A Reason To Carry On

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"I've isolated the Communication System ready to reinitialize?"  Michael says in Russian "entering the Reinitialization Sequence now"  Saru replies also in Russian he tries to do his job the way he was supposed to but seeing him become worse and not better Kehau takes over placing his hands over hers and has it so they work together with his chest pressed up against her back his eyes widen at first then he groans softly in her ear with a tone that almost sounded like relief as his body quivers softly and he uses her as a crutch of sorts to help him stand and stay tall and strong as he's always wished to be Michael hides the smiles that threatens to crawl up the corners of her lips as she watches them at first Kehau just watched them work but as Saru became weaker she started to help out without trying to look like she was helping out "Burnham to Bridge the Universal Translator is back up and running ship-wide on all systems"  Michael says into the comms Kehau spins around in Saru's arms as he starts coughing she grips him gently as his knees buckle Hugh starts to feel odd like he was sick and weak even though he knew he wasn't and he knew that something was wrong with Kehau and if not Kehau then Saru and he leaves Sickbay to go find them Kehau starts to walk Saru to their quarters when the ship gets hit by some unknown force and knocks the three of them to the ground Saru ends up becoming embarrassed as he falls on top of Kehau and he tries to stand back up which he regrets for he sees the concern she has for him light her bright beautiful eyes "Bridge what happened? did the sphere fire on us?"  Michael asks while holding the comms button on a wall control panel once she stands up Owosekun replies as Kehau and Saru help one another up "negative EPS conduits are overloading systems are going haywire the virus is spreading"  Saru says "what is happening to the ship? we.... have to get to the Bridge"  Kehau places her hands on his shoulders and replies softly "no!.... your health is more important! Pike and the others are completely capable of figuring this out I am sick and tired of standing by and watching you as you deteriorate!"  he looks at her sadly but gives in as he nods in reply and he allows her to once again lead him wherever she wished to take him even though Kehau could feel the danger and turmoil that was happening all over the ship she focused solely on Saru and doing whatever she could to help him get better Michael follows them also worrying about her friend and everything that was going on on the ship and to her surprise Kehau lead them straight to her and Saru's quarters "I've worked in Sickbay.... do you honestly believe I wouldn't be prepared for the worse of anything!?!.... besides I believe Hugh's on his way the poor saps connected to me as well now!"  Kehau asks Michael who chuckles as Kehau leads Saru to their bed and lays him down in it and just as Kehau predicted Hugh walks into the room a minute or so later and seeing Saru in the condition that he was in went straight to work on finding out what's wrong with him "I can't be here for this!"  Kehau whispers "no!.... don't leave!!"  Saru says in a low soft pained heartbreaking tone as he reaches over and gently grips her hand as she starts to leave she turns and looks at him "you once again knew what was going on but you ignored it!.... this is YOUR FAULT!!"  she scolds "and before you say that I also ignored it I'm going to tell you that you are wrong!.... I didn't ignore it but I knew you would and I tried to allow you to do what you wanted to do but I can't!.... not anymore!.... I will not stand here and watch you die!.... I have seen it far too many times already and I can't watch it again! ESPECIALLY if you may never come back this time!"  she adds his eyes become even sadder and he lets her hand go but to his surprise she stays "I really need to stop giving you what you want!"  she mutters under her breath Hugh smiles and Saru's eyes become hopeful "he's going through Vahar'ai...."  Kehau tells Hugh and Michael in a low voice "when I awoke in discomfort this morning.... I hoped it was just a passing cold...."  Saru says while trying to catch his breath as he tries to ignore the pain he's feeling both physically and emotionally Kehau looks at him sadly as he continues "but now I have to face the truth I do not understand why.... but I am beginning to think that the sphere has triggered.... Vahar'ai.... it is a Kelpien biological process an event that signals when Kelpien's are ready to be.... culled for slaughter by.... the Ba'ul, the predator species on my homeworld of Kaminar...."   Kehau adds "and before you start to wonder it doesn't matter that there are no Ba'ul here!.... technically this is happening before his time was supposed to come!"  Saru says "Kelpien ganglia only inflame in this manner.... as we near our end I am a a slave to my biology"  he regrets his words when he sees the heartbreaking sadness in his wife's eyes "we are not going to let you die there must be something we can do"  Michael says "we ARE doing it!.... the only thing we can do is make sure he's as comfortable as possible.... which is why I brought him here.... my garden would be far too crowded.... the rest is up to him.... this is HIS fight and only he can win the war!.... if he so wishes!"  Kehau says softly Saru looks at her sadly as he tells Michael "Kelpien's undergoing Vahar'ai either die in the culling or are driven to madness by the effects of Vahar'ai either way, death is inevitable"  Kehau sits by his side on the bed and takes his hands in hers his eyes lock with hers and he kisses her lips then whispers as he places his forehead on hers "I can not win this war without you by my side!"  she nods then moves his body into a laying position and starts to remove his shirt "I figured it might help you breath a little better if you weren't confined to such tight clothing.... you're keeping your pants on though!"  she teases as she sees his nonexistent eyebrow raise at her he chuckles softly....

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