🔍🕵🏻‍♂️🔎Discovering The Discovery🌌🚀☄️

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Kehaulani ended up walking with Lorca throughout the entirety of his ship getting a full tour having her voice imprinted into the ship so she could "properly" "order" the ship to do whatever she needed "I've never understood my allergy to the food simulator.... I think I'm the only person alive that has ever had it.... I've been living off the dried fruits and vegetables that I brought with me.... I may have been a prisoner but they allowed me to have my own small garden.... that I had to take care off of course!.... Hugh's right they wouldn't want their "useful" prisoner to die on them.... especially since they wouldn't be able to explain my death to their superiors"  she tells him as they walk he chuckles softly "they made a compromise.... I could have a garden if I made them a meal every week.... I'm actually surprised they "let me go".... with the simulators the "delights" of a "true" home cooked meal is lost!.... the "joys" of accomplishing something on your own with your own two hands is gone!.... I've heard people compare cooking to science.... though I can understand why it would be lost on a ship.... I doubt you could hold all the animals needed to hunt for meat.... you'd have to feed them as well which would only add to the work you already do.... though if done right a garden would be possible....!" she says and he looks at her thoughtfully "just so you know.... besides your Doc and CoS I've only met Commander Stamets and First Officer Saru.... I might have entered Engineering by accident when I first came while searching for Medbay.... didn't see much of importance but....!"  she adds he laughs.... "and this is the Bridge"   Lorca says waving his arm out of the Turbolift towards the Bridge Saru who was not expecting the Captain to bring a guest up to the Bridge turned in the Captains Chair that he is at this very moment sitting in and looks at the guest the Captain has brought with him in surprise for it happened to be a familiar cyan beauty that he met only minutes before as she says to Lorca teasingly "your home away from home huh!?!"  Kehaulani notices his eyes flinch slightly "I'm sorry!.... sometimes I take my teasing too far!"  she apologizes he smiles at her "it's.... alright...."  he replies with a slight strain in his voice "in a way I suppose it is true"   he adds "well shall we?!"  he asks with a little bow she looks at him oddly "I am the Captain of this ship I get to chose who walks onto the Bridge and if anyone has a problem with my choice I dare them to argue point with me as to why that certain person should not be here!"  he tells her and she chuckles then she walks past him and looks around at the large room and her eyes met Saru's "hello again First Officer Saru"  she greets with a smile bowing her head towards him "just Saru will do"  he replies somewhat nervously as he stands up to greet her and give Lorca back his seat tugging on the bottom of his shirt and she smiles at him "does he realize that he just rhymed!?!"  she teases through her teeth in a voice that only Lorca heard Lorca chuckles "no.... I don't believe he has!"  he tells her then he looks at his Number One "she's your responsibility from now on Commander"  he orders "yes sir"   Saru replies he nods his head at Kehaulani and she follows him to his normal spot on the Bridge and stands at his side then they hear Lorca add "you will also be sharing a room till I can find some suitable quarters for her"  Saru's eyes widen as he says with a slightly nervous tone "ye-yes sir!"  Kehaulani looks at Saru who once again seems nervous she noticed that his normally blue crystal gemstone like eyes were now green "would you like to give me a tour of the stations?! maybe teach me how some of them work.... I'm not one for standing around and doing nothing"  she asks him and he looks at her then at Lorca who waves his hand in a "why not?!"/ "go right ahead!" fashion then Saru nods at her seemingly grateful for the change in conversation and they walk around to each station Saru explaining each of the stations functions as well as introducing her to each operator that was working the station at that point in time who help him show her how each station worked as they also saw that Lorca seemed to give Saru permission to do so.... after some small conversations with each crew member and a brief introduction to each station Saru leads Kehaulani back to his and he tells as well as shows her what he does everyday he seemed surprised at how quick she learned everything as well as how intently interested she seemed to be in learning as much as she could but what surprised him the most is how quickly his body calmed after she gave him a task to complete.... he started to believe that she did it on purpose and he looked over at her with a newfound.... respect.... that might be the right word it might not.... but that is the word he planned on using for any other..... *clears throat* *pulls on collar nervously with one finger while moving his neck to the side* *gulp*.....

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