「𝙳 𝚛 𝚊 𝚌 𝚘 ' 𝚜 ∙ 𝚃 𝚑 𝚘 𝚞 𝚐 𝚑 𝚝 𝚜 ∙ 𝙾 𝚗 ∙ 𝙿 𝚘 𝚝 𝚝 𝚎 𝚛」

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Disclaimer= All Harry Potter characters belong to Pansy Parkinson. only made the story from plot/headcannon/au i find online.


~ 𝙳 𝚛 𝚊 𝚌 𝚘

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~ 𝙳 𝚛 𝚊 𝚌 𝚘

It was currently lunch time in the Dining Hall. I look around the Slytherin table to see my seating space. Pansy is sitting on my right Blaise on my left. Crabbe, Goyle, and Theo on the other side of the table. He viewed the other tables. Each of them filled with students eating their meal. Some playing around and telling some crap they call as jokes.

I look over to the Gryffindor table to see the oblivious-idiot-with-hero-complex. Where's Potter? Is he making out with the Weaslette? I thought. I look over to see the Weaslette talking with her friends. The Weaslette is here, So where the fuck is Potter?, Atleast I know He's not making out with the Weaslette. I don't know why but I feel happy knowing that. Do not think it was because of Jealousy and that I fancy the Weaslette and Saint Potter is the one who got her. It's more like I'm being jealous of that poor- not pretty-blood like hair-freckles all over her face weasel manage to get her hands on Harry Potter.

How for Merlin's tits sake did the Harry Potter fell in love with someone like the Weaslette?

Everyone like blondes. So, why is Harry Potter not? Did he think blondes are unnattractive? Then again, he was pretty close with Lovegood with her dirty blonde hair. He was also close with Longbottom who's also blond. And seems to have a itty bitty crush on Fleur Delacour in her pale skinned-platinum blonde- blue eyed- veela descent- french glory.

The Weaslette laugh at something she said. Some of the boys from the other table bewitched by her laugh. She was covering her mouth and throwing her head back laughing quite loud at the joke her friend tell her.

"Damn Gingers."

"What?" Pansy ask him.


It's not a lie that everyone in Hogwarts know that the Weaslette has feelings for Potter. Potter is just to oblivious to notice those thirsty girls around him. I even remember the time when Pansy or Daphne has feelings for him. I must admit he was quite attractive for the eyes.

His messy hair look like he's just been fucked or just did a quickie. His green eyes always shining. Those old fashioned round glasses that instead of making him look ugly, make him look deliciously adorable. As I drifted to my tought of my 'Enemy'(crush, but no one have to know that) The door to the Dining hall opened and Potter walked in with Granger, Weasley, Thomas and his boyfriend Finnigan, and Schlongbottom. 

He looks so handsome, I thought seeing him walking towards the Gryffindor table. He was smiling and returning the greetings other students gave him. I even see him gave a small smile to a few Slytherins that greeted him on the way to his table. Jealousy grew inside me. How dare he greet those Slytherin students but didn't greet me. (Do🙄 you👈🏻 notice🥳 me👉🏻? Do🙄 you👈🏻 notice🥳 me👈🏻? I👉🏻 just🙃 wanna🔫 know💎 shawty💸 do🙄 you👈🏻 notice🥺 me🐍?)

(shawty is okay to say right? Cuz, I'm scared if I might offend some people about this or it could be another like slurs word. I'm just trying to entertain my readers here.)

I want to see him shirtless, I thought again as I see him standing near Finnigan while Thomas was pointing at some magazines. He's not wearing his robes. His robes and school vest were at the table a Gryffindor who's holding it is probably sniffing his cologne. He's tie and collar were kind of loose. He rolled up his sleeve, showing his forearm. Those muscles looks good. He probably has abs down there. Should I mention the way he just appeared behind Dean Thomas? Slamming his hands on the table. I don't know which I want to be more. Dean Thomas at the moment or the table.

I want to run my hands through his hair, I thought as I still keep looking at him. His jet black hair looks messy but it also looks very soft. I bet it smells good. His hair looks overly like he just fucked someone and doesn't care about fixing his hair. Why does Harry fucking Potter looks so attractive to him?

I want to cuddle with Him, Hugging him will make me feel super warm. Has the Weaslette ever been hugged by him. He must have a strong grip. It must be nice to hug his hands. Look at those muscles Quidditch has done wonders to his body. He viewed the veins popping as he Harry grip the table as he read the magazine.

I want to be underneath him. Gosh it would be wonderful. Those green eyes looking back to my silver ones. As he pound in to me like there was no tomorrow. His grunts and moans. His dirty talks. Him complaining about how tight I am. Him speaking parseltongue while rubbing and gripping on my dick.

Oh, How his hands looks wonderful around my dick

And his mouth around my dick looks even better.

"Draco?" Pansy said looking at me. "Huh?" I said looking back at her. "Are you okay? I know Potter is attractive but you're gonna burn some holes to his head."

"I hate Potter. Oh my god, Stop asking me Pansy." replied." Sure you do. It's not like you weren't giving him the heart eyes and undressing him ever since he walk in." Pansy said to him.

"Shut up, Parkinson." I said glaring at her.


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