⚫Black Alert⚠️

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"Black Alert! Black Alert!"  the computer warns everyone on the ship "he isn't going to like this!"  Kehaulani says softly Michael looks at her quizzically and the creature Landry named Ripper starts roaring Kehaulani walks up to his cage and places her hand on the see through door of the cage and the creature once again places his nose on her hand "that's right!.... everything's going to to be ok!"  she says in a soft soothing voice "computer open Containment Pen"  Michael orders the thin see through film that covered the cage disappeared and Kehaulani walks inside the creature follows her body as she sits down and lays his head on her lap as more shiny lights that reminded Michael of the spores from the engineering room appear around the two of them "I know!.... I'll only stay in till we stop.... but I....!"  Kehaulani says Michael nods understandingly.... her friends undying compassion for everyone and everything that told Michael that the crime Kehaulani was arrested for was not committed by her and that she could trust her with the poor creature.... a few minutes later Kehaulani was out of the cage and the Containment Field was put back up and Landry walks in once again "this had better be good Lorca's on a warpath"  the Commander says as she walks into the room "look the moment the spore drive came online the creatures central nervous system showed micro-patterns of activity in the frontopolar cortex"  Michael tells her "you said it hates light maybe it didn't want to crash into the sun"  Landry replies "I think it would have rather crashed into the sun then deal with your high and mighty bitchiness!"  Kehaulani says sarcastically "it reacted before we jumped I saw it cry out in distress it's more likely a connection to the spore drive itself"  Michael tells Landry before she could respond "I don't see how that's relevant to Ripper's aggression"  Kehaulani replies keeping her sarcastic tone "and that just proves how stupid you really are!"  Michael looks at her then at Landry and says "it might not be but it helps us understand it's motives and behavior"  Landry replies "understanding how it feels was not our mission Captian needs to know how it fights and kills Lorca told me to keep you on track that your curiosity might lead you astray we're not letting him down" .... after a few seconds Michael, Landry and Kehaulani heard people screaming through the com as Lorca played the audio transmissions from the planet they were supposed to have landed by called Corvan 2 then a man's voice comes on and says "this is my last message another round of bombs just struck Zaphod is dead our bunker is collapsing"  then a child beg "mommy, mommy wake up wake up"  and a woman say "please save my children anyone help them"  and the man's voice came back on "we've lost mine four and mine seven two hundred and ten souls all gone particulate venting is offline my team can't breath I don't know if anyone is listening to this but if you are.... goodbye"....

Michael looked over at Kehaulani she knew that now that she heard the message she was feeling EVERYTHING that was happening on Corvan 2 and it worried her for she knew that Kehaulani was screaming inside even though she was completely silent staring blankly at the creature in the cage as the people on the planet start shrieking and screaming then there was nothing but silence Kehaulani turned around once she heard a weapon power up and she looked at Landry "I won't allow you to do that!"  Kehaulani says darkly as she takes ahold of the gun in Landry's hands and moves it out of her hands then Landry starts to fight her trying to get the gun that Kehaulani handed over to Michael who looked at the creature who was now surrounded by the calming spore-like lights and he was playfully trying to swat at them she tilts her head in wonder then she turns her attention to Landry and Kehaulani who were moving away from the cage as they fought "computer seal Containment Pen"  Michael orders "no!!"  Landry growls trying to get back to it before the computer followed her orders but got blocked by each move Kehaulani made getting extremely pissed off Landry grabs one of the Klingon weapons off the weapon rack and to her surprise even that didn't phase Kehaulani as she continued to only used her hands as she continued to fight the next thing Landry knew she was being placed in a headlock as Kehaulani's back was pressed up against hers and she could feel the woman's arm pull and press up against her neck making it hard to breath Michael heard Landry's head snap and body fall to the floor and Kehaulani stare down at it "what have you done!?!"  Michael asks softly "she gave me no choice!.... if you ask me the Discovery's better off without her!.... it doesn't need someone so selfishly heartless and cruel "taking care of" things!.... it was either me or the creature.... if it wasn't for me he would have....!"  Michael nods and says softly "I know!"  Kehaulani lets out a short soft chuckle "no matter how close she was to him Lorca would never put me in the Brig!.... one Saru would never allow it! and two if he watches what just happened he'd find ME "useful"!"   Michael smiles shaking her head.... a minute or so later Lorca walks in and sees Landry's body on the floor "what happened here!?!"  he asks slightly amused and yet pissed at the same time "she gave me no choice"   Kehaulani says with a matter of fact tone Lorca's eyebrow raises as he looks into Kehaulani's eyes as she says "she was so busy trying to impress you that she was going to do something really stupid!"  Lorca asks "like what?!"  Kehaulani replies "I think you know.... and I couldn't allow that!.... you would blame the wrong being just because it's easier even if all he was doing was protecting himself from her baseless stupidity!"  Lorca tries not to smile but his amused expression never leaves his face "we'll "find a use" for him!.... I'll be honest Lorca.... I have no idea why you brought her in to begin with!.... we were doing fine without her!.... a person who works without compassion in their heart will never get anything done in the way it should be and that psychopath....!"   she says "find a use for that creature.... while I take care of.... don't let her death be in vain"  Lorca says "why not!?!.... it would fit her perfectly!"  Kehaulani says sarcastically Lorca chuckles then he picks up the body of Landry and walks out of the room....

A hour or so later Kehaulani walks back into the room where she and Michael were working with a tray of food in hand and she almost walks into Saru who was just walking out "I am sorry!"  Saru says as he stops a few inches in front of her before he ended up making the tray fall out of her hands "it's alright Saru.... I was just bringing Michael something to eat.... I don't think she has eaten yet and....!"  Kehaulani says but she stops as soon as her eyes meet his and fearing that he may see what is happening inside her she looks away "excuse me!"  she whispers "oh.... yes.... of course!"  Saru says moving out of her way there was a sadness in his tone for he had no idea why she looked away he watches as she walks past him and into the room "find what you're looking for!?!"  Kehaulani teasingly asks Michael as she sets down the tray Michael smiles then it comes to her.... what Kehaulani was simulate/replicating for the creature.... as she looks at the tray of food that Kehaulani brought for her and she calls Tilly to bring her some actual spores "took you long enough!"  Kehaulani playfully teases "I'll leave you to it then!"  she adds and she walks back out of the room with a smile on her face.... Kehaulani heads towards the Turbolift then walks inside as the doors open "Bridge.... please"  she says there was a strain in her voice as the pain she tried so hard to keep within her tries to come out.... she wanted to apologize to Saru she knew that she had hurt him emotionally she could see it in his eyes as she looked at them through the corner of hers.... she knew that it was unnecessary to always say "please" and "thank you" to the computer but it still felt slightly wrong not to.... Saru turned to look at the turbolift as the doors open and he heard screaming come from inside Kehaulani stood with her back up against the far wall her body bent forward as she clutched her chest "Kehaulani!?!"  he whispers softly in a tone full of worry Lorca nods at him and Saru rushes over to the Turbolift and wraps Kehaulani into the comfort of his arms she looks up at him and whispers softly "I'm sorry!"  he looks down at her and replies "you have nothing to be sorry about!"  she hides her head in his chest and he holds her there for a few seconds longer then walks her onto the Bridge keeping his arm around her body supporting her now weakened state Culber had informed him of how she seemed to connect with the emotional state of the crew, Michael had told him about her interactions with the creature in the Captains weapon room and he wondered if she somehow felt what was happening on the planet they were supposed to already be on.... but how could that be!?!.... they walk over to his station and he gets straight back to work though he still worried about her and how ragged her breathing was as she stood next to him "course is set for Corvan 2 we're ready to jump sir"  they hear Stamets say over the conn "is anybody not ready?"  Lorca asks "no!!"  Saru hears Kehaulani whisper and even though he is concerned about her he nods at Lorca anyway informing him that they are indeed ready "go"  Lorca orders and as soon as they jump Kehaulani screams again once again clutching the sides of her chest it was the most painful and sad scream Saru has ever heard

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