⏳Do You Think Time Will Ever Be On Our Side!?!⌛

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"That is not possible!"  Saru says as Kehau drops her hands then takes his free one in her own holding onto him for strength as she starts to become tired just like she always does when she goes through such experiences as she just went through with Michael "arm Photon Torpedoes"  Pike orders "Photon Torpedoes ready"  Amin informs him "stop!"  Michael shouts everyone but Spock and Kehau look at her for they knew why she had said that in such a way "excuse me, Captain it won't work"  Michael says in a much calmer tone though her eyes were still wide as she tries to balance herself from what she had just witnessed and her actual reality "what do you mean?"  Pike asks "the Sphere's data has already merged with Discovery we should have anticipated it would use our ship and our shields to protect itself, like it's always done"  Michael says "you sound rather certain"  Spock replies "I am"  Michael says Pike looks at Kehau who he noticed was a little bit more tired than when they first came aboard the Enterprise and sees her holding onto her husband for strength and he knew something must have happened for he has learned quite a bit about her in the short months they have known each other including her capabilities and her link to Michael, Saru, the rest of the Discovery crew, him and Spock then he walks over to Una and asks "how long until Leland gets here?"  Una replies "an hour maybe less"  Pike asks "options"  Michael says "we know we can't delete the data"  Saru adds "nor, it seems, can we destroy Discovery"  Cornwell says "even if you jump away, Control will not stop coming eventually Leland, or some version of him, would find you"  Spock says "ergo, Discovery's very existence is the problem"  Michael looks at Kehau who was already becoming stronger as she asks with a low soft teasing tone "do you think time is really on our side!?!"  Spock's eyes shine as though they were smiling and Michael says "of course as long as Discovery exists here and now, this will never be over"  Saru looks at the two women and asks "you are proposing we remove Discovery from the galactic equation entirely?"  Pike asks "how, exactly, are we supposed to do that?"  Michael replies "the crystal this is why we have it to take the data out of this time so Control can never get it Discovery has to go to the future" .... before heading to a meeting Spock showed Kehau to his quarters where he asked her to stay and rest with her children she thanked him with a smile and kissed his bearded cheek before he left leaving him in shock of their surprising softness Spock shook himself awake then walked back to the Bridge then into the conference room where the meeting was ready to begin.... a few minutes after the meeting Saru carried a sleeping Kehau and Michael carried a sleeping Sarek and Lani back onto the Discovery where they laid them in their respected beds then head to the Bridge to work Kehau woke up to the familiar feeling of a Jump and smiles when she realizes that they (her and her children) were back home she stood up to check on her children and found that they were still sleeping.... while Kehau and her children were in their garden Tilly walked in with a strange request "can you make ice cream?!"  Kehau chuckles then asks "wouldn't she rather have it done the ships way?!"  Tilly looks at her oddly then says after a short pause "oh!.... of course!.... you're probably right!"  Kehau says "I'll make some anyway but you'll have to watch....!"  Tilly rushes over to where the twins were playing on the floor and joins them Kehau chuckles then gets to work creating something she has never created before.... Tilly became slightly disappointed when Kehau finished making the ice cream but she was excited because she gets to remeet a friend she thanks Kehau as she hands her the bowl of ice cream then leaves the garden room and heads towards the Transporter Room to say hi to Po....

 Tilly became slightly disappointed when Kehau finished making the ice cream but she was excited because she gets to remeet a friend she thanks Kehau as she hands her the bowl of ice cream then leaves the garden room and heads towards the Transpor...

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