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All Harry Potter characters belong to Ron Weasley. I only borrow the brilliant characters that he make. only made the story from plot/headcannon/au i find online.

AU = 8th year AU when some students are bullying the Slytherins for being a 'coward' and Harry stands up for them.

Happy Reading :)

The 8th years were currently having a free time

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The 8th years were currently having a free time. Teachers having meeting. The year was finally different in Hogwarts with the defeat of the Dark Lord and Death Eaters on the run (thanks to Lucius Malfoy's cooperative by giving all of the Death Eaters name for exchange of House Arrest and clearing his wife and son's name).

"Well-well, looks like the 'Slytherins Purebloods' are having a great time. You should be grateful you're still here rather than rotting away in Azkaban along with your Death Eater parents." There goes the peace and quiet at Hogwarts as Terry Boot said the word glaring harshly at the Slytherin table dropping venom in every sentence.

"Excuse me?!" Pansy Parkinson said standing up putting her hand on her hips as she gave Terry Boot a piece of her mind. "Do you think that noseless-psycho gave people choices? Our parents choices are either join or die. Do you think we want to be on their side?" Pansy said glaring at Terry.

"We have no choice!" Blaise and Theo both said at the same time. "How should we believe that?" Zacharias Smith said. "Slytherins doesn't even join the war. You were locked up in the Dungeons." Ernie Macmillan continued.

"Yeah, Slytherins are nothing but cowards." A Ravenclaw girl said. "Draco is really kind actually he kept me and Mr. Ollivander well kept." Luna said quite loud at the Ravenclaw table. As the other Ravenclaw give her glares.

"Blaise and Theo help me block the curses from the Death Eaters" Ron said giving a annoyed look at Terry, Ernie, and Zacharias. "Because Blaise is your boyfriend, Weasley. Would he help you if you're not his boyfriend." Zacharias spat giving a disgusted look at Ron.

"Pansy receive a Cruciatus for protecting me. We weren't dating then" Hermione said. "She has a crush on you of course she would do that." A Hufflepuff said

"We, Slytherins actually fought in the battle. If you were fighting a someone you don't know. Most of us Slyherin actually fight with our OWN family." Daphne said glaring at them.

"Draco receive a lot of Cruciatus and get torcher from his crazy aunt because he lied to everyone about Harry in the Malfoy Manor" Goyle said standing up. "Milicent is in the Hospital Wings because she receive a lot of Crucios protecting the younger ones." Draco finally said.

"Why are you still standing up for yourself then? Embarrassed that your rich pureblood family name is nothing more than trash now." Terry said again. "The Slytherins has done enough for the school, Boot" Ginny said glaring at her.

"Astoria died because she saves me" Hannah Abbot said standing up at the Hufflepuff table. "They're still those sneaky slimy snakes that hides under the wealth and good name of their family, Hannah" Zacharias spat at Hannah voice rising.

"Leave the Slytherins alone. And that's a warning" Harry Potter said as he stands up and cross his hands on his chest. "Yes, they have did terrible things. But they have done enough to save this school many Slytherins died as well. Unlike us, They all fought with their own family. Professor Snape was working a long side Dumbledore and gave the Healing potion to Draco for students that got torchered because of the Carrow twins. If I heard you say anymore word about the Slytherins I'll make sure Mcgonagall find out and kick you out of Hogwarts." He said still calm.

"Because you're dating The Slytherin Prince, Potter" Terry spat at him glaring The-Boy-Who-Lived-Twice. "Brave of you too stand up for them. Remembering you were always on the run like cat and dog with Malfoy" He continued saying Draco's surname with disgust visible on his tone.

"Just because you save the Wizarding World doesn't mean you have more capabilities than us. Mcgonagall wouldn't listen to you. She knows you're dating a Slytherin of course you would exagerate some stuff" Ernie said.

"Go on then let's battle" Zacharias said drawing out his wand from his robes. Followed by Ernie and Terry who also draw out their wands.

"I'm the fucking boy who lived. Of course Mcgonagall would listen to me. Sure, Smith let's see who won" Harry said pulling his wand while smiling dangerously at Smith.

"I'm fucking the boy who lived!" Draco said. "He quickly grab the three boys whispering them. "I'm reminding you, okay. The last time someone piss him off is Voldy trying to hug me and he killed him." Draco said as the three boys were wide-eyed and start to look scared. "The last time I piss him off. He fucked me senseless for 6 hours. So, I'm reminding you becareful with him" he continued as he left the three wide-eyed and scared as the three quickly excused themself and said sorry to the Slytherins.

"What did you say to them?" Harry ask hugging Draco from behind wrapping his hands around Draco's waist and leaning his head to Draco's shoulder.

"Nothing, Just stating facts."


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