Into The Void We Go To Lose Our Senses And Save Our Souls

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"You're not helping you're hurting and I would like it if you leave.... now!"  Kehau says to the imaginary image of Book's father a gust of wind was felt throughout Sickbay and Book's father disappears "he wasn't much of a father was he?! after all a parent who does nothing but make their child doubt the very purpose of their existence isn't a very good one!"  Kehau says as she walks over to Book "um.... no offense"  she adds he chuckles then replies with a half smile "none taken"  she asks "was he really like that or is this "void" making him something different?! he seems a bit dark and somewhat foreboding as well as annoying but as I said before his stubbornness revels the Vulcans so....!"  he chuckles "now.... I'm needed in Engineering so if he reappears call for me I'll take care of him"  she says he laughs then watches as she walks out of the room once more.... Lani and Sarek stand by their fathers side on the Bridge as Gray speaks with Michael and Zora in the Captain's Ready Room Kehau on the other hand goes where she feels she's needed.... in other words where she senses the most danger on the ship.... Michael was surprised yet not surprised to see Kehau on the Bridge after she sent everyone else to the Pattern Buffer "like I'd let you and Zora face this alone! besides I know the kids are with their father and as long as they're safe.... they are what matters!"  Kehau says with a smile Michael smiles back then walks over and stands by her friend and takes her hand in hers and squeezes it before sitting down in the Captain's Chair then she says to Zora "proceed on impulse"  Zora replies "aye, Captain"  Michael says "lets do this".... Michael was grateful that Kehau was there she kept her distracted from the pain showing her memories of her childhood with Spock, Sarek and Amanda, snippets of when Lani and Sarek played laughing happily together on the Holodeck while Zora sang her the song "Stormy Weather" then when Michael fell unconscious Kehau took over helping Zora lead the Discovery out of the Void and towards Federation Headquarters by somehow safely making it jump without the ship falling into complete disarray "you really do create miracles don't you!?!"  Zora asks "no.... we do!.... each and every one of us creates our own miracles in our own way as long as we work together and trust one another not only as a team but a family we all can create the most wonderfully miraculous things!"  Kehau replies then she picks Michael up and carries her to Sickbay calling for Hugh to meet her there when he is sure the rest of the crew is also safe.... Saru was exceedingly happy to see his wife unharmed "I believe Book could use your console for you and he share a similar emotion"  Kehau tells him he looks at her oddly then nods "a little later though right now I'd like a few minutes of my own with you.... and our children.... if you so permit me Captian"  she says "but of course!"  he replies she chuckles with a smile and kisses his lips then takes his hand and walks him over to where their children are playing with Gray and Adira once Lani and Sarek see them walk over they rush over to them and hug their hips then walk away waving at Gray and Adira who wave back with a smile.... Saru spends a half an hour with his family before walking over to one of the windows of the Federation Headquarters to watch some bots fly around and fix the once again broken Discovery and as his wife suggested Saru did his best to console Book who was already standing by the window he walked towards in the only way he knew how/could.... by speaking to him.... then he rejoins his family who were extremally tired from the ordeal they had just encountered none more so than Kehau who faced a even bigger obstacle than the rest and much to Kehau's surprise Saru had their children lay inbetween them as they rested she looks over at her husband who now lays at the far end of the left side of their bed.... but not so far that he would fall off.... she reaches over their children's heads and he copies her motion clasping his long fingers over her arm and sees her smile at him and he returns her smile with one of his own "I love you Saru"  Kehau says softly in the Kelpien language his eyes widen in surprise then he smiles and replies in the Kelpien language "I love you Kehau"  then he sits up slightly and whispers softly in the Kelpien language as he looks down at his sleeping children "and you as well my darlings"  then he kisses their foreheads, lays back down, looks into his wife's eyes before closing them and falls asleep with a soft smile on his face and she copies his motions not too long after.... for the next week Lani and Sarek became a known distraction for a very antsy Book and Michael while the Discovery was still going through repairs and Paul and Adira were working with Zora to find out where the creators of the DMA come from.... if there was someone from the Federation Kehau disliked more than she seemingly disliked Vance it would be Kovich the stoic monotoned Doctor with a terrible "bedside manner" who she did her best to avoid and succeeded.... for the most part.... if she had to choose to be in a room with either Vance, T'Rina,  Laira Rillak or Kovich she would choose either Vance or T'Rina for despite what Saru believed there were SOME things she can.... tolerate when it came to the Vulcan President and we all know she actually gets along with Vance so.... "I feel I have done something wrong!"  Zora says to Kehau after Michael left for the Federation meeting "you took away their choice and though your reasons are heartfelt and mean well taking someone's choice away from them is always wrong!"  Kehau replies "but don't let the stick of a doctor take your choice from you either!"  she adds she senses Zora's confusion then says "Kovich or Tarka one is not to be trusted and uses his so called genius to his advantage in a very egotistical way the other has a agenda of his own which does not combine with the one of the Discovery just the Federation"  Zora replies "I see"  Kehau teases with a smile "I'm sure you see a lot!.... a bit too much probably!"   Kehau senses something that felt like laughter "you have a very Vulcan way about you.... not that I mind I mean you freely express your emotions which is something Vulcans don't but I don't FEEL your emotions like I do everyone elses I SENSE them like a shift in the air and so far it's a gentle shift and I do hope it stays that way I'd hate to destroy you just to save my family!"  Kehau says "I hope so too and I would not like that either though I do understand your reasons which are the same as mine"  Zora replies "where do you two think you're going?!"  Kehau asks her children who were starting to jog out of the room "daddy needs us!"  Lani replies "daddy is in a meeting at the moment and it's best we don't interfere"  Kehau tells her "but he's very uncomfortable!"  Sarek says "yes I bet he is Kovich does seem to have that air about him!"  Kehau replies with a smile "the stick doctor!?!"  Sarek asks Kehau nods with a soft chuckle Lani pouts but they both listen to their mother as they always do Kehau smiles when she senses a shift in the air which showed that Zora was laughing "oh hush you!"  Kehau teases the shift though it stays gentle grows stronger which shows that Zora's laughter grew Lani and Sarek who also felt the shift chuckle.... before the official meeting began Kovich who has only seen Kehau, Lani and Sarek from afar asks Saru about them and though he usually gushes happily when he speaks of them with others he knew his wife's feelings about the man who now sits across from him and doesn't do what he would normally do all he says is "as my wife would say that is their story to tell not mine!"  to which Kovich replies "interesting.... in other words your wife doesn't trust me even though I have given her no reason not to"  Saru says "interrogating her family is a proper reason not to especially in the way you did it! besides they are not the reason you are here so I believe it's best you stick with the reason you are instead of making up a new one!"  Kovich's eyebrow raises at his reply just then Paul and Hugh walk into the room and the true meeting begins....

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