Finding Yourself In Someone Else👩🏽‍🦰🪞👩🏽‍🦱

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"Well look who's back again!

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"Well look who's back again!.... what sort of trouble are you causing now!?!"  Kehau teases Gabrielle Burnham who came to Federation Headquarters as a representative of the Vulcan Qowat Milat "trouble!?!"  Gabrielle replies "oh that's right! you're no fun no more!"  Kehau says with a smile Gabrielle returns her smile with one of her own "I hate it when people are on their best behavior it's like they're trying to show off!"  Kehau says Gabrielle chuckles then looks past Kehau when she hears a man chuckle as well "good morning Charles.... it IS morning right!?!"  Kehau asks Vance laughs softly "Gabrielle Burnham, Admiral Charles Vance Charles meet the biggest troublemaker in all the galaxy!.... she IS Michael's mother after all!"  Kehau introduces Vance chuckles then says with a smile "it's a pleasure to meet you"  Kehau says "oh don't let his grandeur fool you he knows nothing of pleasure!"  Gabrielle laughs Vance shakes his head with a smile "well you two have fun and try not to fall asleep in your meeting I'm going to go check on my kids"  Kehau says she bows before Vance and Gabrielle then disappears this time by being "beamed up" on board the Discovery Vance chuckles and Gabrielle shakes her head with a smile as T'Rina walks over to them.... Gray asked Kehau to be there with him when he gains his physical body the holo Guardian Zi looked at Kehau oddly when he saw her for he saw her freckle like marks along her neck that very much looked like a Trill but it flowed into the shape of four tiny hearts that connected by a thread "tell him yourself"  Kehau whispers softly after Gray says "um, tell him that, um...."  Gray looks at her oddly then feels a slight tingle flow through his body he looks at a shocked looking Adira and a smiling Hugh and realizes he can be seen by all and his eyes widen as do Guardian Xi's "I'm honored by your presence, and I couldn't be more grateful for your help"  Gray tells Guardian Xi nervously "it is my hope that our work today will allow you to resume your training"  Guardian Xi replies as he tries to get over his shock at the holographic looking Gray Tal who was standing inbetween Adira Tal and the unique beautiful creature he has yet had the honor of being introduced to "however, your unique situation is attended by unpredictable dangers I cannot guarantee that your consciousness can find a new home in a synthetic body without a host's mind to guide you in we must accept the possibility that you could be lost"  he adds Gray looks at Kehau "this is something new even I cannot predict what may happen all in all it is your choice we can continue to try or...."  Kehau tells him "I still wish to try I am lost without this I've been living in an in-between place for too long already"  Gray replies "existing yet not existing"  Kehau says softly Gray smiles then replies "I knew you'd understand!"  Guardian Xi asks "do we have the consent of Tal?"  Adira nods then replies "we do"  Guardian Xi says "then let us begin"  Gray smiles at the woman he loves and his friend then takes their hands in his and gives them a light squeeze before walking over to where his physical body lays he felt the tingle again and knew that he could no longer be seen but he was ok with that for soon he hopefully will be.... he was also informed by Kehau that she could not assist with the process "I may have once been a Trill host but I was not connected in anyway to yours not to mention I no longer have it within me yes I have the markings but not the symbiont.... which I do believe would be odd for Saru if I did.... no offense but this "contact" must be made by you and you alone for it will not fully work if it isn't and I don't want to ruin your chances to feel.... complete once again"  Kehau had told him he chuckled when she mentioned Saru and commented "no offense" and took her hand in his with a expression of understanding on his face as well as a smile and he was extremely grateful to her for all she was willing to do for him especially since she promised not to leave for any reason while he was going through with it.... unless she felt she had to check on her children of course.... "I'll stay with him.... my children know where I am and they'll come if they need me"  Kehau tells Adira when Hugh suggests that they should go for a walk "thank you"  Adira says softly Kehau smiles at her then says "think of it this way it takes nine months for a baby to grow and be born.... not that it will take nine months for Gray to find his way back to you but.... this is new and the body isn't "real" part of him may be searching for the connection he would have with a body like yours, mine and Hugh's compared to this "empty shell of nothing".... there is a lot that comes with "building" a baby as there is to the connection of a Trill you know that part better than anyone.... so perhaps thinking of your own journey to connect with ALL the parts of you would be a better example.... I could have used the coma analogy but that is SO overdone!"  Adira chuckles softly then she follows Hugh out the door.... when Adira returned Kehau gave her a few moments alone with a "sleeping" Gray "I'd suggest giving him a kiss but....!"  Kehau teases Adira chuckles then gives her friend a hug and watches her walk out of the room.... Kehau goes in search of her children and finds them in the Mess Hall with their father and Hugh who seemed surprised to see her "I got permission to leave to check on my children only so here I am! and I figured I'd give Adira some time alone with him so she could be his "light in the dark".... I do wonder where she got that idea from!?!"  Kehau tells him as she lays her hands on her husband's shoulders Hugh chuckles softly as Saru cups his wife's hands with his own and looks up at her and thanks to those words he finally began to understand her plight with her own accumulated darkness he is her light but became a part of her darkness when he did all those things before they went home to Kaminar and now he is once again her light.... or at least he hoped so....

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