Johnnys summer job p3

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Johnny hardly slept that morning. For one reason the time was new for him to sleep since he had the night shift and the other reason he couldn't let go of the Conversation he herd between his boss and Sammy. "Tell them you haven't seen the child. Then come get me." William had told Sammy. What child though? And why? What for? What was going on?

  He got an answer to one of his questions later that night at dinner, from his uncle. "Another child went missing." He told Johnny as he finished a bite.

Johnny's eyes widen from the terrible news. "Really? Who was it and where this time?"

His uncle sipped his coffee and sighed. "It was the neighbors kid, Nicole. She went missing near the playground." He replied. "Listen Johnny. I want you to be very careful. The police is starting to suspect someone has taken this kids."

Johnny nodded, understandable" I will uncle."

The rest of their dinner went by in silence. Sadness for all this missing children around. Johnny felt bad for the parents of these kids who didn't know were there baby's were. He felt bad for the kids to. Who knew what was happening to them. But then he remembered the Conversation his boss and Sammy had last night. The shame and gilt is Sammy's voice he herd. It scared him to think they'd be the ones doing this. He hoped it wasn't true. But he had to know. He was going to investing the place tonight right after asking Lacie about it first.

  Once he got to work later that night, he saw Sammy at the prize corner, restocking more prizes on the shelves. Johnny wondered if he should go up and talk to him.  Maybe he'd get a few clues from him. Or maybe he'll figure out he was on to him and William if he did go up and question him. He doesn't want that. He needed to find Lacie to plan something out.

Sammy must of got the feeling of being watched because he looked back at Johnny's way. Johnny quickly looked away from him and started walking away, like he knew nothing. He hoped Sammy didn't see him watching.

After putting his Belongings in his locker he went to find Lacie in the back. She was sitting on a stole in the corner, reading over today's task. "Oh hey. Good you here." She said looking over at Johnny. She was of sense something off Joey or something because she looked at him strangely. "What's wrong. Did something happen?"

Johnny walked over to her while nodding. "Yea. Did you here about the kid that just went missing?"

"This morning?" She ask him. "Yea I did. That's so sad." She shook her head in sadness. "She's the fifth one to. Wonder who's taking them." She stated staring down at the ground.

"Lacie...I-I- think I have reasons to believe that it was William and Sammy." Johnny admits.

Lacies gaze snapped at him from the floor in shook. "Why? What on earth make you come up with that idea!?" She asked.

"Because I over herd some of there Conversation last night!" Johnny replied. "William told Sammy to tell the police that he didn't see anything and to report to him after. Plus that red stuff that did look like blood

Lacie rolls her eyes at this. "Johnny. Listen to your self. That's insane!" She said with pity. "Why would they kill when they work here? How would they manage to kill five kids without being caught?" Poor Lacie couldn't see William or Sammy hurting people.

"God. Your both are to loud with this." Said a voice from the door way. They both jumped up and look over at the figure.

It was Sammy Lawrence. He was leaning on the door,watching them. Johnny wondered how long he's been there and how much he'd over herd. Johnny just started back with suspicion in his eyes. "Why are you here Sammy?"

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