This Is Just A Bad Dream We Cannot Wake Up From💤🛏😴🛌🏿

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"Lieutenant Bryce, have you had any success reaching Starfleet?"  Saru asks "Subspace Relays are still down, Commander attempting to circumvent, but we're still being jammed"  Bryce replies  "it is just us"  Saru says with a sigh in his tone "any, uh, words of wisdom?"  Tilly asks ".."be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness".."  Saru replies ".."thereby you can be the director of your opponent's fate" I'm surprised a Kelpien, of all beings, has studied Sun Tzu"  Georgiou says as she walks over to him "I am surprised a Terran is surprised by anything"  Saru replies Georgiou tilts her head at him with a small smile on her face the Computer chirps and Bryce says "incoming hail it's Leland, sir"  the crew looks at Saru who looks at each and every one of them Kehau walks over to him and places a comforting hand on his shoulder he reaches up and pats it gently as Georgiou returns to her station "you will see a human face it is not a human being am I clear?"  Saru says and Kehau walks back over to his "old" station as the crew replies "yes, sir"  Saru says to Bryce as he slides his children's bassinets so that they were now hidden behind the Captain's Chair "put it through"  once Leland's face shows up on the Viewscreen Georgiou says mockingly "Leland, we were just talking about you everybody hates you congratulations"  Leland replies "you know why I'm here give me what I've come for, or die for it"  Saru says as he stands up "by authority granted me under the Articles of the Federation and Starfleet Charter, I order you to surrender your vessels no terms, no deals"  Leland replies "last warning transmit the data to me, or you'll be destroyed"  Georgiou says "by my count, we have over 200 vessels, and you might have 30"  Leland replies "count again"  tiny drones detach themselves from a much larger ship like a swarm of locust and surround Discovery "multiple torpedoes locked on us"  Rhys reports "evasive pattern Delta Five"  Saru orders "aye, sir"  Keyla replies small explosions surround them as the tiny ships start shooting at them "Shields at 82%"  Owo reports "we have a Breach on Deck 12 emergency Bulkheads engaged successfully"  Bryce reports "what is she doing!?!"  Saru hears Kehau whisper softly "who!?!"  he asks "Po!"  she replies with a whispered tone he looks at her oddly and she stares at the Viewscreen which makes him realize that Po is out there with the squadrons "focus!"  he hears Kehau whisper when she feels his worry increase he nods then orders "Mr. Rhys, set all Phasers for automatic targeting, maximum power and range"  Rhys replies "aye, Commander"  Saru orders "Owo, bring the Emergency Generators on line"  Owo turns to face him and reports "Shields holding at 70%"  Georgiou looks at Saru and says "Leland won't destroy this ship immediately he'll cripple us and take the data then he'll break Discovery down for parts"  Saru asks "do you have anything relevant to offer?"  Georgiou replies "invite him aboard"  Saru looks at her with a shocked expression on his face then says "whatever you have in mind, this is not a two-pronged mission the first priority is to get Discovery to safety with Commander Burnham"  Georgiou replies "for you, perhaps you should know me well enough by now to know I leave very little to chance especially when it comes to revenge"  then they hear Jett say as she walks onto the Bridge with the crystal in her hand "good to go Crystal's fully charged"  Saru orders "Ensign Tilly, go with her and make sure it gets to Commander Burnham safely"  Tilly rushes off to do as she was ordered "he means in case one of us gets dead along the way"  Jett says as they walk towards the turbo lift together "hurry!"  Saru calls out "I'm going, I'm going get off my ass sir get off my ass, sir" Jett replies Tilly's mouth opens in shock as Kehau shakes her head with a smile and a soft chuckle escapes her lips....

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