draco u annoying lil blond mf

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Draco was estatic when he received a letter on his Astronomy class desk

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Draco was estatic when he received a letter on his Astronomy class desk. He thought it might have been another hexed letter given to hurt him, but when he used the incatation nothing happens. Instead the letter fluttered happen and a effortless beautifully written letter flutter out.

It was a love letter.

For him.

From someone in his year. Probably a male since he can sense the slight musky, cedar, treacle tarts, and fresh parchments radiating from the letter. But who knows, if it's a girl he would just say he's not interested in girls.

There was no sign of lip print, which usually girls left on writing love letters around Hogwarts. Maybe the girl is different?

Someone likes him, after everything he have done. He doesn't know if it was genuine, but he felt happy for the first time in months.

He reads the letter and see some grammar mistakes. In the seventh sentence they forgot to put a comma and a apostrophe.

In the end of the letter they want to meet up later on the top of Astronomy tower. Draco was clearly interested in meeting them as how they explained their feelings for him. He held the now corrected letter in hand.

~Time skip cause I ran out of ideas~

The time was near as Draco sneak out of his bedroom. Zabini was sleeping and groaning lightly in his bed, obviously deep in his dreams. He walked out, making sure to not be caught since Filch loved catching eight year students out of bed, and giving them different chores as detention instead. He held the robes harder as he felt the cold night air around him.

Don't remember where his feet takes him he was now on top of the Astronomy Tower. Looking down as he held the railing. He had been there, wanting to kill his past headmaster. Albus Dumbledore was a great man, manipulative with his plans, but indeed great. Draco wondered what would have happened if he had the guts that night when he was told to murder him.

He wouldn't be as freely as he was in the past, he was released due to no trace of the Killing Curse, only the Cruciatus and Imperius. Which he wondered when did he recently used his wand for those curses? He remembers Potter taking the wand from his hand forcefully in the Manor.

Did Potter used his wand to use two out of three Unforgivable curses? If that's correct then maybe Potter deserve to be in Azkaban. After all he did annihilated the Dark Lord, he might be a terrible man but murder is murder. 

But, then again Potter did his bidding to save the Wizarding World. Not him, who did his bid and choose the easy way out of life, licking a halfblood feet while being a pureblood supremacist.

He sighs as he held the cold metal, and cast a charm with his wand. Potter have given it back through the Weasley family stupid owl, who kept on sending his wand to Drake Malloy on another part of Wiltshire instead.

"You haven't been waiting for long have you?" Said A voice as Potter revealed himself from the Invisibility Cloak.


So the Invisibility Cloak is real?  Or is it those similar cloak who use charms instead?

"Potter?" Draco spat.

"Malfoy?" Potter replied back.

"What on Merlin's saggy pants are you doing here?" Questioned the blond.

"Well I'm the one who sent you the letter you see." Potter grinned at him. The grin he usually only shows to his other five friends.

"No wonder why there was a few grammatical error." Draco sassed.

"I heard you like constellations so I brought you here." Said Potter as he smiled and gave him the travel-friendly telescope.

"This doesn't change anything. I still hate and bothered by your existence." Draco replied at him. Eyes rolled as he eyed the telescope and see through it.

The night was full of stars that night. It was beautiful if only Potter wasn't there beside him and ask all about the constellations on the sky.

"Potter, about that sickeningly annoying love letter you gave me..."

"What are your thought about it, Malfoy?" Potter ask him, Draco couldn't notice if it was genuine or not.

"The seventh sentence..." Draco began.

"Yeah, I know. That's where it gets pretty emotional and—" Potter was cut off as Draco put his finger on his lips and pull out the letter.

"You forgot a comma and an apostrophe." He pointed out, showing the mistakes on the letter he have corrected.

"Well, okay. Anything else?" Potter looks up to meet his eyes.

"Nothing else." Said Draco as he pat Potter's back and leave the letter on Potter's hand.

"Wait—Oh, well I still have the teles—never mind he took it too."

"And that's how i lost the first man i have ever loved." Harry sighed.

"I'm over here. You arse." Draco threw cookie crumbs towards him.

"Hold on but what about Cedric?" Lily ask

"What about him?" Draco grumpily ask her.

"Well he is Dad's first love. So it makes sense that there's a chance Dad still haven't forget about him and not to mention the story between him and Dad." Scorpius explain.

"Pfft, so what if he is Potter's first love. He died anyway." Draco grumpily said. Rolling his eyes as he take another bite of his husband's cookies

"Father, that's mean." Albus said.

"Father mean dadda."

"Oh, come on. You're making me look bad here Potter. Atleast, I still try to give you a chance and marry you. And look 2 of our children inherited the black mop of sea urchin you call hair." Draco said as he ruffles Lily and Albus's hair.

"Am I not your son, Father?" Scorpius ask.

"Merlin. Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy Potter, the Malfoy's are currently the only family who still actively have white-blond hair. Of course you are my son."

"I just thought—"

A laughter erupted as Draco notices Lily and Albus appear to be missing.

"Potter, come back here!"


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