How Do We Survive This MADNESS!?!

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"Where do you think they'd go?! after all they were the main antagonists when it comes to specifically destroying a unknown thing without a care for anything but their own agendas!"  Vance hears a familiar soft ethereal voice ask from the Turbolift after he asks "any idea where it's headed?"  he turns to see Kehau walking towards him with a worried expression on her face "Book is not a member of Starfleet and even though he lives on the Discovery he believes your rules don't apply to him which in a way is true and I don't know who thought bringing the arrogant genius into play was a good idea!"  she says she raises her eyebrow when she sees Vance's expression then says softly "I see!"  he chuckles "well I suppose it doesn't help that Book was "allowed" to keep his ship on the Discovery and no I can't sense them your technology is different from ours and it is possible they are too far away besides I'm not as deeply connected to Book as I am the crew of the Discovery since I have known them longer than I have known him so my connection to him is weaker than it is to everyone else that lives on that particular ship"  she says after a short pause he nods understandingly "I should let you get back to your.... what do you call this!?!"  she asks playfully he chuckles with a smile then watches as she turns and walks away then sees that he has another "intruder" on his Bridge and his body sighs as Rillak says "Admiral"  and he realizes the President didn't see his sneaky gorgeous friend and he hides a smile for he knew his crew did and that they were smart enough not so say anything after all she did feed them a real homecooked meal so in a way they owe her a solid what amazes him is the calmness that is felt in the air everytime her (Kehau) presence is felt as well as seen and he felt it again when he and Michael got stuck in a meeting with the President he even sensed her beautiful smile when he orders Michael to listen to the President who pretty much ordered the Discovery to stay put and gather data on Species 10-C "it's a Admiral gone rouge!"  Michael hears Kehau whisper playfully into her ear "don't listen to his words look into his eyes, you're not the only one with bylaws to follow"  Kehau says then she coos playfully "naughty Vance!.... it looks like you really are a bad influence Captian!"  Michael hides a smile as she turns her body and walks out of the room and once she's out of earshot of the Admiral and President she bursts out laughing mainly at Kehau's last words though now she thinks back on it Vance did seem extra "Admiral like" in his movements as well like he was doing his best to put on a show and fight his own reasoning for everyone knew he was in a way like Saru when it came to following the Federations rules.... Vance thought back on Kehau's words and he realized she didn't attempt to link with Book because she didn't trust his newest "companion" and now that this has happened he didn't blame her he did what he thought was best for the Federation when he brought the overbearing genius into the mix to find the cause to their newest problem and help them solve it and now he knew he was partially wrong for it was quite possible that without that particular genius they either never would have found it or it would have taken a lot longer for them to find it but the way that genius did what he does was wrong in a lot of ways for he seemed to not care about the consequences of his actions and acted like all rules don't apply to him because he's "never wrong" and he will HOPEFULLY find out just how wrong is "genius" thinking truly is once he's found and caught after he was done being lectured by the "queen" he headed to the Captian he trusts the most to get the job he now has for her done and it didn't surprise him that he felt that now familiar calmness only Kehau's presence can bring floating in the air once he enters her Ready Room plus two smaller versions of that same calmness that he believed must belong to her children for it had a child's hyperness within it as well and it made him smile.... "see I told you!"  Michael hears Kehau tease once Vance leaves her Ready Room and she smiles.... before leaving the Discovery Vance heads to the one place he knew Kehau and her children would be their garden and spends a few minutes with them before heading back to his office for he needed their "comfort" and really just wanted to spend some uninterrupted time with them he was surprised to see a hologram of two somewhat familiar yet younger Vulcans with them who along with Kehau had turned to face him as he entered the room and he got to know Spock and the Vulcan Sarek as Kehau and her children remember them which he found intriguing it was a sad moment when he had to leave them but even he has a job to do a job he was at the moment not looking forward to but there was no one better to complete it than him surprisingly enough even Kehau would agree with that statement though it could be because he is the only Admiral she knows and he selfishly wanted to keep it that way and before you get any ideas he only thinks of her as a friend no matter how gorgeous he finds the ethereally unique beauty he loves his wife dearly and couldn't imagine being with anyone else and he knows that Kehau feels the same way about Saru he does however look forward to those small "stolen" moments he has with his new friend and her children and not just for the peace they bring him but the happiness he feels when he's with them which seems to be spread to.... almost everyone they meet a serene calmness you can't find anywhere else and that is what Vance needs at this very moment so he doesn't go insane trying to find the escaped rouges who may or may not cause more irreparable damage than necessary....

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