Hunted 3

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It's been five hours since Joeys sick game started. And 2 hours since she lost Henry. She didn't know how she and him got spit up he was with her one minute then gone the next.

She regrets falling for Joey Drew's charms. Her father would be ashamed of her if he knew what kind of man Joey is. He's a cheater. He's abusive according to Sammy and grant. And he's a psycho.

He mother had always told her she was to naïve. She didn't believe her tell tonight. Getting involved with her boss was the most stupidest thing she could ever had done.

At lest she managed to fine the only stairway that's opened. She looks around then heads up to the top. Sadly it was only one floor up but she will take it.

This floor was much more lit up and looks much more promising. He begins down the hall and only got a few feet when she herd a bark. She slowly turns around and saw two large dogs at the end of the hall. They look vicious and ready to attack.

"N-nice doggies..." Susies said trying to sound like she wasn't scared as she took. Step back from them.

The dogs growled.

"G-good doggies..." Susie took another step back. Her eyes searching for anything to use as a weapon. But the only thing she saw was behind the dogs. The only thing left to do was to run.

So she took off away from them. The dogs barks and chases Susie with great speed and was on her vary quickly. One of them jumps on top of her, Knocking her down and bitting Into her arm. The other one digging its teeth in her leg.

She screamed and cries. Why was this happening to her? She done nothing to deserve this! She was always good! Naïve but good! She always got good grades, listened to her parents and teachers. Did he job while others slacked off. She can't see any reason why she was being attacked by dogs right now!

The one that was on her arm bit down harder and broke her arm, sending excruciating pain, making her scream and cry harder.

A whistle came from behind and the dogs got off her. Susie lefts her head to Joey standing over her, the dogs behind him.

"I see you met my dogs." He simply smiled and pet there heads. The dogs wagging there tail.

"W-why are you doing this?" She sobbed.

"For the fun of it, sus." He replied. "Now. I'll give you a minute to run before I'll send them back on you."

"But j-Joey.." Susie tries to stop him.

"Time already started. Tick tock tick tock" Joey said.

Susie pulls herself up and limps as fast as she can down the hallway.

"45 seconds!" Joey warns her.

She had to make more ground. Had to get Farther away from them. Her leg hurts like hell but she didn't let that stop her.

"30 seconds!" Said Joey.

Half a moment left. She turns the corner and hops on her good leg to quicken her speed.

"15 seconds." She said to her self as he keeps count the time. She continued to hope down the hall as fast as she could.

Then she herd the whistle and the dogs was off to search for her. She had some time before she had to hide. But she needed a room with a door and pretty quick to for the dogs are near.

She turns another corner and saw the room she needed. Good. Because the dogs were behind her now. She made herself go faster even though she was exhausted.

The dogs were getting closer as she was about to reach the room. Another a few more hops she was in. She turned around fast to slammed the door but one of the dogs managed to pull his head in. Susie pressed against the door. The dogs mouth was so close at chewing her arm off but not able to reach it.

Still she had to get this door closed. She looks around. There was a broom in the room but that's it. And it was on the other slide. "Fuck! What do I do?!" She asked herself, the dog almost knocking her away from the door. But she didn't.

She suddenly got an idea. She took off her necklace from around her neck then she threw it over the dogs head. The dog herd it fall behind it and went to check, leaving Susie to close the door.

She slid down and rest her head on the door. Exhaustion creeping back in. As well as the pain. Susie looks at her broken arm then her tour up leg. She was going to kill Joey if she makes it out alive.

She wonders about the guys. What other tricks did Joey have up his sleeve. What were they dealing with? Bees? Other dogs? Being shoot...

Her breath hitches when she herd joeys voice near. The dogs start to claw at the door. Susie knew they were telling him were she was. She had to do something before he or the dogs got in! Susie looks to the broom and starts for it. 

Joey goes to the door his dogs were pawing at and opens it. "Bring" he commanded. The dogs run in the door room. He her Susie yelling then they drags her out to him, by her legs.

Joey grabs his gun from his shoulder and points it at her head.

"Help! Please someone help me!!!" She scream and tries to get away from them all. But the dogs have ahold of her legs

Joey puts his finger on the trigger and smiles.


Joey pulls the trigger only to it being out of bullets. "Bang." He chuckles.

"W-what...?" She ask in pain.

Joey lowers the gun. "Cage" he commanded his dogs.

They dogs let her go then ran off back to there cage someplace else.

Joey picks up Susie and took her to another room near by and sat her in a chair. He again pulls out a first aid and handcuffs. He pulls out the Medicine and starts cleaning her bites.

  After that he puts her broken arm in a sling he makes with his jacket then, handcuffs her leg a pipe. "I'll come for you when the games over" he told her and left.

Joey switches the gun out for his bow and arrows. This were more fun anyways. Now where was Henry and Sammy at?

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