Saru To The Rescue🦸🏻‍♂️

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Kehaulani once again felt a change amougst the crew members on the Bridge but the strongest emotions she felt came from Saru so after hearing a short explanation of what she was sensing Hugh allowed her to leave though he found that he missed her conversations once she did.... as Kehaulani entered the Bridge Michael was just leaving "talk to him would you?!.... he isn't listening to me!"  Michael says in a soft voice as she passes her Kehaulani tilts her head and looks at her oddly then walks towards the Ready Room and presses the door chime "uh!.... come in!"  she hears a nervous voice respond to her hail.... Saru's eyes widen in surprise when he sees Kehaulani enter the Captain's Ready Room "Kehaulani!?!.... wha....!?! what are you doing here!?"  he asks "if you don't want me here then I can go!"  she teases playfully turning her body to make it look like she was leaving Saru quickly strides over to her and gently grips her shoulder "no!.... please!.... stay!.... I....!"  he starts "I am connected to all I meet Saru!.... you the deepest of all!.... what I felt coming from the Bridge was.... strange!.... a mix of many emotions!.... I don't know what is going on but Michael asked if I would talk to you!.... though she wasn't very specific.... and it was only in passing.... me coming from the turbolift and her heading to it.... what is going on?!"  she asks "Lorca was captured by Klingon's.... I am now Acting Captain and I have....!"  he starts "I've never done this!.... I'm afraid of failing!"  he adds after a short pause "you're not afraid of failing you're afraid of losing another Captain!"  she corrects lightly then she says "but that doesn't explain why....!"  she pauses "oh!... I see!.... using every resource at your disposal.... just because you're now Acting Captain doesn't mean you should lose your compassion!.... a good Captain listens to his crew takes what they have to say into consideration.... but you haven't have you?!.... you're so focused on one mission nothing else matters!.... you have to remember Saru that you are not alone!.... you have an entire ship full of people on your side.... but if you rather do it alone.... then so be it!!.... I don't know what it is between you and Michael but I have a feeling that you won't listen to me either so I won't waste my time even trying.... good day.... ACTING Captain!!"  she continues then turns to walk out of the room Saru looks at her in shock and watches her leave.... once Kehaulani entered the Turbolift she told the computer where she wanted to go then started crying she knew that what Saru really needed was someone to support him but she somehow knew that she wouldn't be able to not with the darker change she felt in him.... a few minutes later she was walking past Engineering and she hears Saru say "why did you shut down the spore drive? on the Bridge we're trying to pinpoint coordinates that lead to Captain Lorca"  and Stamets reply "we're working on something extremely important a substitute for the Tardigrade"  Kehaulani walks into the room unnoticed as Saru asks "why?"  Stamets replies "Burnham informed me that our jumps are depleting it"  Saru says "she brought these concerns to me as well and I told her to stand down until Captain Lorca was safely back on board Discovery obviously this was not the response she wanted"  Michael speaks up "so far we found one viable workaround this hypospray contains Tardigrade DNA and replication catalysts that will initiate rapid horizontal gene transfer in a host the interface process requires an evolved organism a species with a highly functioning nervous system and one that like the Tardigrade shares genetic information with mushrooms the animal kingdom diverted from it's fungal counterparts 600 million years ago but homo sapiens still share over half of our DNA with them"  Saru asks as though appalled by the very suggestion "you want to use a human? Eugenic experiments are forbidden"  Michael replies "I know and that's why we need more time"  Saru asks "I gave you an order do you understand?" ....

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