Kneel Before Unknown Species 10-C 👾🧎‍♀️🧎‍♂️

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"I don't think we'll be of much help.... I don't think they were truly "speaking" to us to be honest I think they were just "entertaining" our children none of the words they said made sense in any sort of way I think they saw how Lani and Sarek acted to their "lights" and.... well you've FELT how they....!"  Kehau tells Saru who nods for he remembers well the emotions he felt when he was in the nursery on the Species 10-C's planet "I don't think it would be wise for us to "mess" with this "story" anyway.... if I sense TRUE danger maybe but with the Delegates and the Fed Prez here....!"  she tells him he nods in understanding agreement then he lets out a short soft chuckle when he thinks back to the way she phrased her words and she smiles at the sound then takes a step towards him and kisses his lips and a soft blush blooms on his cheeks "well I haven't been able to make you do that in awhile!"  she teasingly coos "trust me you make it happen more often than you believe!"  he replies smoothly she smiles and he cups his arms over the sides of her hip as he leans forwards and kisses her lips "come we were going to make everyone lunch.... you can help!"  she tells him as she takes his hand in hers then leads him to where their children are and the four of them head to their garden to get what they needed his eyes widen as he allows her to drag him wherever she wished to go then he smiles as he and his family work together to prepare all sorts of different meals befitting each of the delegates and their homes which they were all sure they surely missed dearly it was the first time he had ever made anything that was not from his own home so he had a lot of fun learning what his wife and children were teaching him and once they were finished they all served the surprised looking delegates together as a family and the smiling crew of the Discovery all at the same time "perhaps we should have done this AFTER we had succeeded!"  Kehau whispers to Saru as she looks around at the people who were eating the food they made and conversing with one another as though they have known each other for years "we could always do it again!"  Saru replies with a smile she looks at him and smiles and he kisses her lips then hugs his children to his side and they hug him back.... a hour or so later Kehau was by herself and felt a enormous pain flow through her body which she knew came from T'Rina who was at the time trying to telepathically link with the 10-C and instead of pushing it away she brought it further into herself giving T'Rina a bit more strength than she had when she tried to do it alone she only stopped when she sensed her children's worry as she stared to become dizzy from the link that she somehow gained with the Vulcan President who quite possibly didn't even know it had happened but Kehau was sure Saru did for he knows what her empathic abilities feel like better than anyone "why don't we go visit daddy's Vulcan friend?! I think she could use some "cheering up".."  she asks her children who smile at her then take her hand and the three of them head to Sickbay.... Saru was surprised to see his wife and children walk into Sickbay after Hugh and Dr Pollard leave "we thought she'd like some tea"  Kehau says with a smile and that is when he noticed that his children were carrying a tea pot and cup and he chuckles then walks over and carefully takes the pot and cup from them and sets them down on the table next to the bed T'Rina now lays in and he pours his friend a cup of Vulcan tea "it's a tad bit stronger than usual so be careful"  Kehau tells him he nods and makes it just a little weaker than he normally would for he knew the tea was made from the herbs in his wife's garden and not the stimulator his eyes widen when he realizes that fact and he turns and stares at his wife in surprise "I didn't make it they did!"  Kehau tells him with a smile and he chuckles "he's always been a little slow when it comes to the "important" stuff!"  Kehau teases looking at T'Rina who seemed to smile through her pain "I do believe you are needed so go we'll look after her besides Hugh's used to having us bother him at all hours of the day and or night so....!"  Kehau tells her husband Saru smiles then nods before he leaves he hands the cup of tea over to T'Rina who takes it from him gently and he gives his family a kiss before walking out the door Kehau walks over to one of the consoles and starts working on it and Lani and Sarek walk over to T'Rina and keep her company and though the Vulcan woman pays attention to the children before her her eyes kept watching Kehau as she worked curious as to what Saru saw in her that she refused to see and she still couldn't see it then again that woman was a very hard read for her in every way and she started to wonder if she had ever Mind Melded with anyone "yes I have and no I do not wish to do it with you.... not that you would be able to read me even if you weren't in your currently weak condition"  Kehau tells T'Rina without looking at her T'Rina nods and begins to wonder if the woman could read her thoughts "I don't have that ability but you're not as hard to read as you think you are.... not for someone like me anyway!"  Kehau says and T'Rina looks at her oddly then realizes that the woman was through speaking with her a few minutes later Kehau and her children leave Sickbay so T'Rina could rest leaving the tea there for the Vulcan should she want more later.... Kehau and her children head to their garden just before they Jump so they could get out of the orb Kehau has her children sit on the floor because she knew this Jump was going to be different and would affect them in a different way and she does her best to keep them preoccupied so that they wouldn't feel the full effects of the strangeness of this particular Jump she even called Saru and asked if he could join them for she believed he would be a big help for their children would not only feel but see that he was ok in every aspect of a way and when he made it to the garden he sat with them and played as many games as they could think of that could be done in a sitting position on the floor he also told his children stories whatever they all could think of doing he helped them do the best way he could and he found that it even relaxed him in ways he could not fathom....

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