🫐Blueberries & Strawberries🍓

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"Look at the way she's dressed she looks more like a guest than a prisoner.... maybe we can work a way to get her her own quarters!"  Paul tells Hugh in a hushed voice as Kehaulani wanders around Sickbay "I don't know Paul!"  Hugh replies "she's a curious soul maybe we can have her work with one of us while she's here.... besides if you continuously go to the Brig while she's staying there they're going to ask questions as to why you're there...."  Paul says then pauses "have her stay here!.... she commented on how they haven't even realized she was gone and she told us of her allergy to the food simulator's food.... use that!.... it's the perfect excuse to have her stay!"  Hugh chuckles then says with a smile "you've grown attached rather quickly!"  Paul blushes then says "it isn't like that!.... I just feel like she was wrongfully accused of whatever crime that was claimed that she committed.... she doesn't deserve....!"  Hugh laughs then replies with a smile "I will see what I can do.... though I have no idea how to explain how she got here.... she didn't arrive with security.... but I may be able to work something out"  Paul smiles and he kisses Hugh they look over to see if Kehaulani had noticed and see her pull a bag of dried strawberries from her pocket making them chuckle "maybe we can get Saru to help!"   Hugh says softly as they watch her eat Paul looks at the man he loves then at Kehaulani and smiles.... the next day Hugh allowed Kehaulani to wander the ship he found that she was unable to stay still for long periods of time.... while she stayed in Sickbay she helped him with what little patients he had and or received throughout the rest of the night and he found that she was a quick study.... uh I mean learner.... she had each piece of his equipment and how to use them memorized within a few minutes....

Kehaulani jogs through the hallways and sees Michael walking with a tall willowy man "morning M"  she calls out softly as the man moves the bowl he holds in his hand to share whatever lies within with her friend hearing her voice they both turn around to look at her "putting you to work already!?!"  Kehaulani asks playfully as she walks over to them "that much is apparent"  Michael replies "at least you won't be bored!.... or stuck with the others.... which is LOADS of fun!"  Kehaulani says ending with a sarcastic tease then she looks over at her friends companion "hi, my names Kehaulani"  she introduces herself to the Kelpien "this is FIRST OFFICER Saru"  Michael says before the man could even open his mouth and they start walking again "my their voices change quickly!.... he sounded just like you M!"   Kehaulani teases playfully Michael rolls her eyes Kehaulani smiles "it's nice to meet you Saru"  Saru seemed nervous his mouth moved but no words came out and his fingers moved slightly as though he was unsure if he should shake her hand or not "where have you been!?!"   Michael asks bringing the attention back to her "Sickbay Doctor Culber has been having me help him out.... he seems unwilling to take me the Brig where I'm supposed to be.... he's using the "finding a cure for my food simulator allergy" as an excuse to keep me there!"  Michael shakes her head and Saru looks at her oddly "so many people with so many places to go"  Michael says as they watch the officers that pass by them "on Discovery our facilities can accommodate 300 discrete scientific missions a Starfleet record"  Saru tells them Kehaulani looks at him and their eyes meet and lock till he looks away as though he was trying to hide his blushing face "so this is a science vessel"  Michael says also looking at Saru as they stop in front of a familiar door Saru looks at Kehaulani who takes out a bag of dried lychees "would you like to try one?!"  she offers holding the bag out to him he cautiously slides his fingers into the bag and takes out exactly one and slowly places it in his mouth she smiles at him as he slowly chews on the piece of fruit "you've been assigned to Engineering"  Saru tells Michael waving at the door "Lieutenant Stamets will task you with specific duties"  he continues nodding his head then he looks down at Kehaulani and says "thank you for sharing.... it was delicious!"   she smiles at him then replies "if you didn't want it you didn't have to take it I wouldn't have been offended"  he tilts his head at her then says "I actually never had one.... I was quite curious as to what they would taste like"  she lets out a short soft chuckle then says "you just seemed nervous when you took one.... like it was going to bite you as soon as you placed your hand in the bag"  he looks at her oddly and says "I.... apologize"  she shakes her head with a smile and replies "there's no need for that Saru!.... though the way you act while I'm around compared to others may take some getting used to.... give these to Paul when you meet him.... they're known as Lychee"   she says to Michael handing her the bag Michael takes it with an odd expression on her face "I should get back to Sickbay as a prisoner.... I mean patient! I really shouldn't be out and about!"   she teases there was a twinkle in Michael's eyes showing the smile she was trying to hide as she let out more of her Vulcan side than her human side while on the Discovery "see you around M.... nice to meet you Saru"  Kehaulani says she waves and jogs off Saru watches her with a surprised expression on his face "nice.... to meet you too"  he says quietly and Michael looks at him oddly trying not to smile at the expression on his face and the story his body language was telling.... he was intrigued by the celestially ethereal beauty that had a mixed sky blue, mint green, orchid purple eyes and Cyan colored skin....

Saru starts to follow Kehaulani but his attention was brought back to Michael as she starts to speak once more "Saru"  she pauses and "corrects" herself "First Officer Saru I saw a recording of the speech you gave at the Captain's funeral it was b...

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Saru starts to follow Kehaulani but his attention was brought back to Michael as she starts to speak once more "Saru"  she pauses and "corrects" herself "First Officer Saru I saw a recording of the speech you gave at the Captain's funeral it was beautiful I never thought I'd get the chance to say this to you I think about what happened every day all the time and I owe you.... I'm trying to say...."  Saru says it for her ".."I'm sorry"?"  Michael replies "yes"    he tells her "I believe you feel regret but...."  he sighs then says "in my mind.... you are dangerous Captain Lorca is a man who.... doesn't fear the things normal people fear but I do and you are someone to fear Michael Burnham"  Michael replies "I just want to get back on that shuttle Commander I won't make trouble for you here"  Saru says "well that is certain but if you try.... know that I intend to do a better job protecting my Captain.... than you did yours"  he starts to walk away again but Michael's voice stops him once more "I have excepted my place and my fate.... but Kehaulani.... she deserves better!.... she didn't do what they say she did!.... she doesn't have the heart to harm any living soul!.... do what you can to help her stay here!.... drop her off at your next destination if you must.... but.... not for my but for her sake.... please!.... make sure SHE is not on that shuttle when it departs!"  Saru turns and nods at her then turns again and walks away.... it hurt his heart to lie like he did.... another thing that hurt was how fast his heart was beating at just the thought of the new friend he just made at least he had hoped to be her friend she has this certain aura about her that makes anyone want to like her in one way or another but he.... he wanted more.... he shook these new frightening feelings that he was having and headed back to the Bridge as he tried to think of a way to get Lorca to agree to allow Kehaulani to stay....

Gabriel Lorca became curious about how Landry could "lose" one of the prisoners he heard about an celestially ethereal beauty that all of a sudden "appeared out of nowhere" in Sickbay and was helping Culber out with his patients so he headed for Sickbay in hopes to meet this mysterious woman.... when he arrived to Sickbay she was nowhere to be seen the only person in there was Culber himself who seemed to be looking over his records "so doc am I cured!?!"  Lorca hears a beautiful dulcet feminine teasing voice ask and he turns to see a captivatingly sexy woman with a smile to match walk in the room then he hears Culber chuckle "not yet!.... but I'm working on it!"  Culber then notices Lorca standing there looking from one person to the other "Captain I'd like you to meet the guest of Sickbay Kehaulani Kehaulani meet Captain Gabriel Lorca of the Discovery"  Lorca noticed a sparkle in her eyes as she smiles at him it reminded him of the stars that he sees out of his Ready Room window every day "pleasure Captain!.... don't worry what I have isn't too contagious.... just a deadly allergy to the food simulator.... as for everything else.... I suppose it's a good thing it's a little contagious.... the mood seems a little lighter than it was when I first arrived.... although half of that might be do to the fact that the Chief of Security is nowhere in sight!"  the cyan colored woman teases Lorca smiles then says "she's an acquired taste.... and the pleasure's all mine.... welcome to the Discovery"  she smiles at him then says "she's certainly something!.... the ship not the Commander!.... I'm afraid I have no kind words for her.... I can't explain it but there's something.... dark.... about her"  Lorca chuckles then frowns when everything she just said sinks in.... he wondered how no one could like Laundry his most devoted servant.... um crew member.... who he loved the most out of all of them.... that is until Burnham entered the picture

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