🎼🎵💖🎗️🎶In Remembrance And Honor🖖🏻🖖🏼🖖🏽🖖🏾🖖🏿

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"Commander Airiam reminds us that resilience is an unshakable virtue she was fiercely loyal.... to her crew.... to Starfleet and, in her final moments, she sacrificed herself for that loyalty that is how she'll be remembered"  Pike says at a memorial/funeral that was held for Airiam on the Discovery after her body was beamed aboard from space "some people choose to live their lives as if nothing is a miracle, but Airiam fought for her life, and so everything was everything that she saw, everything that she felt, all of her memories, they made a kind of.... constellation for her I'm.... I'm grateful to her for that lesson she was my friend"  Tilly says "she said once, without a hint of self-pity, that the paths of trillions of particles had been forever changed, simply because she and her husband smiled at each other she was happy that together they made the universe a little less orderly"  Paul says "I just felt the weight of what I had lost.... but she showed me that my augmentation didn't make me an imitation of myself it made both of us new and that there could be a future she was right"  Keyla says "there are so many reasons to join Starfleet we get to reach for the stars we get to reach for the best in ourselves but, most important, we get to reach for each other we get to do what we love alongside colleagues who become friends.... who become family and who better to stand with, shoulder to shoulder, facing those pivotal moments? who more painful to let go? I am so sorry, Airiam"  Michael says as she starts to cry Kehau starts singing a song in the Kelpien language as Saru says while hugging Kehau and his children who stood at his side.... well Kehau stood with Sarek in her arms and Saru stood with Lani in his.... "on Kaminar, we sing songs of remembrance for those who have been taken from us too soon this is a song of remembrance for Airiam"  then he joins her in singing the song as Tilly, Keyla and a few other officers walk towards the casket that held their friends body and pull off the Starfleet flag that laid over it and carry it away as the other officers move it to the center of the Starfleet logo that lay on the floor then walk away and everyone watches as the floor lowers with the casket on top of it and the casket gets shot into space.... the next day Leland and Emperor/Captian Georgiou are beamed aboard the Discovery two people that Kehau has yet to meet face to face but still doesn't trust all because of the aura they send throughout the ship once they enter it even the Admiral doesn't give off that sort of darkness and that woman seemed to have a mild dislike for her.... mainly because Lorca, Saru and Pike pretty much gave her free rein of the ship allowing her to go wherever she wished upon it breaking a rule one of her standing would think should never be broken.... as per usual Kehau had many visitors for her friends always come to her and her children for comfort and a way to forget the problems they face even if it's for a little while for there was a sort of peace when they were in their presence for Kehau would allow no darkness of any kind to enter wherever her children were whether it was her garden, her and Saru's quarters, the Holodeck, Ten Forward.... anywhere.... even Spock visited her from time to time "do you truly believe I would look better without a beard!?!"  Spock asks Kehau as Lani who was in his arms reaches for his beard "well if you shaved they would stop trying to pull on it!"  she jokes as she watches her daughter a small smile appears on Spock's face "I sincerely don't have a preference especially since I have yet to see you without it but your look better with a beard than Tyler does!"  she tells him a small soft chuckle escapes from his lips.... a few hours later Kehau breaks the Admiral's ruling yet again as she walks onto the Bridge with her children in her arms as the crew watches Michael die "I'm sorry but the children need their father!"  she tells Pike who nods then watches as she walks over to Saru and places Lani and Sarek in his arms and Saru hugs them close to him in search of comfort as Michael gasps for breath and even though the Admiral was not happy she didn't say anything for the first time in a long time she just let it be instead she asks for "status reports"....

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