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Ever since Susie was a kid she always wanted to be a voice actress. she would spend hours creating voices for different characters she made up. She would listen to her favorites and copy them. And she did Theater in middle and high school. And it college

Her brothers and sisters use to tease her with the voice and being a nerd. But as she was in plays they were there to support her dream. And they still do.

She now sits in the lobby waiting Nervously for her interview in her nice pink dress and her hair pulled up professionally.  Beside her is all her school Records and diplomas. The information on the two jobs she had before and the one she has now.

She watches the people here. Some she can tell they won't famous like the janitor. The man carrying projector and the one that's sitting at the desk.

But she could tell there was some higher up people. A handsome blonde man with a much of music sheets. A beautiful lady with a violin. A man with a sketch went by as well.

"Susie Campbell?" The lady at the desk called. "Mr. Drew is ready for you."

Susie nodded and grabbed her folder then walked down the hall tours joeys office. She knocks on the door then opened it. "Mr Joey drew?"

"You must be Susie?" He ask.

"Yes sir." She nodded.

"Ah! do come in!" He offered.

Susie walked in, closing the door and sitting in the chair next to the desk. "I brought everything I needed sir. My grades. My work information. My College degree."

"That's fantastic! Let's see!" Joey holds out his hand.

Susie handed it to him and waits for him to look it over. "Ah. I see you done well in life Ms. Campbell."

"Thank you sir. That means a lot." She smiles.

Joey closes the folder and looked at her. "Where about to release a new character and need a voice for it." He pulls out a page from a script and hands it to her. "Read over the lines for Alice angel with the voice you think it's best." 

Susie looked over at the lines a few times then said them when a high pitch voice. "Hi I'm Alice angel."

"No! I'm a angel not a demon!"

"You silly demon!"

Joey nodded as she said all the lines. "Good. I like that! I like you! I think you would be perfect for the role. What do you say?"

"Really?! Yes! I would love to play her!" Susie replied.

"Awesome! You can start tomorrow! I'll see you then!"

Susie was so happy. She quit her job at the movies and celebrate with her friend at the bar. "I'm so proud of you!" They said

"Thank you! This is going to be so fun!!" So she thought.

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