🎄Christmas dress🎁

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Request by: @dumechild thank you!

Sammy felt awful for what Joey made him do to his girlfriend. Alice Angel was her idol and beloved character and he had to be the one to fire her from it and tell her it was given to the new Voice actress, Allison Pendle. Susie was heartbroken and very pissed at Sammy. She hadn't talked to him in three days nor return his calls. Sammy hated Joey for making him be the one but he also hated himself for doing the firing. Even Susie's friends were upset at him.

Sammy was sitting at his desk, trying to concentrate on his music, but all his mind was on was Susie and how he was going to fix it. After a while of not coming up with anything he slammed his head on the desk just before his good friend Jack came in. "Sammy? What's wrong?" Jack ask. He knew Jack since college and could always come to when needing advice.

"It's ...it's Susie she's upset since I replaced her on Alice Angel." Sammy sat up and looked at his friend.

Jack sat next to him on his desk, wanting to help his friend out. "I heard about that? She's very unhappy.." he replied.

"She is." Sammy agreed. " I don't know how to fix it or at least try to fix it.." Sammy's gaze went to his desk again, he didn't wanna see any pity look right now for him. This was his fault, even if Joey's the one who planned it.

"How about buy her her something? It's almost Christmas anyways! But give her a gift before. She loves gifts! Oh and give her flowers to!" Jack says after a minute of thinking. He had already give his friends great advice and loved to help them in there need.

Sammy nodded to Jack. "Jack, your a genius!" Sammy replied with a big grind. "Thank you Jack."

"Hey it's what I do best, Sam!" Jack return to smile, patting his shoulder before Heading out. "Hey good luck sam!" He called from down the Hall.

"Thanks Jack!" Sammy called back.

That night he headed to the mall to look look for something she would like. He tried many different stores to find the perfect gift for Susie like the perfume store and the book store but she doesn't like books and they didn't have the right one for Susie. But he did came across a clothing store for fancy clothes and decided to take a look.

He stepped in and went down one of the many rolls of clothes, glancing at each item. A blue dress that hugged you? no. A pink polkadot outfit? mmm Nope. He looked and looked at was about to give up on this place something caught his eye. A bright red because Christmas dress that Sammy know she would love. Sammy checked the size and found it to be the perfect fit. He grabbed the dress and went to pay for it.

Before he left the mall he bought some chocolate and flowers also as had the dress wrapped in a beautiful present.

"Susies?" Sammy called out when he got though the door. "Susie love, I got you something."

Susie came down the hall about a minute later. "What is it Sammy?" She ask. Her voice was more sad then mad now after having time to calm.

"I bought you something." Sammy handed her the gifts and smiled when Sammys eyes lit up.

She smelled the flowers and ate a piece of chocolate before going to the main gift. "What is this?" She ask Sammy.

"Gotta open it and see." Sammy stepped up next to her.

Susie ripped open the box and carefully pick up the red Christmas dress. "Oh Sammy it's beautiful!" She gasp, examining the Beauty of it. "Thank you so much!" She turned around and gives him a kiss.

Sammy blushes and giggles. "If you hurry and get ready we could go out to eat." He replied.

Susie nodded and ran upstairs to get dress. Sammy watches for a moment before sighing a breath of relief. Without his best friend, Jack, giving him advice he wouldn't know what to do. He was grateful for him and for Susie.
Note: I apologize there most likey won't be any other Christmas story this year. November's project tired me out a bit and now I wanna get another story started. Happy holidays! :)

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