💗💖Of Heart And Home🏡🚀

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Saru, Kehau, Lani and Sarek take Su'Kal to Kaminar and they decided to stay for awhile now that Saru had a better understanding of what was going on with his wife he hoped that staying in one place would help the darkness within her calm itself and turn into light and love once more and he figured there was no better place to do that than his.... THEIR.... home not to mention her and their children have such a deep connection to the universe around them and NEED to be within it more than they are and he hoped being HOME would help them feel whole again.... "I miss the blue and have a feeling Philippa would hate the color too but I just wanted to congratulate you on your Captaincy"  Michael hears Kehau say from beside her as she sits in the Captain's Chair for the first time after gaining the title of Captain "thank you!"  Michael whispers with a chuckle in her tone and a smile luckily everyone knew who she was speaking to so no one thought she was going mad before giving them their first order.... Saru became a Elder Advisor to the Kelpien governing council during the five months they stayed there and though he loved being home he misses the Discovery "why aren't you two married yet!?!"  Book and Michael hear Kehau tease from behind them as they take one anothers hand Michael bursts out laughing then says as she turns to face her friend who she knew wasn't really there "don't push it!"  Kehau smiles then replies "at least tell me Tilly has finally been promoted or at least upped her rank from cadet to superstar or whatever!"  Michael chuckles with a smile especially at the flamboyantly playful way Kehau said "superstar" "he loves being "home" on the planet but misses the home he's had for much longer than that he's also grown.... sort of.... he's in contemplation mode which is dangerous in itself for he'll never be able to choose one or the other without some form of guidance which I believe Su'Kal will give once he figures it out for I believe it is his "duty" to Su'Kal that truly keeps him here for in a way his people don't need him as badly as they THINK they do!.... I'll never understand a Kelpien's need to be guided everywhere then again they've lived for centuries in fear so perhaps that is part of the reason!"  Kehau tells Michael who smiles at her "the kids miss all of you but have finally made friends their own age and they're out playing at the moment so....!"  Kehau adds "we miss them too!"  Michael tells her with a smile "it's nice that they can finally TRULY be children and I don't JUST mean Lani and Sarek but ALL of them!"  Kehau says Michael nods "you look busy so I'll let you go see you both later"  Kehau adds she waves and they wave back as she disappears "she seemed better"  Book says "she's not all the way there yet, she's held it back but has not gotten rid of it and if she has to get rid of it in the same way she did before, she won't for she would never want to hurt Saru or his home in any way!"  Michael replies Book nods with a frown "she's strong and I believe it's her connection to nature that made her "seem better" for she needs that and hasn't had it in far too many years not in the way she needed it.... she "turned off" her connection with us that is why she "visits" on occasion for if she constantly felt what we are going through we'd see her a lot more often!"  she adds Book chuckles softly and says with a smile "yes we would!".... Vance hears a familiar teasing voice say from beside him as Laira Rillak takes the podium after Michael introduces her "I think she has you beat when it comes to being arrogant but I could be wrong!"  he chuckles he knew she was already gone so he didn't turn to face her not to mention he believes he was the only one who heard her and it would be best if those around him.... minus the Discovery crew who were used to her doing things like that.... didn't think he had gone crazy by talking to the air during an important event such as the one he now has to endure.... "I am proud of you Su'Kal!"  Kehau says to her new friend after he speaks with Saru and talks him into leaving one home to return to another "and I know your mother would be too you have grown so much since you've been here!"  she adds as she lays her forehead on his in a very Kelpien way "I shall miss you!"  Su'Kal says "we are connected the four of us you, me, Lani and Sarek Saru is not like us so his connection is different he cannot do what we can but when you think of us we will be here.... always!"  she says laying her hand on his heart "and there will be occasions when Lani, Sarek and I can come "see" you for a short time depending on what troubles we face while we are wherever we end up another.... Holo of sorts but not like on the ship for this one actually FEELS things we are meant to feel and you can touch us and feel us touch you and the emotions we each carry when we do I have had more practice at it than my children but they are still young and I have slowly been teaching them "long distance travel" for there are many they miss as well"  she tells him he nods sadly "do not be sad Su'Kal we would not be able to leave if we saw and felt you being sad.... yes I know this is a sad moment but it is also a happy one in a very odd way but still....!"  she says "I know!"  he replies "how about we cook one last meal together before we leave?!.... for memory's sake!"  she asks he nods with a bit more vigorous happiness "coming Saru?!"  Kehau asks the Kelpien who was listening in on their "goodbye" "y-yes.... of course!"  Saru replies with a slight stammer in his tone then he walks over to where they were and they head home picking up their children along the way and letting them know it was almost time for supper....

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