sister then getting his arm broken by the human looking machine "Vulcan Nerve Pinch would be effective if I still had nerve endings"  Gant says with a mechanical voice then he punches Spock in the face making his body fly towards a nearby wall Kehau who was in the process of picking up the needle Gant had in his hand off the floor rushes over to Spock and helps him up "I thought it might come in handy.... not against him but we might be able to find out what's inside and how it works though I am unsure how to do so without compromising whatever we use to test it!"  she tells him showing him the needle that had some sort of greenish liquid inside Spock nods "here.... let me.... I must warn you though.... it might hurt just a little bit and I'm not kissing you to distract you from the pain!"  she says as she pulls on his arm reattaching the bones and somehow healing them in the process he grunts then walks over to a Control Panel as Michael starts shooting Gant in the chest "Spock!"  Michael calls out as some form of grey smoke-like lines starts to flow towards her after she shot a hole in Gant's chest "I am working on it"  Spock replies Kehau kneels down to where he is and tries her best to help him a second or so later the fingers of smoke freeze then fall and turn into tiny beads of sand/dust "the floor is magnetized"  Michael says "once I realized the nanobots contained ferromagnetic materials, I had to calculate the correct electrical current to run through the metal in the ship's floor to immobilize them I apologize for being so slow"  Spock replies "you were right on time"  Michael says then she notices the ghost of a shape that looked a lot like Kehau and asks "what are you doing here!?!"  Kehau smiles as she replies with a teasing tone "your brother got lonely while in the Control Room and really seemed to enjoy the strip tease form of lap dance I presented him with!"  Michael's eyes sparkle with laughter as she replies with a hidden smirk "I'll be sure not to tell Saru!.... I can't make any promises for Spock though!"  Kehau says "I would appreciate it.... and he'll keep the secret too if he knows what's good for him! besides if he doesn't he won't get another and that would surely be a disappointment to us both!"  Michael laughs as Spock looks at one woman then the other like they were crazy "see you two on the Discovery"  Kehau says then she disappears placing the needle in Spock's hand before she completely vanishes from their sight....

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