✌🏻🕊️Is Peace Even Possible!?!☮️✌🏽

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"Enough!"  Kehau says with a low disciplining growl in her tone as she walks into the room where the crew was eating together like they were having a Thanksgiving meal with family with her children in her arms Keyla who was speaking head spins in her direction and she looks at her friend ashamed of her behavior "I have no idea what is going on with you young lady but I will hear no more of these dark words slipping through your lips is that understood!?!"  Kehau scolds "yes ma'am!"  Keyla replies softly with a tone full of shame lowering her head shamefully as Kehau sets her children down in their fathers lap "remember you all are not the only ones who went through the experience perhaps my "saving" you from the "worse" of it made it worse than it should be, perhaps even though I softened the blow the effects still penetrated through the shield I have so tirelessly built to protect those that mean the most to me may have cracked during our journey, but we ALL have gone through it! we ALL have suffered! we spent the past year awake and yet asleep at the same time we ALL had done our part to do the best we could do to make sure EVERYONE survived! and yet in some form of a way no of us have for just like we don't know this future none of us know the past we have missed!.... we all chose to come despite the fact that we all knew we'd lose just as much as we hope to gain but we are not quite there yet and going at each others throats will not help ANYONE!.... remember we are not the only ones who felt it just imagine how those we left behind must have felt not knowing ANYTHING about what had happened to us for who knows what LIES they had been told to "save" them from a truth they will NEVER understand!.... WE are our family now just as we always have been but NONE of you are acting like it most of all YOU Keyla!.... I think this dinner is over and you all should spend a few hours in your quarters attempting to cool yourselves down and be grateful I will NOT make you make a public spectacle of having you each apologize to one another in front of the entire crew! Michael has been here longer than all of us can you imagine what she must have gone through when she WAS alone without ANY of us?! what she might have thought or wondered she may have never doubted us like you all seem to be doubting one another but NO ONE knew the FULL consequence of the feat we ALL have accomplished! what is worse is I'm guessing you all either can't or don't care to know what all these people went through when we disappeared throughout the face of the universe, what horrifying tragedies they must of had to suffer I above all have NEVER expected ANY of you to act so SELFISHLY after doing something that one would consider selfless all for one woman who is STILL trying to find a way to HELP those who apparently can't help themselves, you had the Federation these people don't, but above all else you all still have each other and it isn't the docs fault none of you will come to one another and talk through your problems facing them head on instead of ignoring them and pretending they don't exist blaming those that in your heart you know are not at fault for this is NO ONES fault! not a single person in this room, on this ship or anywhere in this unknown galaxy is at fault for no one has complete and total control of all that goes on no matter how much they'd like too!"  she looks at Georgiou who smiles at her as a scatter of soft chuckling is heard throughout the room coming from everyone in it "now go! and remember those outside this room look up to each and everyone of you! in their eyes we are all heroes! for we each had a part in saving everyone's asses not just the three of you! you are the Bridge crew, Spore Drive Specialist, and Doctor the ones who fly the ship, keep it whole and protected, help it navigate itself through a Network we have no right to be in and yet fly through a bit too often! and the healer of lost souls you are the HEART of this ship!  and when you break the rest of it becomes damaged to the point where even I can't heal it! we are supposed to be a "well oiled machine" and right now we are so rusty we can't move without the fear of falling apart! so go rest not only your bodies but your minds and instead of listening to those thoughts in your head TRY to listen to your hearts for that is what I remember you all having but am not seeing.... at all! and you seem to be forgetting the most important thing of all we are not JUST a team we are FAMILY! and not just because we are stuck in a confined space in a strange place that is yet isn't home but because of ALL that we have been through together, remember that just like when I feel what happens to each and every one of you.... when one of all falls we all fall and only we can pick one another back up for we are all we have!"  Kehau says gently the crew smiles at her then does as they are told.... well they at least leave the room.... Saru was the only one who didn't stand or walk out instead he looks up at his wife who looks down at him with a smile then kisses his lips and says softly "you too Captain! and it might be a good idea to TRY and do what they are doing"  Saru smiles then stands and follows her out of the room with his children still in his arms fast asleep.... as they were walking Saru stops when he hears his wife jump back with a gasp "what the hell!?!"  she whispers softly he turns and looks at her with a worried expression on his face she shakes her head and says as she gently grips his arm "I.... think.... I'm ok!"  then she whispers to herself "GOD I HATE the Trill!"  he chuckles then they continue walking towards their quarters and she explains what she's feeling to the best of her ability and how Michael has to go "save" Adira who is supposed to be communicating with her symbiont by entering the same waters the Trill did "this is something for them they don't need me but.... Michael just went into the waters so I of course "fell in" too!.... they're ok it's just been a long time since I felt....!"  she tells him he nods understandingly and a look of relief flashes over his face she smiles then kisses his lips and he moans softly at the feel of their soft, gentle, loving caress that look of relief returns to his face when she tells him that they (Michael and Adira) had succeeded in their mission "they'll be fine! they just needed a good spanking!.... I mean reminder that....!"  Kehau says as she looks into her husbands eyes and Saru did a rather rare thing he laughs which makes her smile and he kisses her lips as the door to their quarters opens and they walk inside and end up taking a short nap together as the rest of the crew that was at the meal reconciles as they apologize to one another for their rude words and bad behavior.... Saru is the first to wake from his nap he sits up and looks down at his still sleeping wife and children with a smile then kisses each of their foreheads before standing up and heading out of the room letting those that matter the most in his "new" life sleep and the last thing he sees before walking out the door is his wife softly smile and he leaves completely with a smile of his own on his face....

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