𝒗𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒏 𝑫

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Au= It's going to be summer soon and Draco has been chilling underneath the sun while using indecent clothing. (Not exactly indecent tho just like using vest without shirt and whatever.

I got the idea from a tiktok. Basically the girl said she lacks of vitamin d.

The sun is shining bright even before summer began at Hogwarts

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The sun is shining bright even before summer began at Hogwarts. Most of the students find the usement of using cooling charms effective nowadays as the sun stung their skin. But most choose to resist using them as they grew scared if they ever accidently casted since most of them are still unable to use magic outside of school.

Most of the students slump down and choose to drink more water to avoid being dehydrated. Cooling drinks are now mostly available all over the school and now the elfs must work twice to add ice all over the drinks.

Draco however were slightly content with this situation. As you can see the Manor were always slightly dark, and his dorm is in the dungeons which means he can't easily get sun rays and gained vitamin d for his body. His healer have mentioned that he have been lacking off vitamin d and recommend him to stay underneath sunrays for a around 10-15 minutes a day.

He was worried for his nice skin to be ruined by the sun, He did always use different expensive brand of moisturizer and they always have a great anti-SPF and a cooling charm while they're at it. He doesn't have to worry about getting a sunburn since his skin has always been pale. He wondered about some of the sunblock he owned and if he could uses it. His healer specifically mentioned he lacks of vitamin d. (That's not the only vitamin d he lacks off if you would like to know)

But, one morning before breakfast in the weekend he choose to test the product. Walking out using his trousers and a black suit vest without any layers underneath with black sunglasses laying underneath a tree as his minions were beside him sitting as they sip on iced drinks. He kept his full uniform in his bag of course.

"Is that Malfoy?" A slytherin ask an upperclassmen.

"Where on earth is his shirt?"

"Probably trying to attract Potter as usual." A Ravenclaw muttered as they shake their head at his act.

"Poor Daddy's brat wanting attention from a straight guy." Mock a Gryffindor.

"I'm sorry, did you just stated that Harry Potter—" a male Slytherin with pink hair began (sukuna moving to different dimension for a laugh KAKSOWJSJJA)

"Is straight?" A Gryffindor girl with short brown hair finish as the Slytherin boy complained.

"Shh, should we tell him about the time where he and Cedric—" a pink haired hufflepuff boy began as a messy dark haired Ravenclaw glared at his boyfriend. (I'm sorry I just have to).

"Mr. Malfoy what on earth are you wearing and doing?" McGonagall stepped near his laying position.

"Hey, Ron look Malfoy's under tree while practically being naked." Shout Dean as the Gryffindor clan came to view.

"He's using a vest, so not exactly naked Dean." Harry responded.

"Ooh, and it seems like he's in trouble." Someone else said at them.

Draco sits up and took off his sunglasses.

"Well, Professor I have an issues with lacking certain vitamins by one of my private healers and he recommended me to lay underneath the sun for an hour or so." LIES. he only need around 15 to 30 minutes. He's doing there is because he knew the Gryffindor students were going to share some activity there.

"And your point is Mr. Malfoy?"

"I'm merely getting some vitamin d from the sun since I can't get it from someone's son, Professor." This is the truth, since 'someone's son' is very oblivious.

"5 points from Slytherin for giving sexual innuendo in the middle of the field and first to third years students are around."

"But, Professor—" He gave up and gave her the letter that belongs to him.

"Not another word, Mr. Malfoy." She said as she read the letter. She nods at him.

"I was just wondering if someone can give me help for my lack of vitamin d. Specifically someone from your house."

"That is not my problem to sort, Mr. Malfoy." She replied as she takes notes of his problems.

The students booed at him, as Slytherins were cut for another 5 points before McGonagall choose to leave him alone.

Harry laugh as if this keeps going on Gryffindor may have another chance on winning the house cup. Again.

"Hey, Potter. Maybe you can help me with my lack of vitamin d." Draco mentioned as he smirks and wriggled his pale archy eyebrows at him.

"Yeah," he stuttered, "maybe I could." He added.


A Week Later

Draco was excited for his time, when Harry promised to give him what he wants.

He's going to be buggered. By Harry Potter, the love of his life since—well he doesn't know specifically but still he loves the man.

He was waiting when suddenly. Harry's snowy white owl, Hedwig as he known arrived with a large package in her legs.

Inside were different muggle brands of medicine for people with vitamin D deficiencies.

"What the fuck is this?"


Guess to who did Harry ask about medicine for people with vitamin d defficiency?

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